
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Information, Miss-information & No Information

And old information....

A reading of the calendar in the WeakEnder, shows the August Board Meeting is at 9 am on Saturday August 10th.  Unless it has been changed, in the 14 years I have been here, it has always been on the third Saturday of the month. This would make the meeting on August 17th. Maybe the meeting days have been changed.

It should also be noted that the Kill Tree Committee is scheduled for their committee meeting on Friday August 2, 2019.  They usually meet the Friday before the Board Meeting. Was this also a change made at a committee meeting or an error.  A check of the "Official" Surfside web site and the committee minutes, show the last posted tree minutes as March of 2019. That's almost 6 months ago.

So what is right and what is wrong?  Who knows?  And a better question might be....Who cares?