
Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Person Of The Year..

The person who made a difference in 2018...

That would be a Good difference.

I have been doing this for years, but this year I can find none.

I could probably fill a page with those who have made a negative impact, and there are those who would say me.  My goal has been to share information, and unfortunately, most of the information has been negative.

The powers that be have done an effective job of concealing real information from the members.  Rather than making Surfside a better place, they have expanded their efforts and our money on covering up incompetence at all levels.  There is no indication that will change.

The only glimmer of hope is a grass roots movement by informed members for meaningful change. Maybe, if they are successful, there will be a person of the year in 2019. It may be to late.


  1. Oh trust me! You will have a person for 2019. Our movement for change will make the difference SHOA must have. Happy New Year George. So thankful for your blog!

  2. Surely HOA president Williams has made his mark as the worst Prez the community has ever had. His leadership resulted in decisions being made in secret by a pretend Board Williams calls the Executive Board, the abandoned lawsuit against RVers which wasted around $75,000, and turning a blind eye to Water Dept. incompetence, finally resulting in huge fines, a criminal investigation, and possible lawsuits.

    The wasteful legal spending has not been addressed by the BOT, and Williams has no barriers to his continued legal spending, while the CTP plant is overdue for new carbon replacement, and a stop-work order left our plant without an enclosing structure. Our community investment is standing on a foundation in the weather for the Winter.

    That is some remarkably poor leadership, that was accompanied by a bullying "management style" that thumbed his nose at State mandated procedures, and ignored the most important community needs.

  3. he is a disgrace and embarrassment to the community.

  4. The person of the year is you, George.

    We would know very little about the realities of our HOA without your diligence. Kudos to you, sir!

  5. Yes, definitely. The person of the year, the person of the DECADE, George Miller. What an amazing job George has done creating and maintaining this blog, informing the members as to what is happening in this horrendous HOA.

  6. Thank you for the kind remarks, but I am not the person of the year. As I stated, the person of the year is someone who made a difference. All I have done is to provide information and a venue where those who can make a difference have a place for free speech and discussion. There are those and you out there that can make the difference. The person or persons of the year 2019 may very well be the members. That's my real hope.

  7. It's interesting to consider, without George's blog we might still be unaware of the Asbestos Debacle, which the HOA has made no mention of in any publication. That's so even though there is a weekly on-line publication. Rather than hold an open BOT meeting this month to inform owners and answer questions (show a sense of responsibility) the Board met in private.

    Without the information offered by the Blog, the "Chinook Observer" probably would not have been aware of this either. So it's interesting to reflect on Gary Williams decision to publicly reprimand and disgrace George, as a seated Board member about a year or more ago, demanding the Blog be shut down. Annette deLeest and a couple of other Trustees also complained bitterly, and wanted the Blog shut down.

    George took his lumps and decided that the Blog was more important than continuing as a Trustee. We all should be very grateful that George was still running the Blog when the EPA investigation began, and all the rest that followed. The power of honest people fighting to get the important news out to citizens is something we all need to defend and support.

    You're awesome George !

  8. Your 100% correct on why I left the Board. If I had remained on the Board, I would not have been able to have the blog topics I have. I am not full of hate and revenge as some like to claim on here. I think we can have an excellent HOA, but it takes members who are willing to fight for it. The only hate I have is against evil and people who think they are better and smarter than others. I am just an old guy trying to do what I can. Thanks Steve. (See, I will respond to someone who will use their name)

  9. Fully agree Steve. George is responsible for members being informed of the corrupt activities of SHOA board. He’s my choice of Man of the Year for Surfside.

  10. I continue to believe that terms such as " corrupt " are inappropriate in describing the Board. Inept, inefficient, confused, etc. could certainly apply. They live here and gain or suffer like the rest of us from policies they enact.

    1. I disagree. Collusion in support of special interests to the detriment of the membership they have committed to support is close enough.

      Please understand that there is no ineptitude or inefficiency here: they are extremely competent at pushing their agenda only, supported by hand picked Board members to back it up. No confusion here either: they know what they want, and will go to unacceptable means to forward their goals, and theirs only.
