
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Speeding in Surfside

Is it a problem?

The monthly report by Deputy Travis, reports few speeding tickets and a few warnings.
This brings a few questions to mind:
Is he not writing enough tickets?
Are the speeders here when the deputy isn't?
Are some areas worse than others?

I live on 324th Place and have a great deal of traffic on the compactor open days.
In the 14 years I have lived here, I bet I could count the speeders on one hand.  I have seen complaints on the blog about speeding.  There really is no problem in my neighborhood.

If there is a problem in other areas, there needs to be some action taken. All of Surfside except North on I Street past the Inn, where the speed limit is 35 mph, it is 25 mph.
Would one of those electronic signs we see on Sandridge be a help?  Maybe it would be something that Surfside could purchase. Safety should be the number one priority.

At the Board Meetings, rather than have a safety message from the President on how to lift and ladders, etc..  How about a real safety message about real issues.  He could also include a message about workers safety and safety meetings.

I think it would be interesting and of value to hear comments here on speeding.  If there is a problem, it could be that many are not aware of a problem, including the Deputy and the Board.  If there is little or no discussion, it may be safe to assume that there is no issue, and that in itself would be good news.   


  1. The deputy has to be in surfside to do any good. I do see and hear speeding on M street, but usually same few individuals.

  2. The electronic speed reader board has been used but infrequently since 2001 when we moved here. It's great for calibrating my speedometer no matter what the speed. Love to ramp it up and then ramp it down !!

  3. Not a big issue in my opinion. Of course during the summer and on clamming days there are more outsiders coming through that don't follow the limits. People are going to do what they want. I see it on Sandridge all the time even with the signs.

    On a personal note, I had people walking on I give me the slowdown hand thing when I was doing barely 30 so sometimes it may be a perception issue, not speeding.

  4. No issue here on the west side. Travis has much better things to do than sit around and watch for speeders, he has to canvas the east back 40 for all the felons and meth heads that live there.

  5. Speeds exceeding 40 and 50 are a frequent occurrences on H. Locals, workmen, delivery trucks and even mail delivery all think a stretch of straight road is a pass to speed. The same thing happens on G and I. 8:12 does not know the west side very well.
    It is dangerous for wildlife, pets, walkers and bikers on the straight sections of our streets. Forbid children from playing on the streets. One was hit on a bike several years ago on H. I've had near misses while walking and biking and have buried pets and wildlife that have been hit and killed.

  6. Why don’t we use a radar camera? The camera that takes the picture if your speeding then “they” mail you a ticket.

  7. Then Travis can be out there to catch the real bad guys. It is hard for one person to watch for speeders on all the busy streets and chase down break ins, drug problems, thefts from cars and homes, domestic problems, squatters ect

  8. Speed bumps at strategic locations could also help cut down the dangerous speeding in Surfside.

  9. Speeding on " H " ? It's a stub street. You sure about that? And our roads are owned and maintained (somewhat) by the County. No way they will allow speed bumps. Even the law abiders will take issue with having to reign it down to 10-15 for a bump.

  10. 9:51, do actually read travis monthly report? Like to compare to what he does outside of surfside.

  11. H has one stretch that is a little more than 1 mile long. The Surfside Office is located on it. Yes, some Surfside owned trucks and worker vehicles are known to speed on H frequently as well.

  12. A lot of folks exceed the posted limit on G St. from the intersection with the street the bridge is on and beyond. It's not really a problem as it's less congested in that area, and the speeds aren't extreme. It's good that the crosswalks are well marked, as that requires pedestrians use caution and drivers be aware there are several on G St.

  13. Be careful what you wish for...

    Travis does a great job, a shame that people don't fully appreciate all he does for us. Only when we don't have our own contracted Sheriff will you realize how good we had it...

  14. I really appreciate travis every time i see him pulling people over outside of surfside. Like in ilwaco. Kind of like when i see our water dept working on northbeach lines.

  15. 6:53 Travis is not ours exclusively. As a reserve officer he is obligated to dedicate an amount of duty time as a County Deputy. So if he pulls somebody over outside of Surfside, he is just doing what he is supposed to. Go bitch about something that may really alter, this doesn’t.

  16. Our crews have a reciprocal agreement with NB. It evens out.

  17. How can a "reserve" officer get paid for a full time position in a county uniform? You need get facts straight. Not long ago contract with county was renegotiated because of budget cuts, his time dedicated to shoa was cut back. Far as north beach, who pays for liability ins. When shoa water works outside surfside? Thats the problem with mixed loyalties. Like surfside water training individuals that end up with northbeach.

  18. Sorry 5:11 but as far as Travis and his employment you don’t know S—t. Think about serving in the National Guard and how they train at specific times and dates while holding a regular full time job. Travis’ full time job requires him to perform as a County Deputy. His “part time job” also requires him to wear the uniform and perform as a peace officer. Only difference is that we support his full time position, the County supports his part time position.

    1. The Board of Trustees of the Surfside Homeowners Association shall provide for Sheriff’s Patrol for the purpose of maintaining the security and safety of all Surfside.
    2. It shall be the objective of the Board of Trustees to contract with Pacific County Sheriff’s Office to have an agreement mutually beneficial which will provide cost-effective patrol of Surfside area as well as enhancement of the general security of the North end of the Long Beach peninsula. To this end it is mandatory that:
    3. Surfside Sheriff’s Patrol personnel shall be a commissioned reserve/regular officer of Pacific County.
    4. SURFSIDE shall abide by all terms and conditions of the negotiated contract between SURFSIDE and Pacific County and the Pacific County Sheriff’s Office.
