
Monday, June 21, 2021



You can make a difference, but only if you vote.  Here is what is at stake.

Continued wasteful spending of member money.

Continued increase in assessments.

Environmental destruction  that includes flooding, erosion, water pollution and tree loss.

New covenants imposed without member vote or approval.

Continued mismanagement. 

Continued neglect of member assets such as parks, beach paths and waterways. 

A continued voting process that just keeps getting worse and discourages member voting.

And on and on.

We have a current small  group that are actively working to maintain the status quo for their own selfish interests.  They favor higher spending, even more restrictive covenants with unreasonable  enforcement.  They want to continue to run it their way and  could care less about what the members want.  POWER, EGO, and SELF INTEREST, that is their agenda. 

WE can turn this place around and make the needed changes that the members deserve. This election can do it, but only if you vote and vote for the 4 candidates. Status quo or change for the better for all members? Not a select few.  Get your proxy vote in, or better yet, attend the Annual Meeting and vote there.    


  1. Yes. Every vote is important! This is your right. This is your community. Get involved and get counted.

  2. Very important vote! Your 4 vote right was reinstated, come in person to show your support!

  3. So important to attend this year!! If you are not CERTAIN you will be able to attend, please send in your proxy ballot. VOTE for CORI, LARRY, RONDA, JOHN.

    If you are not sure you can attend, please send in your proxy ballot. Even if you send in a proxy ballot and then attend the meeting your vote will still count. VOTE for CORI, LARRY, RONDA, JOHN.

  4. They tried to take our rights away and it didn't happen. Please vote! John, Cori, Larry, Ronda

  5. Do we need to stay through the entire meeting for our vote to count? Or can we just arrive before 9:45, vote and leave?

  6. I think this is how it is done. George is very knowledgeable about these processes so hopefully he will correct me if I'm wrong.

    If you can't stay for the meeting, according to the instructions that are on the agenda page, YOU can deliver your PROXY ballot to the Surfside Designated Election Committee Chair (Janet Corey) at the meeting site prior to 9:45am, July 10, 2021. You can NOT have someone else deliver your PROXY at the meeting site.

    If you want to vote "in person" you will be given a (non-PROXY) ballot when you sign in. Then you have to stay until the candidates are introduced and make their statements and then you mark the ballot and they collect them. This process is #8 and #9 on the agenda. Agenda items 1-7 don't take much time. So if you can plan on staying for about 30-45 minutes you can vote "in person" (not by PROXY).

  7. 12:53 is correct. I plan to be at the meeting and record and take notes. I always stay after the meeting and view the special Board meeting following where they elect the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In the many times I have attended, I am usually the only one who stays. I then post those results on the blog. I am sorry there is not a picnic following the meeting, but can't make a judgement if this is the right or wrong decision. I don't know if that will have any effect on the Annual Meeting, but think not. There seems to be a lot of interest in the meeting by members. Bottom line....You just never know.

  8. This is the most ridiculous voting process ever born on the planet. So, what you are saying is- If you vote by proxy, check your candidates, mail in the ballot, you DO NOT have to sit through the meeting or any portion of it. But- If you vote in person, you must suffer the time delay even if you have already made up your mind. This is beyond reasonable and needs to be reformed to a simple vote process.

  9. Yes 12:13 that is correct and you are correct......a simple direct ballot is what is needed. As noted on another chat thread, this whole proxy thing is ridiculous. And the ballots should NOT be sent to the office. Talk about bogus chain of custody They should be sent only to the DECC or turned in at the meeting.

  10. It doesn't make sense to vote like this and why are people asked to arrive between 8-9:45? Is this to register as an in person vote? What are people doing for 2 hours waiting for the meeting to start? Can we show up, register and go get something to eat and return before 10am? What is the meaning of all this? Trying to make it difficult and confusing so people do not vote? You can never get time back, why waste it lawd almighty!

  11. YES!!!! Seems obvious the intent is to discourage participation. Make it hard and confusing and people will give up.

    If you can't attend (or don't want to participate in the circus) please MAIL in your PROXY ballot in the envelope provided. Do NOT take it to the office, even though that is listed as an option.

    Vote for Larry, Ronda, Cori and John. Make one of them your "proxy" or anyone else you trust and are CERTAIN will attend. The candidates are required to attend the meeting so you can be sure your vote will be counted.

    Be sure to write in your account number and your address and sign and date.

  12. How does a person find out their account number? OMG what is happening? I don't remember ever seeing an account number anywhere and do I need this number if I vote in person?

  13. On the bottom of the ballot it says account number OR address. Either one will work.

  14. Your account number is on your dues and assessments statement. And yes it does say OR but I always put both if I'm mailing it in (just in case). Don't want my vote thrown out on a "technicality".

    If you vote in person they have all your info in the record book when you check in. Just state your name.

    Lots of, let's call it "inconsistent" voting and seating practices over the years. Some "inconsistencies" to keep certain people off the board and others to put certain people on the board.

    Hopefully we get a new board with new ideas and vision and they will update our voting policies accordingly.

  15. Do we vote proxy for our local county or State elections? NO.
    Do we vote our presidential election by proxy? NO.
    Get rid of proxy voting and it will be a step in the right direction.

  16. This blog, Surfside Chat, had 983 page views today. This is an all time record. Average daily views run around 400 to 500 and several hundred on the weekends. Saturday and Sunday both had around 700 views. Viewership has been high for several weeks.

    There seems to be an increased interest in this years Board election. Is this an indication of increased voting and attendance at the Annual Meeting? In a few weeks we will have the answers to that.

    The campaign signs and door to door flyers have had an effect also. There also seems to be many unhappy and concerned members. This blog has had many comments and discussions that have been both interesting and informative. More and more members are returning to this site for information. The status quo group see this information blog as a real threat to their dominance and power control. That is evident by their personal attacks rather than a discussion of the real issues.

    This blog is doing what it was designed to do...share and discuss information. Many thanks to those who participate with thoughtful, respectful comments and share information.

  17. Thank you George! Your blog is the best source of communication and information we have. It is definetly getting some notice these past few weeks.

  18. Thank you George. This is a big help to the community!
