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Surfside Board Trustees:


  1. There are a few lots in Surfside that have above ground utilities. A neighbor on my street is being told by PUD to have her utilities moved underground at owners expense by SHOA regulations. This will involve digging across J Place as well as tearing up a cement driveway. I do not know how much this will cost the homeowner. Has anyone else been notified they must re-locate their utilities?

  2. Existing are allowed, unless you have to replace main entrance electrical box, meter, etc. then you are required to bury the main supply lines. That is why you see many older places with above ground still in place. Eventually, they will all be underground. The cost can be several thousand dollars, plus, depending on distance, driveways, etc. This can be a real hardship for older members on a fixed income.

  3. I have been in contact with the PUD and it is true that if you require a change to your service or your meter is rusted out they will require you to move the lines underground. The only good news I received is that the PUD will cover getting the lines to the corner of your property (and they get to decide which corner) so if the transformer is across the street they PUD will do the trenching across the street.

    I wonder how many members of SHOA who have overhead lines are aware of this requirement?

  4. Addresses need updated please

  5. These are the latest as supplied by the HOA. 9/30/2019

  6. I thought DeLeest moved up to J pl?

  7. Your right, she did. What is up to date with this HOA. Check the minutes on their web site They are mont6hs old, So much for transparency. What I posted is what they supplied. Could probably find the new address on tax sifter, but I don't care enough to check.I spend more time on this crap now, than I want too.
