
Friday, October 18, 2019

Board Meeting Agenda

More of the same...

You will have 20 minutes to make a floor comment about the budget, which you have not seen. Your next opportunity to comment on it will be at the November Special Budget Ratification Meeting, proceeding the regular Board Meeting. By that time the ballots will have been sent out and the budget voted by most of the 300 to 400 members who vote. It takes over a thousand votes to reject a budget. So, do you think it will pass and do you think anything you have to say will make any difference?

If you liked last years budget, you will like this one, just more money. Business as usual, all screwed up. Seniors will see a social security increase of 1.6% and medicare increase will eat that up. Will the Surfside increase in dues and assessments exceed 1.6% ? 

Set Priorities For complience?

It is Miss Peggy who publicly stated that she wanted tree complaints to be a priority. That's what this is about. Will the J Place Board members and deLeest recuse themselves in this discussion? I expect this agenda item will be removed, as it should. 

That's all we need, a compliance officer going around with binoculars, looking at members property. Kinda like the tree committee does. Great way to bring harmony to Surfside. 

Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting AGENDA
October 19, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting (S. Winegar)
Adopt the October 19, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda (S. Winegar)
Safety Message (S. Winegar)
Deputy Report
Approval of the September 21, 2019 Regular Board Meeting minutes (S.
Floor comments (20 Minutes)

Old Business
Recognition of Larry Raymer
Request for clarification from Ronald and JoAnn McMurphy. Re:
lighting appeal status.
Modify approval of Skillings and Conley contract for work on the RV
compactor site plan- Ric Minich.
Discuss/act on concerns regarding RV storage site capacity – Ric

New Business
2020 Budget final draft presentation (R Turner)
Set a Special Meeting of the Membership, for Budget Ratification.
Set a Special Board Meeting to hold a hearing on the proposed changes
to the Lighting Covenant.
Approve a contract with Schwindt & Co for $2,500.00 to prepare a level
2 Reserve Study in 2020.
Award materials contract for the Oysterville loop extension to the Surfside
water system to HD Fowler Company in the amount of
Appoint Tom Rogers to the Architectural Review Committee.
Appeal of Complaint # 5383 for Al and Anne Woldrich at 19406 U
Trade President’s Day for the MLK paid holiday for staff and employees.
Set priorities for Compliance


  1. We are not a retirement community and it is not the board's problem that social security increases will only be 1.6 per cent. Obviously SHOA increases (if any) should only reflect what is needed to run the organization.

  2. Why isn't $1,241,350, 2019 dues, enough to run the organization?

  3. Yes, more of the same.

    Host will not attend, even though he spends a fair amount of time on the west side.

    Like last meeting there will be an inaccurate statement made concerning what was said at the meeting. Peoples comments who were there explaining what was said will be deleted.

    And of course the same J place hate here as usual. George thinks he's cute with his constant "Miss Peggy" line, both here and as anonymous. Again, all about the hate.

  4. You need to reread the minutes again George. The priority for tree complaints was concerning them being addressed before the escrow compliance issues, not in general.

  5. Are all the board member properties in full compliance with the CC&Rs?
    How about Miss Peggy's property?

  6. The comment about xxx number of dollars being enough or not just shows your ignorance (notice I didn't say stupidity). The board and the budget committee pay the same amount of dues as the bloggers. Really think they want to overpay? Of course our blog host created a budget for some kind of podunk store so maybe he should create the entire budget for all of us.

  7. 12:02 PM.
    What the heck is all that rambling nonsense about?
    Call me any name you wish. Whatever you say to me, bounces off me, and sticks on you.

  8. 10:21.... Aren't you full of yourself ? The fact that the Board has been involved in a 20 month cover-up of the Asbestos Debacle/EPA Criminal Investigation, as well as the Water Dept. falsification of permitting documents orchestrated by Mr. Clancy, puts the HOA Board of Trustees squarely in the middle of a criminal organization that refuses to abide by Federal, State and County standards.

    What you attempt to portray as "hate" of a personal nature, is just a way to dodge responsibility for the many poor decisions made that led to these very serious legal entanglements. Hate accomplishes nothing, and mischaracterizes what is really total disbelief that this organization WILL NOT embrace honesty and the State mandate for HOAs to conduct community business transparently.

    The State mandated (last July) that wetland mitigation in Surfside as a requirement, or the Carbon Treatment Plant and the Equipment warehouse would need to be relocated. After failing to resolve this matter for over a year, Mr. Clancy took it upon himself, without prompting or BOT approval, to set-up a meeting with the State/County representative. He failed to attend the meeting, making the Commissioner furious, resulting in a fine levied on Surfside of $1000/day, set to begin Oct. 1st.

    Fortunately Bill Neil and Larry Raymer were able to meet with the County and delay the fines until Oct. 30th, given the option of purchasing off-site land for mitigation at the cost of $90,000/acre. It is believed that Surfside will be required to purchase 3 acres at a cost of $270,000. The Board has until Oct 30 to agree to these terms, or the daily fines will commence.

    So it becomes very clear that the BOT in its' pact of secrecy deserves harsh criticism for failing to take the State and County seriously from the start, failing to COMPLY to State regulatory standards, failing to reign-in Mr. Clancy, failing to openly address these failures of management, and due to total incompetence, and put the membership in debt to the State to the tune of $270,000.

    Are we going to pretend that members have no right to be angry about all of this dishonesty ? It isn't hate we feel, but disgust and disappointment at the Board's poor judgement, and lack of solid principles. Notice that there is no indication that the permitting matter will be openly discussed in the Board Meeting tomorrow (Sat.). We know that this will be discussed in Closed Session, and that this is NOT a BOT SECRET. This is community business that will be paid with member dollars, and owners deserve transparency in the spending of member funds.

    Meanwhile, the Board is busy trying to concoct a "proactive compliance program" intended to sniff out the phantom compliance issues they pretend exist in Surfside, hire 2 Compliance Officers, and charge owners $200 for a new mandatory closing inspection of owner properties.

    Let's be clear. The wages of 2 compliance officers, and the legal costs involved in processing many more compliance demands, cannot be justified by the actual number of compliance "issues". Over a hundred Tree related compliance letters are sent out each year, with nearly all of them being bogus complaints filed by James Clancy and a couple of other owners.

    By comparison, only about 30 or fewer compliance matters are addressed that are NOT Tree complaints. Remember, complaints are not verification of non-compliance.

    This is all just a fake scare tactic to distract owners from the real travesty of a BOT that serves only its' own interests, and refuses to operate according to State regulations and transparency requirements. They have failed in their management so miserably, that the membership now owes the State at least $270,000 due to their incompetence. They have failed to routinely comply to County, State and Federal regulations, and are the ones who need to be policed for compliance, not the members.

  9. The $270K turns out to be about $125 per lot.

  10. 2,035 x $125 = $254,375.
    Anyway, what's your point?

  11. The board needs to go to closed session and remove Reber as General Manager. It is obvious to everyone that he does not have the experience or knowledge to manage an HOA with the issues we have. Rather than lead, he only follows. He does not even attend meetings with the county. We need someone with water experience that can meet the challenges surfside faces. He has proven that he lacks the urgent needs of this association. His removal would send a clear message to the members that the board is working to solve problems, not cover them up.

  12. They just increased it two yrs ago 13%. That was supposed to be it for many years to come. What happens if we don’t pay ever again? Can surfside take your house?

  13. 1:06 - So pissing away $270,000 isn't a problem ? And it's fine that you are not hearing anything at all regarding this directly from the Board of Trustees ? And it's not a problem that this is all due to one self-entitled Trustee acting on his own without Board approval ? You are a fool !

  14. Boy, Mr.Cox has you all stirred up again with false information, he should stop listening to two former trustees. There is no $270,000.00 fine what a Load of garbage. He should attend meetings and get the right information! Doesn’t even have the right names as too who went to the county to work things out! Only thing he’s got right so far is the crap Clancy has got us into! And then again folks voted him right back in even though he pouts and is verbally abusive at times in meetings. Go figure?

  15. 211 - the real problem is that self-satisfied Board. How can anyone lead when they are being micromanaged by 9 people? This was predicted to fail, and that prediction has come true.

    The only way this format will work is with clear delineation of duties between the board and the general manager. As I have seen no communication even close to this detail from the board, it is bound to fail, regardless of the person in the general manager seat.

  16. This board did not want a General Manager. They only wanted a stooge to blame, and they got one. This one has been gone for two weeks, does not attend County meetings and only attends the tree committee meetings. The joke is on us. Definition of the GM and the Board is DUMB & DUMBER.

    1. And of course when i made this blog aware of his past indescretions and short term last positions, people said give him a chance. Guess our HOA didn't care he couldn't keep a job with other HOAs, just needed a lackey

  17. 4:01.... You don't know what you're talking about. I didn't say there would be a "FINE" of $270,000 idiot. The State/County mandate is that Surfside will buy 3 acres of off-site land at $90,000/acre to be converted to wetland. This is their offer in exchange for the permitting of the Carbon Plant and Warehouse at their current location - in a designated Wetland. The initial mitigation discussion was with Larry Raymer and Bill Neal. They were able to procure a delay of the levying of daily fines of $1000/day on Oct. 1st when they were to commence.

    Who are you Mr. Know-it-all ? I know for a fact what happened. What the final arrangements will be are yet to be seen. It'll probably be explained in detail in the "Weekender" , don't you think ? You are pitiful !!

  18. 5:39 - I do recall your cautioning. But the members don't do the hiring, and whoever hired him had his records. I think your conclusion is accurate.

  19. When Neal said he (Reber) was not qualified to run a water program, Reber said he would take a course. Who will pay for the course? They need to get rid of this guy. Now we know why he could only hold a job short term.
