
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Notice from Pacific County

Only a test....What if it was the real thing?

Notice from Pacific County:

This is a message from the Pacific County Emergency Management Agency. Tomorrow, October 17 at 10:17 a.m. the AHAB sirens in Pacific County will be activated for the Great ShakeOut. The activation will feature the actual siren wail. It is only a test.


Storm wave entering out fall, winter 2018 

Close to top[ping the dune

What would we do if it was a real emergency?
It will not have to be the "Big One" for Surfside to have loss of life and property damage. A wave of ten feet would be a disaster.  We are more likely to have smaller tidal waves than the big one.  We can be more defensive against a smaller one than a larger one. We would only have twenty to thirty minutes to evacuate after the siren warning.  We will not survive the "Big One", but we could survive the smaller ones, IF....

The two outfalls provide a funnel that will concentrate the wave energy into a massive wave that will top the dunes and flood the entire area from J Place to the dunes.  This can happen with a king tide during a storm.  This outfall danger can be corrected.

The Oysterville Road beach approach is a low spot, where flood water can enter and flood Surfside. This can also be corrected by elevating the approach.  

The dunes provide protection from high waves. These dunes need to be protected and low spots filled in. 

Surfside is the only area in Pacific County that has NO evacuation signs.  Locals know where the high ground is, but how many clam diggers know, on a dark evening clam dig? 

Surfside is not prepared for the "Big one" let alone the smaller ones.  It is the smaller ones, that we can do something about.  It's called prevention and being prepared. 

For us here on the far North end of the peninsula, when you hear the sirens, it only means that you have 20 to 30 minutes to say good bye. 



  1. As long as it doesn't hit me up on the ridge, I'm fine with it. Can take away some of those pesky trees too, better for my view. While it's at it, a bonus would be my nagging wife down there. Life would be great.

  2. Nice picture, seen that first hand several times.... Amazing how much sand gets pushed around in 6 hours time

  3. 2:25 Not even funny.

  4. Nice post 225. I for one will be on the ridge with you, I'll make sure to load my vehicle full of Water, booze, and bullets!

  5. 4:55 Bullets? Perfect example of a threat.

  6. no threat, just need those things when times go bad, in this case, the aftermath of a tsunami.

    Best you get yours too.

    1. With enough disinfectant we could turn Clancy's place into a bordello, though the prostitute may not lower their standards to enter it. Best keep it at Williams place, already an eyesore that has seen debauchery.

  7. The Gary Williams house paint color should be banned. It's a safety issue. It blinds me as I'm driving by.
    I'll call a special meeting.

  8. 9:34 Again, not funny. As the entire Peninsula including J Place will turn to liquid creating basically quicksand, I suggest you and your associate save least two bullets to be split evenly amongst you both.

  9. yes, bullets. They are good for defense, small and easily stored and don't degrade easy. Use them for barter.

  10. Still not funny 12:13. Seen as a veiled threat. 10:39 read 4:55. Don’t need people like that here, specifically if there is an emergency. For those of you who say forget it. Just a joke. Consider the mind that would even think thoughts like that and how likely they would perform that way when stressed. Fight or flight, I believe it would be Flight, but maybe not. Just trying to be a big shot.

  11. poor 5:14, the mind that thinks these thoughts has thought it out and is prepared for the worse. You, probably not. Unfortunately, you will probably be one of the first to perish in a disaster. Be prepared or not?

  12. So 8:10 your “thought out plan” is to shoot your neighbors if they need help. You had best wish that some other twisted mind has the same plan for you.

  13. i didn't say anything about shooting my neighbors, but you are twisting it that way. Bullets are for protection and can be used for barter.
    Get over yourself

  14. Get over it 8:34 AM.

  15. LOL, up late 1224am? worried about the tsunami and the bullet man?
