
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Employee's...Information you need to know

Medical surveillance  WAC 296-62-07725

I am not an attorney or qualified to give legal advice.  However, I can express my opinions and make common sense suggestions. You may want to seek legal advice as an individual or a group.
(There may be changes or modifications to the WAC below)

In my opinion,
 All present and former employees who have or may have been exposed to asbestos airborne fibers, should be provided a copy of the Washington Administrative Code WAC 296-62-07725
You can be sure that legal council has been consulted by both North Beach Water and Surfide HOA. Both governing bodies should pay for your legal council.

I advise, that to the best of your recollection, you write on paper the approximate date and situation of when you may have been exposed to the dangers of airborne asbestos fibers.  This becomes a written legal document.  Keep this with your important papers. In many instances, the adverse effects of exposure may not show up for years,

Click once or twice on each of the 3 pages below for a larger read. I suggest you make a copy.



  1. What no Board comments slamming this little tidbit?

  2. I'll bet dollars to donuts this has been brewing for a while, along with the threat of more lawsuits. That's probably why Clancy is resigning from the board. There's a storm a comin folks. You can thank the "Surfside Mafia" for the fines we will all be paying for this really bad mistake! You just can't put your members health in jeopardy and try to cover it up!!!

  3. I think Clancy's term is up. Whatever his motives are his stint as our treasurer was sure a lot more accurate and productive than Hanson.

  4. Granny must be one of those types that blames everything wrong in the world on Obama.

    You have no proof that this falls on the "Mafia". Check the dates on those pictures. This has been going on for more than a year so which Mafia are you talking about anyways? And why do you give a pass to the junior faction? They are on the board too. It would be nice if some of the juniors would spend more time doing their jobs instead of going around complaining about how we are the worst place on the coast.

    But please, continue your useless finger pointing.

  5. Where have u been? the current board majority have been there more than one term. Their ringleader is no longer on the board, but still pulling strings n repeating himself over n over on this blog. But then, you know that.

  6. "Juniors" - that says it all. I was not aware there was a caste system in the homeowners association, but explains some things.

    The Juniors as you refer to them are marginalized and isolated, but you already know that.

    It's the same people doing the same things that cost us over and over again, and you're part of it.

  7. 6:52 you must never have gone to a Board meeting or even read the minutes. If you had,you would notice there seems to be a plethora of 5 to 4 votes where the “ Mafia” has kept the “juniors” from passing any of their proposals. Wa,e up and smelthe clams!

  8. Sorry you are so offended by the simple term of "juniors" there 8:26, but couldn't think of anything else off hand in response to using the mafia & faction terms once again used. Would you have felt better if I had written non mafia or non faction? But nice try to avoid the question by accusing me of creating a caste system. Fact check, it was Patrick who first came on here ridiculously comparing Trustees to mafia members. He is also the one that started the whole "faction" thing, both in and outside of our community. So if you have such an issue with those terms, will you now condemn him? I'm sure I know the answer to that one.

    I have probably been to more board meetings over the years than you. I like to get my information first hand instead on relying on someone else's interpretation.

    And as a reminder to you both, those "mafia" folks were put there by the members who cared enough to vote.

  9. Kirby, just pack it up and leave.
