
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Special Board Meeting

AKA...secret meeting

There was nothing in this motion that could not have been discussed in an open meeting with advance notice given to the members.  Members should have been given the opportunity to express their views.

In light of the current mess, I don't know who in their right mind would even want the job.
I think it is the right decision to seek a person for this position, but it will make no difference in our association if the Board continues with it's micro-managing.  The real problem is the Board.

The job search is being done by the least experienced Board members. I hope they come up with more than a help wanted sign in the window or a notice of help wanted posted on Jacks Country Store bulletin board.  On second thought, maybe the least experienced would be best. 

Please don't consider Neal for the job.  God help us.


  1. That should confirm to anyone interested, that the BOT intends to sweep all of this under the rug and continue as if nothing happened. I predicted this would take place in the absence of a public meeting - and it has. Nothing significant but to keep very very QUIET !!

    REMOVE WILLIAMS AND FLOOD immediately. Second option: EVERYONE on the BOT.

  2. People have been asking on here for that position, the board is going forward with it yet you still find fault. What is the deal with the "least experience" comment. Would you rather have Flood, Williams or Raymer? At least those that are going to be on it spend time here.

    Speaking of Raymer, he made the motion to make it a "secret meeting". Why is it you always give him a pass and go after all the other trustees constantly?

    1. Yet another example of underhanded actions by a BOT that is totally out of control.

      How long do we tolerate this crap?

  3. An outside firm should conduct the job search using criteria that would gather us a reasonable list of qualified candidates. The pay and the fact of finding someone willing to live here will be major stumbling blocks. A dual qualified person would/could/should command a salary of at least $ 100,000. Maybe we could throw in Flood's house on the beach as a " parsonage ".

  4. Good luck finding any one person qualified in all those disciplines. Need business manager and field/water manager. Field/water manager would replace Bill n Gil.


  5. Re: December 22, 2018 at 6:11 PM

    Yep, That's the way it used to be!

  6. Hopefully the “gang that couldn’t shoot straight* (the BOT) has learned they cannot seemingly ever make a correct personnel choice and will seek a professional to find whatever we need.

    1. Good luck with that! This is all about control. They will give up none of it. It will have to be taken from them.

  7. Why are they combining all those jobs into one position? Unless they already have someone picked for the job, the chances of finding anybody qualified in all those positions has to be near zero. Whatever it is the BOT is doing doesn't pass the smell test...

  8. 12:15.... There was no meeting planned or announced, so given that, it needed to be held in private. The problem with that is that there SHOULD have been a meeting scheduled to offer an opportunity for owners to ask questions about the CRISIS our community is facing due to failed management.

    The HOA has offered no information even after the Chinook Observer article made this common knowledge.

    Does it make sense that the BOT who failed to properly manage our Water Dept. and budget, will now search for a candidate to manage ALL of our business decisions ? BOT efforts to run a secretive one note board unable or willing to change policies or demeanor have lead to the massive failure we must now struggle with. We need an outside agency to do the candidate search.

    Larry doesn't get a free pass on anything, but he has been willing to oppose some of the majority's efforts, and has mostly made his contributions doing work in the field on committees and doing maintenance on community property. He has not been a supporter of the pipe replacement project and has maintained that it is unnecessary and a waste of money.

    He also seems resistant to change and has been inconsistent in his support of any such efforts. He has not been a primary player in running the BOT, while those who have should be held responsible for the community being in the crosshairs of the County, State, and Federal governments.

  9. They have known about this for some time now why are they just getting around to looking for a replacement.

  10. Given the track record of this and recent Boards, I would like to give them a vote of "no confidence" by the members. They have proven unable to do ANYTHING that benefits the membership. Do we have a "go fund me" page to support removal of them and legal fees?

  11. Not yet, but I would contribute. I am sick and tired of these clowns.

  12. Obviously their decision was made prior to their half our joke of a meeting.

  13. I’m willing to contribute also.

  14. I will have a website up in Jan - Concerned Owners of Surfside Estates. Once this is launched we can use it to organize and raise funds if needed. I’m trying to let go of all this for the holidays and enjoy time with family & friends. Happy holidays everyone

  15. It would be a good idea to put some funds together to send out a mailer to all owners, detailing the wasteful legal spending and the Asbestos debacle. It will be interesting to see if this stuff is addressed at the next BOT meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if they claim they can't talk about it because of legal issues, or cancel the meeting all together.

    There would be no solid excuse for not discussing this in detail, except that Williams and Flood are in large part at fault for lack of leadership and fostering a secretive and misguided BOT agenda. It seems unlikely they will be willing to face the deserved criticism. Flood hasn't attended a Board Meeting in person for many months, maybe as long as a year. Think he'll show up ?

  16. 11:09 that’s exactly what we plan to do. We already have someone working on the mailing list. We figure we will have one good chance to get the membership’s attention with a letter - outlining the mismanagement, investigations, fines and legal expenses to be borne by the members. Hopefully those who are not very engaged in HOA activities and elections will be motivated by their pocketbooks!

    We will also provide the URL to the website in the letter, where members will be able to read the documentation being gathered to expose the Board and to engage in planning & discussion. We will be asking for donations to pay for the mailing - with a reduced bulk rate we should be able to send it out to all ~2200 members for under $700. Many members have already reached out to me via email ( offering to help.

    I am hoping we can arrange a meeting or teleconference in early Jan. I’m also looking for people willing to help with technology, leadership, legal skills, etc., as well as others to share the task of administering the website and being spokesmen for the cause. As many of you know, my name has been so maligned by the status quo that my reputation is tainted. I don’t want this to impede our efforts, so we would really be served best by volunteers with neutral reputations, including full-timers and part-timers.

  17. The Surfside Chat blog host will provide a link for members to access the new concerned members site. Posters and letters to the editor of the Chinook Observer will help spread the word.

  18. Please do George. Anyone that writes a letter to editor, be prepared to hear a lot of flack from the elitists. They don’t want you to let the SECRETS out! Let’s start raising that money folks to shut down the corruption.

  19. 10:18. God bless you and yours on this holy night. Merry Christmas!
