
Monday, June 14, 2021


Mailed to members 6/14/2021

 The notice below was posted on the Surfside Facebook social media page.  Corruption and incompetence will again cost the members additional thousands of dollars.   

New Proxy forms with the corrected direction to vote for four candidates (not three) are being mailed to members today. Any proxies already returned to the office (unopened) or mailed directly to Janet Corey will be opened by her and she will watch for replacements sent by members.
Just a reminder to members who choose to submit a proxy in lieu of attending the meeting in person, PLEASE sign it and include either property address or account number. Every year a great number of proxies are disqualified because they are either not signed or can't read the signature.


  1. Can't read the signature? How stupid is that? That would apply to most. This is a false statement. The only signature disqualification is if they ARE NOT SIGNED, not that they can't read them. Identifying information is on the ballot. Does anyone know what they are doing or talking about? Appears not.

  2. Sorry, but you are not correct here.

    Most elections require a legible signature and in some cases a matching one on file. I know of more than one person who signed their mail-in ballot in a hurry with a scribble and got called by an election official to verify it was them otherwise the vote wouldn't have been counted. So appears it is YOU that doesn't know what they are talking about.

    I realize for some here no matter what the board or office does will ever be right, but in this case they are giving out correct advice.

  3. @June 14, 2021 at 2:41 PM

    Then how about asking for a phone number on the ballot and if the person "can't" read a signature, give the HOMEOWNER a call? If the State can do it, then this god almighty super important smarter than everyone on the planet HOA can do it too!

    I'm so sick of you and your immature taunting, it's a good thing you are anonymous because you are very very very unlikable!

  4. This has nothing to do with incorrect addresses ect! It has to do with your right to vote for 4 board members instead of the 3 as stated on the previous ballot.

  5. There has never been a surfside ballot vote rejected because they could not read the signature. Some, but not many, have been rejected because they were not signed. This association is one big mistake. One after another. Can anyone trust this election as legal and fair? Not me.

  6. Ok 2:47, let me see if I get this straight.

    2:20 (you I guess) makes a comment calling the office stupid, gives WRONG information and then gets rude by accusing them of not knowing what they are doing or talking about.

    I provided accurate information with an example as proof along with the SAME WORDS in response and you get all upset? Give me a break.

    For crying out loud, why create an issue where there isn't one. As was stated, every year some proxies get disqualified. As has been seen on other topics not everyone knows how to fill them up correctly. By letting people know of the proper way lessens the chance of a proxy not being counted and the election results done in a timely manner. Isn't that what everyone wants?

    Sorry if that offends you.

  7. You seem to be the one upset. Guess you must be sorry for yourself. I am not upset. Just stating the facts. Do facts upset you and why? Could it be that you have something to do with mistakes? Appears so.

  8. The entire proxy thing is a fraud. For pete's sake, when I check a box, sign the paper, that is MY VOTE and I don't need a Proxy for anything just count the damned votes! Just because it's been done this way since the ice age doesn't mean it's good or right.

    This is the stupidest way of voting I ever did see. This is an HOA with an agenda, nothing more, nothing less.

    Vote for 1. Ronda, 2. John, 3. Larry, 4. Cori!

  9. The ballots are always somewhat confusing. But the vote count isn't finalized until some point in the meeting. Asking for addresses seems reasonable to me, to help verify the ballot.

    As JoAnne points out- be glad that the ballots have been replaced and the proper number of votes will be cast, FOUR, by each household.

  10. VOTE FOR 1.Rhonda 2. John 3. Larry 4. Cori

  11. But if you already sent in your 3 vote ballot, AND DO NOT REPLACE IT, WITH A NEW BALLOT, IT IS INVALID!!
    You cannot do that, it clearly states, No member shall have more voting rights than another

  12. There is no valid reason why the Saturday board meeting can not be live streamed and video recorded. There is not enough room for members to attend in person. The supposed transparency is a lie. They do not want you to see their incompetence and deliberate deceit.

  13. We need to dissolve this s hole place. There is nothing left that is worth saving. Neighbors will still be neighbors and a lot more happy than they are now.

  14. 11:00 I agree. It is so screwed up it should be cancelled. What makes us think they will follow the rules now? Sorry, but I don't see any of the new candidates that will be any better. I will not vote for anyone. Only vote I would make is to end this place.

  15. @1:01, I agree, and same with 1:46. Too bad this option was not on the ballot. I think it could have happened

  16. My election prediction if we get a quorum. Scott, DeLeest, Raymer and Williams, in that order. A return to the same old as the other candidates ride off into the sunset. The status quo will win as it always has.

  17. New people deserve a shot. The olde-guard are self-entitled poops that don't follow their own rules or abide by the covenants. They are using tech excuses for interferences in meeting transmission, when they don't want to be transparent to member eyes.

    The meeting Saturday will cover the ballot snafu, and offer their sad excuse for a"printing error". They are willing to stoop to cheating if necessary to stay in power, which is just sick. It isn't rocket science, and meant to pass the torch every 3 years. Other members deserve a shot at helping to make a more harmonious community.

  18. The olde-guard are willing to get out there and go after the votes. They seem to be more motivated than the others who are willing to just sit by. They will blame the members and others for their defeat. The olde guard won't win the election, the new-guard will lose it.

  19. Everyone upset about SHOA and the deeds of BOT, contact the Attorney Generals Office and ask them to conduct a procedural audit. At least one person has requested more would ensure this happens. Mention election fraud and they can take it from there. We can ask for several years audit to snare any and all actors (board members , committee chairs and anyone else). Form on line.

    1. Yeah, that's the myth that seeks to cover up the dishonesty and conivery that goes on behind the scenes. It isn't innocent when you consider the useless destruction of the community's trees and the tens of thoisands of wasted tree maintenance dollars, and massive fines for ignoring State and Federal regulations. There's an insistence on taking a policing/regulating role that serves no real need, but bristles with sanctimonious meaness.

  20. Yes, fill out the form and contact the state AG. Between that and the potential 50K collected by Mr. Malley and other members you should be able to dissolve the HOA.

  21. Count me in. I will contribute to that. Enough of this BS

  22. @ 7:36

    In no way are we trying to dissolve this HOA, we are just asking them to represent the entire community. With that it means asking all members for input, no matter how painful that may be to some members, an HOA is ALL MEMBERS not just the Trustees and Committee Members. We want our voice to be heard, if we get new elected Trustees then great, if it takes filing lawsuits against sitting Trustees, so be it. We just want equality for all members and not to be treated like lesser members because maybe our house is not on J Place, or isn’t worth $300k, or maybe we have an RV lot.

    We are all members and all should be treated the same and respected by our Board Of Trustees and the Employees of this HO.

  23. Well said 8:26!!

  24. The board either needs to be totally cleaned out, with new people, or we should press for dissolution. This crap has gone on long enough, and the unindicted co-conspirators need to be removed.

    I'm tired of being forced to belong to an organization that has no morals, and will not follow their own rules.

  25. 937 - take your 'if you don't like it, move' and file it. You people are in pursuit of your own self interest, not that of the community.
    We WILL take our neighborhood back, if not this election, next.

    Your BS will not go unchallenged.

  26. You really need to look at your "if you don't like it, move" theory. Exactly that 'has' happened and now there are people here willing to stay and fight for justice instead of give up.

    This is what you get when you spit in the wind. Now, take your worn out one liners and find something more productive to do with your time.

  27. Those who promote the status quo and increased restrictive covenant enforcement are the ones destroying Surfside. They can thank themselves for the State stepping in with an investigation. Most members pay little attention about Surfside until they get a threatening compliance letter. Then they start paying attention and get mad as hell. By this time they give less than a damn about who is on the board. They just want this place to go away. That is the direction this place is going and it couldn't happen the sooner the better.

  28. Is it allowed for the BOT to clutter up our neighborhood with "vote for me" signs? Seems a bit obnoxious and overreach use of public right of ways don't cha think? I consider this a violation of my "view rights".

  29. It's the most bizarre behavior I have ever seen. This is an HOA for goodness sake!

    If they really need to feel important, run for county, State office.

    I'm concerned there's something they just don't want revealed.

  30. Saw deLeast out today planting her signs on I Street, to bad she didn’t get ran over by one of those people driving 60 mph. Been back here total of 5 weeks this year and are on I Street, have seen the Sherriff 4 times, twice within 1 hour. Last summer without Clancy’s 500k contract say the Sherriff 5-10 times a week.

    Where is our money going? Not to Surfside!

  31. @June 17, 2021 at 6:12 AM

    You are completely wrong on this statement! As a matter of fact, a Trump sign still remains up on J place. Why is that? Clean up your own street before you pollute mine.

    And, the Democratic party contacted me, looking for worthy candidates to run for local governments. Call them and file for office if you are so willing to be finger pointing.
