Board President Speaks (whines)
Well now, isn't that just to bad. Apparently your self proclaimed "Honeymoon" didn't last. News flash!, You never had one. There is no such thing in an HOA. Without your own vote for yourself, you would not be Board President.
Your job is to conduct Board meetings and see that proper procedure is followed. The rules and procedure are clearly written in our governing documents and Operations Manual. READ THEM. Smarter people than you and certainly me, have spent over 50 years formulating and improving them.
We have a Board of 9 Trustees and each has the power of one vote. Transparency begins with your fellow Board members. Communication between Board members should be for the sharing of information with all and no decisions are to be made outside of a Board Meeting. Transparency includes back and forth dialogue with the members.
Past Board President, Gary Williams, is not required to turn over anything. His only requirement was to vacate the Board position when he was rejected by the membership several times. The Business Manager is not the Board Presidents employee. She is an employee of the association, that is you and I. The Board gives her direction in her management of the Business Office. Policy decisions are made by the full Board, not an individual Board Trustee or an employee.
Social media (This blog) is what it is. To whine about it is counter productive. The best way to quell rumors is with full disclosure. My suggestion to the New Board President: Present information in a factual way without your personal opinion on anything. Stick to business. No one gives a damn about your personal honeymoon or self perceived Surfside one. You need to deflate your bloated head and listen to the members.
"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen". I may be wrong. but that's the way I see it.
A Very Short Honeymoon
Marrying my wife Phyllis, our honeymoon was one week. With the love for that woman, as the days passed, one might say that the honeymoon has lasted twenty-nine years. When a President of the US is elected, often time it is said his “honeymoon with Congress” is six months, a milestone just past by our current President. Not that these presidencies are even close, apparently from feedback of usually reliable sources, my “presidential honeymoon” has been less than a week. For you see, rumors have been reported about private meetings with Surfside Business Manager, Tracy Lofstrom as well as talks with former President Gary Williams. Secret? Tracy is now my employee and Gary Williams is required to turnover all the direction or plans he had envisioned from the past year as well as this next year.
As stated earlier in the Weekender, my decision to run for Surfside HOA presidency came less than an hour before the actual vote of the newly sworn in Board of Trustees. This position was neither sought by me nor desired. However, many significant volunteers had encouraged my candidacy. By the slimmest of margins (5/4) the election was complete. For these next seventeen days with no preparation, it has been my duty to form Trustee assignments to include three Trustees who have never served in a volunteer position at Surfside. Three very capable people have left the leadership roles, so filling leadership positions has been difficult. Two of the new Trustees are not permanent residents making trustee assignments difficult, My solution was to talk to each one of the Trustees privately, assuring each Trustee, new or tenured, understood their responsibility, accepting that responsibility, and were comfortable in that position.
Noting many recent social media posts, the Surfside Board of Trustees has been accused of many things from graft and corruption to self-interest. As a Trustee completing a second year, none of these accusations were ever experienced by me. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite. Now, those past two years are part of history. As we look forward to the newly formed Board of Trustees, each one has expressed to honestly do the best job possible, not to have a conflict of interest, and to serve the membership of Surfside representing the majority of members. Everyone of us has committed to a very difficult voluntary position that will be subject to long hours with committees that are the backbone of the community and pledged to uphold the oath each one of us took, a few days ago, last November, or two years ago for your Treasurer Kurt Olds or me, your President. We are a diverse community and each separate area of Surfside has specific concerns. Please understand that not everyone is going to feel satisfied all the time. We are an eclectic community. Give our newly formed Board of Trustees the opportunity to represent all of our community, fairly. Our property lots are small, what we do on those properties will immediately affect our neighbors, either positively or derogatively. Please let that be your choice to be a good neighbor.
This weekend a special meeting will be held Saturday morning entitled New Board Orientation. Two years ago, upon my election to BOT this was not offered as the two others elected with me where one was an incumbent, the other was returning as a Trustee after a year’s absence. The next year was the late November election when we were all isolated using Cisco WebEx. The longest tenured current Trustee of this BOT is two years, nine months. Consequently, all nine Trustees will attend the board orientation allowing a refresher and catching up as well as preparation for the August Board of Trustee Meeting. Any Surfside member is invited to attend as a matter of transparency. No business will be conducted at all during this orientation. In that regard there will be no public Surfside membership participation except as a spectator. Your presence if desired is welcomed. Thank you.
Ric Minich, President, Surfside HOA
Thank you George, eloquently put what we feel. Hopefully it doesn't fall on deaf ears.
ReplyDeleteThe question needs to answered as to why the vote of the members at the July meeting to have a moratorium on the trees has been ignored by this president and office manager?
ReplyDeleteInformation to members, we received a complaint from the compliance officer on a tree by our front driveway! Evidently supposed to be 16ft! Has anyone else received complaint emails or letters about their tree heights? Would love to know who else since July 10th have received any notice!
He won't last. whiners rarely do.
ReplyDeleteThank you George for clarifying the situation. The President has reassured in print that the Board is working to make the motions a reality. He also is aware that there are credible rumors that the Moratorium has been blocked. JoAnne received a compliance notice dated yesterday. Funny that one of the first to get such a questionable demand, is someone who forced the ballot to be redone. They were targeted by lighting compliance before any changes were approved. It took them about a year to excuse the demand.
ReplyDeleteBut Minich made the statement in the Weekender, complaining rather than offering any insight into the rumored blockage, which he knows is still being enforced, in spite of the understanding of the members, that there is a moratorium on tree topping.
That is the usual sneaky b.s. that he wants to deny goes on. Tracey has obviously been told to continue sending notices, but no effort to inform the members what is going on.
How many tree compliance letters have gone out since the July meeting when we passed a moratorium????
ReplyDeleteI'm going to play devil's advocate here, with the intention of leaving ALL PERSONALITY'S out of this PLEASE.........
ReplyDeletePaid employees- It is not realistic for employees to have 2000+ members telling them what to do. With that said, is there some kind of written chain of command guidelines for employees of the Business office? And if so, can this flow chart be published for member reference ? Just because someone "says" they are the boss, doesn't mean they are.
Imagine what it must feel like for our employees to live in such conflict day in and out? I have been in this position, where you vehemently disagree with the decisions but must comply to keep your job.
Joanne, someone is definitely targeting you. Not sure why but I believe you have some legitimate documentation to take care of this legally. You have the right to demand legal fee reimbursement. DO IT. This game playing BS must stop.
Per Ric in an email to someone a few days ago, no letters or fines were being sent out....hmmm targeted yes!
ReplyDeleteI ask how many compliance letters have been sent because we KNOW that 1 was sent 1) If there are more than 1 then it is the President ignoring the membership 2) If there was Just one then it was personal targeting. Is there a way to find out?
ReplyDelete34 proactive letters since July 10th
DeleteEvery well managed business has a designated org chart. This is something that should be reviewed and modified if need be on a yearly basis. I would be surprised if our HOA has one. The BOT needs to add this to the duties of the secretary. Accountability is lacking and its hard to watch what's going on here.
ReplyDeleteThat question was asked yesterday about an an org chart. Again, vague answer. Tracy should answer to someone
DeleteSure 12:51, tell Joanne to do it...Sure, let George do it. To much BS? yes, including yours. Get off your anonymous butt and do something yourself. This blog is full of advice for what others should do. Just wait, your turn will come for a targeted complaint letter if you use your name, like Joanne has.
ReplyDelete1:52 bring it, I'm ready. Anyone come for me, they will regret it.
ReplyDeleteGet off your anonymous butt and threaten me using your name. You are a scared little coward and you know it.
Punks be trollin................
@1:52, you are not reading things right. The way I see it, 12:51 is defending Joanne AND someone can't sue on behalf of someone else unless they are a dependent, soooooo not sure what you drinking but maybe you should switch to water?
ReplyDeleteThere's always some wise guy trying to stir up crap. Ignore the drunks
1. The President of the Board of Trustees is elected by, and from, the full Board of Trustees
at the first regular or special meeting following the Annual Meeting.
1. The Office of Board President is authorized in the Bylaws of SURFSIDE as stated in
Article VII, Section 1.
1. Article VII, Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the trustees and
members; he shall sign as President all certificates of membership and all contracts or
other instruments in writing authorized by the board of trustees; he shall call special
meetings of the trustees or of the members whenever he deems it necessary; he shall have
and exercise under the direction of the board of trustees the supervision of the affairs of
the corporation.
1. The President shall follow the additional assigned duties and responsibilities not covered
in Article VII, Section 1.
2. Shall be a member of the Executive Committee, ex-officio, a member of all committees,
both standing and temporary.
3. Shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
4. Shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in office.
5. Shall not be a signature on SURFSIDE checks or other financial accounts or instruments.
6. Shall appoint Designated Trustees to any and all SURFSIDE departments, functions and
committees with Board approval.
7. Shall have the power to appoint and/or remove all committee chairpersons &/or
committee members with Board approval.
8. Shall hear all complaints lodged against Trustees, Designated Trustees and committee
9. Shall be a member of and shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee.
10. Annually assess, in cooperation with the Manager, the effectiveness of the office of the
President, and make recommendations to the Board on any needed changes to the By Laws, Covenants, Board Policies, Committee Charters, Position Descriptions or
Operating Procedures pertaining to the jurisdiction of the office of the President, and
make recommendations for improvement of the operation of the office of the President
George: When on the Board, we did a complete revision of the Operations Manual and I was responsible for the addition of the wording "with Board approval". This was done because of power abuse by the Board President. One of the few good things I was able to accomplish. Trouble is, the past several Board Presidents continue to violate this.
Let's see if Ric will follow in their footsteps and abuse it. Already tried to lie to us saying Tracy was his employee
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but did he just say in here, "Tracy is now my employee"
ReplyDeleteYet if you read the notes from the orientation, Tracy works for the board.
Should Ric be making a clarification?
Yet another lie being told
He is worse than Williams, if that is possible.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's only been 3 weeks, lol
DeleteOur next door neighbor, in California, just received an order to cut his trees yesterday. So add one more property to the list: North Surfside, West of I St.
ReplyDeleteWell hopefully the BOT will put a stop to this madness at the August 21st meeting.
ReplyDeleteOur two neighbors also got letters!!
ReplyDeleteSo much for the email Ric sent stating no letters or fines were going out. Lier lier pants gonna be on fire
ReplyDeleteStay in your lane Ric. You yourself are in violation of a couple covenants
ReplyDeleteOh and don't forget the old board buddies allowed Clancy to continue with board meeting when his house was under contract, another violation of covenants. Its starting to stink Ric
ReplyDeleteYour weekender is only your opinion, written by Tracy. You serve at the pleasure of the BOT, see your duties!