
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Community Relations Committee

June 5. 2018 meeting minutes

Thank you to the committee for providing the minutes so that the blog viewers can have current information.  One correction should be noted; The picnic following the Annual Meeting is July 14, 2018.

It was interesting that the committee will provide the funding for return postage on ballots.
To my knowledge, this has not been done in the past.  Hopefully more members will vote.
A special thanks to the volunteers who prepared the News Letter and ballots for mailing.  You should receive them shortly.

Click on each page of the 2 page report for a larger view.


  1. So 2,000 ballots times 47 cents or whatever it is will amount to approximately $ 940.00 Let's say 450 members vote total. I'm being generous. That adds 150 to the prior mix and a portion of those vote in person. You will add maybe 100 to the vote by mail tally. If the mail is metered it's a total waste. If stamps are added maybe I'll be able to peel it off and use it to pay a bill or mail a card to Aunt Betty.

  2. Maybe you could add a coupon to KFC that is redeemable only after your ballot is officially received.

  3. Electronic balloting would cure this all. No stamps, higher turnout, all positive.

  4. Here's something for the Community Relations Committee to consider. The Small Claims Court decision directing the HOA to reimburse members Ottersen and Johanson for attorney fees, was initially appealed to the Superior Court, but the HOA failed to provide appropriate paperwork on time, and the Court date of June 11 was cancelled.

    The HOA decided after about 2 years of harassment, to drop the compliance demands of Mr. Ottersen. They then filed another case against Johanson in Superior Court - all of this over a small porch on a prefab shed that is barely visible in the trees on one of Johanson's 2 lots.

    County standards allow such attachments on sheds, where Surfside covenants do not address it in the "shed" section. After telling Mr. Johanson they would dismiss the compliance issue, Mr. Johanson wanted it in writing, which they refused, and then resumed seeking compliance.

    Clearly this is a case of member harassment. Mr. Johanson has been serving a 3 year term on the BOT, having one more year to serve. The fact that Patrick is an RV owner and proposed some changes in restrictions on RVs in Surfside has brought relentless vengeful treatment upon him, and it continues.

    Now Mr. Johanson tells me that the president of the BOT has offered to drop the Court suit (which they probably cannot win anyway) if Patrick resigns from the BOT, and leaves the community. Mr. Williams knows that Patrick has bought property on the Bay, and has put his lots up for sale.

    But We have to acknowledge the delusional Mr. William's notion that he has any authority to give such an ultimatum, and at the same time, essentially verify that the Court case is simply a means of threatening Mr.Johanson for daring to hold his own opinions about community issues, and vocally endorsing changes to Community policy.

    Mr. Williams has many strange notions about his authority that have no basis in fact. He claims that part of the Board can meet outside of scheduled meetings, and make decisions without consulting the entire Board. This is FALSE. He has been making independent decisions regarding legal issues without proper BOT approval, and is essentially operating outside of State RCW requirements and our own documented standards.

    He has been freely spending community funds for legal consultation at his whim, and making independent decisions to pursue expensive and nonsensical legal matters, to threaten owners with the financial muscle of the HOA.

    He needs to be stopped. Mr. Johanson is a property owner who has served as a good neighbor and Trustee, volunteering his time for the sake of the community. He is not obligated to think a certain way, vote according to Mr. William's desires, nor put up with this kind of mobster mentality. Owners need to speak up against this thug-like mentality being passed-off as representing our HOA.

    The community has been hijacked by an inconsiderate boob who the members allow to have his way. No owner should be threatened by the HOA president over personal differences of opinion, and forced to resign an elected position and MOVE out of the community. This is lowlife politics that only seeks to serve Mr. William's ego.

  5. 10:32's anonymous rant can be attributed to one of two people. Cowardly!

  6. No matter who said it, It's the truth. Your rebuttal is to call the poster "cowardly" Get real.

  7. 11:38s anonymous comment can be attributed to one of the SS Mafia. Who do you think you're kidding. Truth hurts don't it!
