
Thursday, October 17, 2019


North Beach Water General Manager...

Looks like they figured out that they were paying to much.
Don't worry Surfside, we got Reber.

Click on the picture once or twice for a larger read:


  1. So, does our current GM have any experience in and with running a water department? Seems like the hole the SHOA leaders keeps getting deeper and dragging us into paying for the nonstop follies and arrogance.

  2. No actual hands on experience. Water people say he knows nothing. I am sure our board has prepared for this and have a plan. Sure, right. They got rid of Haskins, spent millions of dollars, and what have we got. We got water that is worse than before Neal. Good riddance to Neal.

  3. No, he doesn't know crap, which was apparent in discussions at yesterdays board meeting. It was also apparent by their questions that some of the trustees have begun to realize that he wasn't completely honest with his resume before being hired.

    And to Haskins who people like to bring up. A former trustee who was here at the time made a statement that he wasn't as good as people want you to believe here.

  4. Seams Haskins was better n cheaper than Neal. Your not gunna get the first string to come out here. We are a very small water supplier n shouldn't be that difficult, even remote mgmt would have cost alot less in the end.

  5. I sure would. Good pay and benefits and every holiday you can think of. No supervision, or anyone who knows enough to correct you on anything. Late start, early lunch extended, early quit and lots of driving around and around and back and forth. Sounds good to me.

  6. “How did my name get into this discussion?

    Was it because of all the things I had done, If you don't know you can look it up vs the current management.

    I'd come back, but NOT under the same terms as before. You guys really need some good help.

  7. Mr. Haskin:

    I was there. It came from Larry Raymer during the same water department discussions where Neal bashed Gil. Both, in my opinion, were uncalled for.

  8. Mr. Riley:

    Don't know where that would be. You always come across as being lit up so I don't believe location matters much.

  9. 10/21 11:33 AM
    I expect a much more false, angry, hateful, and mean personal attack on me than that. Come on, I know you have it in you.

  10. Looks like the crazed weasel is posting both anonymously and with his name to make it appear as though more people agree with him.

  11. Weasels eat a lot of rodents lol.
    There is plenty of food for me around here lol.

  12. He isn't the only one who does that 12:49.

  13. I do that to avoid being falsely and childishly personally attacked.
    Don't attack the messenger.
    This is not about me.
    The biggest thing I want for our HOA is for amendments to any governing documents to be decided by a two thirds majority vote of the membership.

    Interesting how your false and childish comment at 12:49 was left and my response comment was deleted.
