
Monday, July 12, 2021


 The election is over and in the past...

It is what it is, and we have to live with it.  Congratulations to the new Board members.  Now we can get down to business and make our association a better place to live and vacation. 

Everything can't be turned around in a day.  It will take time to make changes that are needed.   This is a member association and what they want, need and deserve, is the first consideration.  The new Board members, working with the existing Board members, have their work cut out for them.  It won't be easy, and we are expecting a lot from them.  Their first actions will be closely observed.

They are going to make mistakes.  We all do.  After all they are human.  I will, as blog host,  make an extra effort to report on positive actions they take.   I will also discourage and delete personal attacks against Board members and others who make comments.  I want to see discussion on the issues we have, not on who said what.  That is counter productive.  We have many members with a wealth of experience and knowledge that can help us all and especially the Board. 

I will be making one additional topic posting on the final election results when available.  Other than that, the election is over and time to move on.    


  1. The BOT needs to listen to the members. I think based on the floor comments the trees are the biggest issue in our community. Also they need to webx or zoom all BOT meetings.

  2. Yes, I agree and think that will happen, sooner rather than later. Especially with limited space in the Board room. The members seem interested, and we don't want to lose that interest. Shorter meetings of all kinds and access to supporting information would keep a short attention span.

  3. Loud voices at a meeting do not mean a change or the elimination is needed in a long-standing covenant. I believe that any changes in the tree covenants and policies should be a matter of a vote of the entire membership. This junk of the board deciding arbitrarily to change covenants must end if we are truly to have governance that represents the membership of this hoa.

    1. A vote of the membership without proxys. You vote or don't and must show ID

  4. Time to start with clean slate - all die hard supporters of Gary Williams / De leest need to be removed. Prior to election results being read Tracy attacked this blog and host and on dang Election Day in gym Gary several times attacked “social media” and blog. I believe they we’re going to use “ code of civility “ to go after members who spoke out against them in blog. Tracy needs to go

    1. Lol, it's free speech. Gotta love the blog. We get more info here than our own office gives out

  5. 234 - it was a members meeting. Members are allowed to make motions, and have them approved by the voting body. That is what happened.
    It was as you advocate, the membership taking back what is there's from the board.

    Motions to suspend tree complaints and suspend the tree committee were passed by acclamation. Democracy in action, as opposed to what we've seen the last few years.

    I don't have a dog in the fight when it comes to the trees. I just want to look at it logically, from all sides, then the decision rendered by everyone, not just a small special interest group. One of the things that was advocated yesterday was to have environmentalist weigh in on this issue. I would be most interested to see that.

  6. Anonymous 2:34 funny you should mention the need to have the members control the covenants! A member actually made this motion at the may meeting to change the by-laws ( as that’s where it has to start) for the members to control the covenants. If things had gone right that motion would have been voted on at the July 10th meeting by the members. Unfortunately the motion wasn’t accepted by the board and was edited by the HOA attorney. So we will have to wait and see if this is what the members want and possibly bring it to a vote next year or at a special meeting. Changing things sometimes is kinda complicated not just a simple decision to do so!

  7. The new board is F.E.A.R
    FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE! Looking forward to positive vibes in the community again

  8. 2:34....What we saw at the Annual Meeting was unusual for Surfside. There was a definite mandate to change the direction of Surfside policy requiring tree topping, and a strong rejection of J Pl dominant policy-making.

    The authority of the motions to set policy is definitely limited, but you are already upset that a moratorium on enforcement and a mandate to revise the policy were enthusiastically approved.

    It would have been better to have reached this stage in the meeting earlier, when the full auditorium could have weighed in. Covid restrictions limited the size of the meeting, and the meeting ran far too long. I don't think there is any way the BOT can avoid following the direction the majority approved. This will greatly impact how the compliance program proceeds.

    But what an impressive display of civil exchange and thoughtful motions ! I'm proud of our community for taking the initiative to shake the community out of this sleepwalking status-quo dominance. Good governance needs to adjust to the times, and to take corrective measures when policies become destructive.

  9. Anyone can do what Williams suggested we do if we want change. Join a committee, right?

    What a pleasant morning to check in on this blog and only see 10 civil comments. This is another great day for Surfside!

  10. Does anyone else feel a great weight lifted off their shoulders since Saturday?

    1. Tremendous! This group will be awesome. Give them a chance to shine.

  11. Yes 1:23. I am cautiously optimistic. It will be so nice to be able to get back to our lives. All four of the new board members seem like nice people who care about their fellow members. I am sure they will do their best and we can't ask for much more than that. They have my support.

  12. Talking with my neighbors, you will see at least a couple of us volunteer for committee positions. We are under 50 and looking forward to new and positive changes, and want to help as we have current expertise in engineering and logistics. Thanks for mentioning this blog at the meeting, first I had heard of it.

  13. 4:04pm This is refreshing to hear, seems there is a change in the air.

  14. So looking forward to new beginnings and more open dialogue for the members!

  15. So nice, not one chainsaw buzzing in the background today. PEACE is BEAUTIFUL

  16. @4:04 pm We will keep that in mind. Thanks everyone!

  17. I wonder if some type of notification is being made regarding the moratorium on tree cutting. Some people might not know about it and cut when they didn't need to.

    The chipper seemed quiet today.

  18. That's a good question. I think it's possible that Kurt Olds and/or Dan Neptune may contest the validity of the meeting motions. If they drag the HOA attorney into it, and they likely will, this very hopeful development may immediately become complicated.

    Interesting that someone said they expected the whole community to be able to vote on it. Without a doubt that has been posed to the Board dozens of times before. Now that this motion came up and was heartily approved by voice vote, people want to negotiate.

    The Board dismissed our Bylaw proposal which would require a member vote by mail of approval or disapproval. We had wanted that vote to take place at the Annual Meeting, and legally pursued it. The BOT has no authority to vote on it as they did, so should acknowledge that, reversing their decision.

  19. I just want to thank whomever it was who actually sent out postcards to the membership. Actual contact is a lovely thing. Maybe now it will be safe to get on a committee or attend meetings and speak up without attracting retribution.

  20. So true. Really hoping DIRECT communication will start to happen right away. Email is easiest and cheapest. And perhaps we can offer a USPS paper mail option to those members uncomfortable with email. Can't imagine there would be too many opting for that method but of course we won't know until we ask.

    And yes, please send notifications ASAP to the tree cutting compliance cases until the board does their review. Maybe this could now be the first task for the new compliance officer?

  21. Good points. I agree. There should be a notice sent to all outstanding tree complaints that there is a moratorium. There should also be immediately placed a moratorium on all tree committee activity. It should be declared Inactive at the August Board Meeting.

  22. Such a notice is necessary. The Board would have to make an emergency action/directive. It is doubtful the newly appointed Board prez will be so motivated without pressure from the newly elected Trustees.

    Might be time for Rhonda energy to jump-start this important notice. Someone will need to get the ball rolling right away.

  23. There's plenty to do for the compliance employee. Williams said there's an opening at the compactor, he can fill in there or be placed there if he wants to continue employment here. Remove the compliance position. I don't want to pay for someone to harass us.

  24. We already pay for a compliance( code enforcement officer, Travis) with our taxes. We are double paying for services. Let the county do there job.

  25. Truth is..The County does a poor job of compliance. As long as we can keep our neighborhood neat and clean, is about all we care about. Part time compliance is about all we need. We sure don't want proactive. Member complaints that effect that member only, is good enough.

  26. I thought I heard the sheriff say that we DON'T have a deputy assigned because they have openings they can't fill. And it also takes over a year to fill an opening.

    One gentleman at the meeting asked if the deputies on a GPS tracking system. The answer was yes. The gentleman followed up with asking to have the GPS reports so we can see how much time a deputy actually spends in Surfside. Some follow up investigation is needed here? $91K a year for 5 years? Is this money well spent?

    And also agree with ending the proactive compliance. Member complaints that impact themselves only. It could then eliminate the need for that extra paid position.

  27. The process does not need to be complicated. If a neighbor has a concern about something, they can file a 'report'. No need for everything to be a 'complaint'

    Issue can be reviewed and if no problem exists close the concern. Post generic 'concerns' on the web page so people can find 'frequently filed concerns' to see if this type of issue has been reported in the past and is a non issue, like "frequently asked questions" on other websites.

    If the 'concern' reported is a gross violation, talk with the person, work out a solution.

    If many 'concerns' come in about one property and no violations are seen, consider it what it is, harassment of one person against another. Many concerns are just that, two neighbors who are struggling to get along. Form a mediation/advocate committee, include our deputy and compliance person, and on those rare occasions when neighbors can't leave each other alone, assist them with an agreement of behavior and action.

    Things need to be softened around here. This hostility and anger is so bad for everyone's health. No, can't be done, is just another way of dismissing progress.

    I'm just throwing ideas out there, so don't come for me with any of that hate.

    PEACE OUT.......

  28. If there is no deputy assigned due to staff shortages, the County should NOT be accepting any payment until the obligation can be fulfilled.

    No exceptions.

  29. July 15, 2021 at 1:34 PM --- your ideas are well thought out and could easily work. I especially like the idea of posting frequently filed concerns on the website. Communicate, communicate, communicate. :) And I agree, using a 'report' process vs a 'complaint' to begin with may very well be met with more willingness to accommodate. Certainly doesn't hurt to try new approaches.

  30. I support new members and hope for a major change in tree policy as it is wrong in many ways

  31. I spoke directly with the Sheriff off site after the meeting. He told me that currently our "Sheriff" is a shared position, that many different individuals fill our position. He told me that Pacific County has 4 deputy positions open and can't fill them. He didn't know how long it would take to get our dedicated person.

    as long as there is someone in our area for the agreed upon time per week, I'm fine with this, but I too would like to see proof of them in the area, other than the 4th of July weekend, I have not seem a car on G st very often at all?

  32. We should have never entered into a contract if they could not hold up their end of it. All we did was fund them another officer for the county. We are better off to hire a private company. With the new police reform starting the 25th of this month, we will be lucky if they respond to anything

  33. What is the new police reform?

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  35. Complaints about CC&R violations should be reported by completing a form, and that form should allow anonymity. A phone call or in-person conversation is just an inquiry, not a complaint. Complaints must be documented by a homeowner for anything to happen.

    There should be no proactive compliance. There should be no full-time compliance officer running around all day looking for possible violations and harassing the residents.

    We need peace and freedom.


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