

This page is for discussions about tree's...Tree covenants, Care...


  1. I saw the trees being cut down on the lot next to George's place. I read George's take on it, when he was asked, and George was very gracious about it. He indicated that they cut the trees to prevent any of them causing damage, in particular to George's power lines.

    I'm anti-Tree Height restrictions, but accept that each owner should have the choice to trim or remove trees, with no intervention from the HOA. They're a valuable piece of private property, and take a long time to grow.

    But I was surprised at what I saw on this lot. It appeared that a row of Fir trees had been planted as if shrubs, 10 in a row and 2 ft. apart. There were 12 stumps in total, the trees fallen looking very healthy, and about 40 to 50 years old.

    What I find surprising is, that large trees were planted as if shrubs, as a screen to the street, and quite close to the street. They were planted far too close to one another, and in 45 years, no one thought to remove a few to enhance the health of those left.

    These were near the street so could have easily been cut into lumber. It appeared that they were in 6 ft. pieces, so maybe destined for firewood. I'm just kind of amazed at the apparent alienation from the value of nature, that is also obvious in the Tree Policy restrictions. I do consider the loss of 12 apparently healthy unmolested trees 45 or more years old, a sad thing.

    It's true, some should have been removed about 35 or 40 years ago, to leave room for a few to continue to enhance the property and neighborhood. So was it necessary, and was it done out of fear ? That seems to be the controversy in Surfside. Many think that trees over 6 ft. are dangerous, and there's lots of talk about trees blowing down. I doubt that anyone can verify more than a couple of healthy trees blowing down in Surfside in the last 20 years or more. I know of one in the last 3 years.

    I just find it strange that people live in this area and have no appreciation of trees and their value, sequestering pollutants and generating vast amounts of OXYGEN, creating animal habitat and beautifying our communities.

  2. My neighbors were just going to cut out the bad ones and leave a larger one. They found rot in the base of the large one, so decided to remove them all. These were pine trees, but not the shore pine you find on the West side. One winter a top blew off and landed in the middle of my yard and last year another top fell in the street. I like you, am a confessed "tree Hugger". Your right about them being planted to close together. The shore pine can be closer. There are trees in Surfside on both sides of the ridge that should be removed and there are more that don't need to be removed. It should be the property owners choice. Can you imagine the change in attitude if Surfside promoted healthy trees without height limitations? Clean and green would have a lot of support. Thanks for your reasonable comment. By the way, You will see most of the wood on the back of their property, about 3 cords. They let it season and store under cover. No smoke from their camp fires ever.

  3. Had 2 of my neighbors come down over the years, one missing my truck by around 10 ft. Had one of mine removed because it was headed that way and on the recommendation of the arborist, yes I said arborist, a second also because he said it would soon follow. So if you were to take my four examples and add your one I believe that qualifies as more than a couple. At least in my book.

    Along with that there are trees in back of my property that aren't on mine that have fallen too.

  4. 1:13 sez ...I referred to "healthy trees" blowing down. It's great that you sought an expert's opinion, (and George's neighbors as well). It's interesting that such events often do not do great harm. Luck of course isn't the best way to avoid terrible accidents.

    We used to backpack up to the chalet in "Enchanted Valley" of the Olympic Nat. Park- about 14 miles up the Quinault. Not far from the chalet was this phenomenal cedar tree about a thousand years old and 16 ft in diameter. The trail went right by it, so probably everyone touched that tree, such a sacred element from the past.

    On one trip we were shocked to see on our trip out, that it had fallen parallel to the trail. It was Summer and there were a lot of folks on the trail, so amazing that no one was hurt. We were camping in the valley about a half mile away, but didn't recall a crashing sound that night.

  5. There are a lot of dead trees along the backside of the ridge. Eventually they fall, so why not cut them down ?

  6. Another reason to keep the trees trimmed in Surfside. Oregon State U. Extension publication PNW 590 Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes notes the following advice on page 33 "Conifers and other large trees that are next to the house should be pruned to a height of 15 - 20 feet above the ground, or to just above the lower roof line, to help prevent fire from reaching the house or tree crowns."

  7. Next to house is just common sense, butcher an empty lot or rv site is just a view in the making, and ugly.

  8. 11:36:

    Depending which lots you look at, the majority of the tall trees on the backside of the ridge are not on the members property so they can't cut them down. When you look at my neighbors up the street it appears they have a bunch of tall trees in their back yard yet none are on his property.

    I and others have talk about fire protection and what you brought up, even using the fire on the coast as examples, so I agree with you. If you bring it up the next time on the main page be prepared to be attacked.

  9. To 10:46:

    It doesn't work that way. If you keep yours trimmed and your neighbor doesn't a crown fire plus wind will spread the fire outward and could land on your trees and house, so the trimming you did would be moot. Fire on the coast was a perfect example. began in the dune grass then spread to some small trees. They ignited, wind blew embers down wind causing it to spread beyond ground zero and up into the eaves of a nearby house.

  10. Scare tactics to justify topping trees that's really about a view for a few. Crown fire? Give me a break. When was the last time we ever had a crown fire here? Your trying to equate a grass fire with a crown fire. Your "small" tree example would suggest that all trees should be removed. The spreading grass fire caused the tree to catch fire. You need to get real.

  11. 7:59 ...Obviously, residents in urban areas do not follow this guideline, where recommended precautions are more extreme for rural properties. It is not wise to have plants of any kind in contact with a house, as it can cause rot and damage to siding when wet, and particularly if conifer, give a grass fire a route to a home's roof.

    I agree that this is an excuse to allow the massacre of trees in Surfside. A short tree is just as combustible as a tall tree, and most lots in Surfside are small. If you're going to have any trees they're going to be somewhat near a structure.

  12. I like to see the County come by, early in the AM, and cut down small trees and throw them on BOT members’ property.....just tells you what County thinks of you fools, too!

  13. Couple things, I am all for removing tree height restrictions. Continuous trimming and topping will kill trees.
    Also, I thought hiring a new compliance officer to help with all these ridiculous complaints... Trees, sheds, RVS... this would eliminate the need for the tree committee?
    Do we have it in our budget to have seabreeze lake surveyed? Why not physically speak with people on the lake and ask if they wouldn't mind if a volunteer group trimmed and or removed some of their trees/shrubs from the waterways?

  14. Common sense comments. If only that were an element in the decision making process !

  15. In April 2019 I received a certified letter saying that the trees on my lot needed trimming and were in violation of the height restriction. I figured it was a mistake because I have no trees on the lot number referenced. I just received another letter saying I would be fined because I haven't trimmed the trees yet. At this time I have no recourse but to retain an attorney to file a harassment suit against the SHOA and the person who made the complaint.

    1. 12:33

      Did you respond to either letter and let them know that it is a mistake?

  16. What kind of pine trees do we have here in Surfside?

  17. I live on the East side of "J" Place near the golf course. I have filed two complaints regarding tree height restrictions due to the covenant violations per addendum "A". Filed the first on May 29th 2019 and when I called to find out the results was told it was lost. Then a new refile was done July 17th 2019. I called about the results on October 9th and spoke with Scott. His reply was that no tree height restrictions are enforced east of J place. My question to you all is...why , when we all pay for the same protection under our covenants and some get the benefit and others don't. We all pay the same fees, why then are some enforced and others not. the laws are there for us all.
    Arbor care assessed the trees on the ridge above my home on neighbor's property, and found 10 of them to be an immediate threat to my home. This letter was copied to SHOA. Also no response in writing. We have to file in writing which by respect should be replied to in writing.

  18. I understand completely! We are still waiting on a written response to our complaint letter concerning lighting received July 9, 2019! The board wants us to abide by the rules, but it’s very obvious they do not do the same!

  19. I was at the meeting on Jan 18th, 2020. During a break I witnessed owners giving a board member a hard time about not being in compliance with his trees. He laughed and said he had trimmed a couple of them. He received a complaint that required him to trim but said the wording was not correct so he was not. I would think a person on the board would go above and beyond to do what is in the covenant. If a board member refuses to abide by the rules then why should anyone else? My first meeting was not encouraging.

  20. JoAnne,
    Have you received a written response to your complaint yet? I have not since complaint date of October,2019

  21. I have not received a response since my initial complaint in August 2019, and a refile letter asking for a response in October of 2019

  22. There were no trees here when surfside came into existence. The pine trees here had been hydroseeded. I like that trees here have to be kept in height ordinance. If you want tall trees than move out of surfside. I would have a really nice view if my neighbors kept their trees in check as I do. I love trees. This is not an area for tall trees.

  23. Im curious why the trees along the edges of Seabreeze and the canal are not made to be trimmed per height covenant? A tree is a tree. The only trees not being trimmed are those belonging to the county.

  24. Hello,
    We have owned our little place for just over two years. I have read many comments here and had a bit of a sour attitude regarding the whole HOA thing. Now I am aware that often the Bad is spewed about more often than the good. Worth noting is that some of what is told, is factual.
    What I also have noted, is that more often than not, the bad is made by anonymous contributors; therefore I give little credence to their statements.
    So I wanted to share my interaction with the HOA board, specifically the tree committee. Apparently back in Aug 2020 it was noted that our trees have exceeded the height allowed in the CC&Rs… We were informed right before Christmas. At the same time my wife went back into heart failure... Déjà vu Right back to 11 years ago when she was diagnosed.
    So of course I was a bit upset at the timing, and right in the middle of when we can’t leave our RV onsite. Last year with Covid restrictions we didn’t get up to the property until later in the year. So it would have been nice to know right away instead of Christmas time.
    However putting all baggage aside, I responded to the letter from the HOA tree committee. I politely made my case and my points. (Including a bit regarding the RV discrimination rumors)
    To my surprise, I received a well written and informative helpful response, along with solutions to points I had made. We were provided clarification of the RV policy which will be helpful for us to comply in the timeline set out. This response has also dispelled one of the RV discrimination rumor(s)for us.
    And NO we are not allowed to have our trees taller than 16’ so I still have to trim our trees etc. However we were allowed a reasonable timeline to come into compliance. For that I am grateful.
    Do I necessarily agree with the 16’ height restriction; heck no! In fact my wife and I last year drove the ENTIRE length of all the J place streets including the one behind our property. Ironically we noted the houses along the dunes block more of the Ocean view than any of the trees inland. In fact most trees even the non-compliant ones don’t come close to adversely affecting the view. You can still see most of the houses which are blocking the view of the surf/Ocean. (and yes I know all about WA and its position on views)
    We do like the mature trees as there are still a handful of folks that go by WAY to fast at our end of I street. If the trees weren’t there, those vehicles could go right through our property if they had to swerve for the deer. Will our trees make it after trimming? Not sure, hope so, if not, we are looking at other things to plant.
    In the end we just want to come up to Our property enjoy the place, our awesome neighbors who have become friends, and relax from the pressures of life.
    Hope this summer is better than the last was with all the restrictions.
