
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

North Beach Water Trouble

North Beach Commissioner speaks out...

North Beach Water is having problems. Sounds like they have a water manager like ours. 
The reply below is from one of the three water commissioners they have, in response to a Face Book comments about having to drink bottled water because of the chlorination.  And they want to ties our water system with theirs?  No thanks. 

The Reply....(at least they respond)

  • Gwen Brake We have had a couple of bad coliform samples which triggers the infusion of chlorine to resolve the issue. But because of the two hits we had in September, the Department of Health is requiring us to do continuous chlorination. We are fighting this ruling but are newly required to install chlorination stations throughout the system to disinfect when there is an issue. There will be a test of the system when we comply with the trial period. We are proposing multiple other steps to avoid continuous chlorination. Commissioners went to Olympia to meet with DOH and State Senator Takko. DOH agreed to review our proposals but promise to be rigorous in their review. Commissioners agree 100% with your unhappiness. Protecting the health of our subscribers has to be our top priority but protecting our pristine water source is a close second.


  1. This explains why he has been asked to retire.

  2. Does anyone know if it was our crew or North Beach's crew that was cited for not answering to a state safety and health official?

  3. This is new information for me. This is the kind of information they keep quiet. I am sure the truth will come out in time. We would be interested to know more about this. North Beach is much more forth coming than Surfside. I found it also interesting that the North Beach Commissioners went to Olympia for negotiations about their water issues. This is what Surfside should be doing, not having a rogue Board member taking charge of something he knows nothing about. This without Board approval. The Board should remove this individual from the Board.

  4. Looks to me like North beach has a lot of legal and complaints just like surfside. Bet they wish they had never heard of surfside or Bill Neil. I know I do.

  5. Can you be more specific? I find nothing and have never seen a footer at the bottom of a page in the weekender. Are you getting this confused with another publication. I find nothing in the Board summary.

  6. Yes, there was a violation, but it does not say who. There are a number of contractors working in surfside, including County road and PUD. You have made an assumption based on incomplete information. You need to find all the facts before you state it was our employees. Not to say it wasn't, but you need more information. You are good at getting information under the FOIA. I am looking forward to what you find out. You may be onto something if true. It looks to me like it was a State worker.

    Here is what was posted. "On 09/30 I was dispatched to a Washington State L&I violation. The reporting party works for the
    State of Washington and a work crew had refused to give him their information. The L&I investigator
    stated he would cite the work crew for their violation"

  7. This is 10/16 8:01 AM.
    I do not know who the work crew was.
    The work crew could very well have been someone else.

  8. I have requested information on this. The deputy should have provided more information on this, especially if it was not Surfside crew. His report has created confusion, and we don't need that.

  9. Response from Bill Neal on my request for information about the L&I incident as reported in the deputy report. I think his reply just made it more important.

    " I have no knowledge of this incident. If this is important to you, you should ask Travis about it."

  10. There is an ad in the Chinook Observer, today, for a Water Manager at North Beach Water District. Did I get that right?

  11. Response from Tom Reber from my question if the work crew who refused to give a WA state L&I official information was a SHOA work crew or a contracted SHOA work crew.

    "No and No"

  12. Well, if Neal and Reber said it, it must be true.
    Both smart ass answers. Very professional. NOT They must be related, they are so alike. Maybe go to the same church.
