
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Board Candidate Questions & BM Audio

 And answers.....

June Board Meeting, 6-19-2021


  1. Our thanks to the office staff, especially Kimber, for getting the candidate questions and answers available for members to read, The audio recording is 5 hours long and expect few, including me, to listen to it all.

    Usually the candidate questioning is from individual Board and association members. These prepared questions did not require candidates to be present. They could just have been presented in a written form and given time for the candidates to prepare a response. This would have shortened the meeting by several hours.

    The Business Manager, Tracy, was overheard saying that this blog was all lies. Does that include candidate answers and Board Meeting minutes? Was her Email to me a lie? If I say or post something in error, I accept responsibility, apologize, and make corrections. I DO MOT LIE..

    Again, thanks for getting this information out to the members. Being a Blog Host, I appreciate the time and difficulty involved in the preparation.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that Tracy has bought into the excuses the Board uses to explain away their secrets being revealed. Mark Scott, Annette deLeest and Gary Wiliams, (and Minich) all are fully aware of a great many instances where the truth of their actions is not revealed.

      It's not surprising that people who have had management roles in their employment, think holding back on sharing public information is tactful short-term, but they often find it best kept a secret longterm, for THEIR OWN benefit.

      George just tries to get information out to the community, where the Weekender has seldom been willing to participate.

      What I try to do is remind readers what has come to pass in the recent past, and info George has shared, reassembled as events change for good AND bad. I add factual information I know of I think is pertinent. But there's nothing to be gained unless we're telling the truth.

      There are a lot of ridiculous statements made, and far too many purely obnoxious entries that fog the picture. But it is pretty easy to determine who is speaking from a point of knowledge or experience.

      Signed remarks are generally accurate to the exrent the author can discern. So you're just looking for an excuse if you think something I state here is meant to be misleading or a lie. It doesn't happen.

      Everyone has a tendency to forget exact dollar amounts on expenditures, fines and such. But exact numbers are rarely the point being made in a Blog comment.

      There are a lot of "inconvenient truths" that are published in the Blog about the HOA, and it's stuff you won't hear or read anywhere else.

      Over a period of 3 years, the HOA was dealing with Federal, State, and County regulators over a long list of blatant violations from improper handling of Asbestos, to building 3 structures without proper permitting (2 in a Wetland). There was a Federal Criminal investigation of the Asbestos stuff.

      None of this stuff was admitted to or mentioned in open meetings for nearly 3 years, when we were engaged in legal settlement and Wetland mitigation.

      There have been many such issues. Legal spending is NEVER revealed to the membership for instance. The total amount of money pissed away over these few years is not public infornation. Fines and Asbestos abatement totaled around $48,000 as I recall, and mystery legal fees.
      There are. Serious problems in the honesty dept. The Board has NO authority to prevent a member motion scheduled for a member meeting, and only members can amend or replace Bylaws.

      Denying our Bylaw motion ignored the HOA attorney's advice, violated our Bylaws, and hid the truth from the membership that they alone have the power to change this antiquated system.

  2. 1. I like everything Cori said. She sounds like a real diplomat who can listen, empathize and manage the money. I would be inclined to volunteer on a committee under her leadership.

    2. I like Larry. He sounds extremely knowledgeable in this HOA, past, present and future.

    3. I like John's answers, there will be a learning curve but the bonus to this is he will see things from a homeowner's point of view and will raise questions when things get a little out of control.

    4. I don't always like Ronda but I think a 'dig your heels in' person is needed in every group to make people see all sides of a coin.

    5. Annette's answers were sweet, I don't know her but they could possibly be scripted answers and she may have had the an advantage of receiving the questions ahead of time.

    6. Mark sounds like he tries. I'm not sure how much effort he puts in to trying but I would like to see him push back a little more.

    7. Gary, ugh, he may be a nice guy but he really is full of himself. He lost me on question 3 where he says trees cut back in Spring. Are you completely dense mister? This is prime nesting season and spring should be banned from trimming.

    The environment is our future, your children, grandchildren are counting on us NOW. This is a priority and should be for everyone.

    There is my take away and the line up for my ballot.

    1. Thank you 12:42. Anyone can stop by my little blue cabin today to just say hello and share coffee.

      -Cori Harms

  3. Current Boeing employee here, Annette wouldn't be able to function in today's corporate environment. We have moved forward beyond her outdated competencies. And what kind of business does Mark own and how many employees. Maybe ask some of them what they think of him. And Gary, sure he's the type of engineer that hasn't worked away from his desk in years.

    1. @2:13 pm

      Omg! Speaking of Annette! She placed her campaign sign poster in front of my house! I messaged her about it, she told my husband, it’s a right of way! Is this how professional matured adults act? Is this candidacy worth going that low?

  4. There is no current board member that is worthy of re-election. Why would we reward failure?

    This HOA likes pride itself on security, garbage and water. They are failing in all three facets.

  5. George, as a former Board member, can you enlighten us as to any independent verification of this election? Does anyone other than the Board look at the results?

    BTW - thank you for your service to this community! The new business manager can keep her lies.

  6. While I don't usually answer anonymous questions to me, It seems respectful. Janet Cory is hired to tabulate the ballots. She is certified, bonded, licensed. As I recall she lives in Raymond and has done our election count for years. She is not charged with our election process, only the tabulation. She is given a list of "members in good standing". (members who have or have arrangements to pay dues and assessments) I have full confidence in her work and results she presents.

    When I was on the Board and Board Secretary, our governing documents state that the Board Secretary will certify the election. What this consisted of was...I did a casual inspection of the ballots, totals, etc. While I could, I never looked at a ballot to see how anyone had voted. (part of my honesty, I don't lie) We made a sheet that stated the time and date and that I certified the election as legal and no irregularities. I signed and impressed the corporate seal. All this goes into a sealed envelope and kept in the office safe..I forget the number of years, but may be forever.

    As some know, I am a stickler for following the rules and procedures. To my knowledge this had never been done before or at least in recent times. I do not think it has ever been continued, but don't know that for sure.

    Short question and long answer. You can trust the election tabulation but not how we got to it.

  7. I just wish the entire board was up for re-election. They all need to go.

  8. Cox, you need to take a break, stop repeating the same story over and over and over, good grief, whoa is me, I didn’t get a seat at the table!, they voted against me! get a life!

  9. Good points Steve, after this election fiasco and I and Joanne emailing Ric Minich and questioning 3 vs 4 votes and being told in emails he was correct only to change his point of view after he received Joanne’s email. And then criticize her during the 6-19 meeting!. Which I believe you or an Attorney were involved in, this has been for the last 8 to 15 years the good ole boys club that only think about themselves! I thought last year we as members actually voted in 1 or 2 people that would not tow the line and represent the Community, hopefully they can stand up and represent the Community! I ask as a member of this HOA in good standing that Ric Minich and Kurt Olds step down due to wrongful actions against the members of the HOA.

  10. Sorry was typing while watching the Olympic trials and eating dinner. But read and grasp the meaning.

  11. You’d think when the questions came up about the 3 vs 4 vote, someone would have done some research of their own! Why were Gary and Ric so adamant that following the procedure manuals were accurate? Reading the By-laws and Articles of incorporation leaves no doubt about a vote for every member!
    Why not admit you made a mistake instead of saying I sent a threatening letter?
    Vote John, Ronda, Cori snd Larry. Time for listening to us members!

  12. I believe we are starting to see some desperation here. Perhaps someone is scared of what might be revealed about the underhanded operation during William's multiple terms.

    935 - Cox has every reason to protest, as do the rest of us! It's what happens when your association doesn't follow their own rules, blatantly cheating the membership. Yet you defend that crap. Says a lot....about you.

  13. Throw it away Cori. Toss it in the bushes. It's the right of way where anyone has the right to remove trash. lord what an asshole she is. Or, put a big red circle with a line through it on it. haha, she left her trash on the street and you are just cleaning it up.

  14. Seriously, do it, throw it out. I noticed the county went and took all those signs out when you go to turn left at the last stop sign coming out of the neighborhood. It looks trashy, signs all over the place here and no one ever cleans them up. Ridiculous. And the realtor signs are never cleaned up either. I'm sick of it. Looks like a ghetto.

    Throw it out!

  15. Funny, I walk around this neighborhood all the time, wonder why none of those signs are up on J place? Strange isn't it? Why don't these people trash up their neighborhood with that junk? Not one sign on J place North side of Oysterville road. I know you have buddies up there Annette, why are you being so rude and depositing your trash down here? I agree, Everyone, throw them out if you see them. Spray paint them, do whatever you want to them. They are littering.

  16. Very rude and unprofessional of her to put her sign in front of your house. Her and Gary are 2 desperate people.

  17. Cori, Annette had nothing to do with her sign placements, I had no idea as to where you lived, I apologize for its placement, I went to remove the sign this evening after Annette spoke of the controversy during dinner with the sign in the right of way. The sign is gone, taken in the past few hours by someone? Your comment has accomplished only one thing, it has spurred nothing but more hateful comments!

  18. Fred, you and Annette need to just become uninvolved and enjoy your retirement, you have both alienated to many people in this Community and should just step back and enjoy the years ahead. Times are changing and the pathetic attempt Annette and Gary are putting out there is really embarrassing and really appears to be a desperate attempt to get re- elected. But Fred based on what you have written I think you could get a job writing fantasy stories!

  19. Mr. de Leest, if the comments are so hateful, it's due to poor behavior on you. Perhaps if Annette would have been more gracious with Cori's message about the issue. all of this could have been avoided. I have no doubt, a different response, maybe even a an ooops, sorry, to Cori, would have made this a non issue. Own your poo..........

  20. Can't blame the blog and the two people on here.

  21. Garage sale, lot for sale, for sale by owner, handyman services, new roof call here, vote for this person, vote for this measure, yoga classes, nail salon, hair cuts, pressure washing, painting, realty signs with arrows on every corner, it's a cluttered mess everywhere on this peninsula. Stop with the signs, no one calls or looks at your sign! And, you are not entitled to litter the right of way in front of our homes. Rude and trashy.

  22. Notice how Fred, when posting here about the issue, completely ignored their initial response, which was to blow Cori off. As June 28, 2021 at 9:22 PM stated, if their response had been to immediately apologize and remove the sign it would not have become an issue.

  23. Some people just lack integrity, and like Fred, their words ring hollow. These kind of people just need to go away.

  24. I think in the political realm it's what they call "spin". But we thank them for exposing their true selves for everyone to see.

    1. Mr.deLeest should realize that the other candidates own property in Surfside, and that it is expected by all property owners that they will be asked for permission before anyone plants signs.

  25. Fred said they had no idea as to where Cori lived. Do they not know the property addresses of Larry, John and Ronda either? Puh-lease......I have a bridge.

  26. Signage should be a priority for an HOA and here's where they can enforce something and we would probably all agree. Especially the realtor and election signs. Those are the worst offenders and they never retrieve the signs after the action is completed. I maintain the right of way in front of my house for the benefit of the community and to maintain the appearance (neat and tidy?) of my home and refuse to allow any signs to be planted. If you plant a sign here, it will go in the trash, immediately.

  27. Just to make it clear, ballots cannot be turned in for someone else. You may be their proxy, but you cannot turn in their ballot! The ballot must mailed to Janet, delivered to the office by the person whose signature is on it, or turned in at the annual meeting by the individual by 9:45am
    Ballot harvesting is not allowed and will not be tolerated!
    We need to completely do away with proxys. You vote or you dont...period

  28. I'm with you June 29, 2021 at 12:51 PM. If someone puts a sign in front of my house, it will be immediately relocated to the compactor.

  29. Ronda, you don't send in ballot if you are attending the meeting, you get a floor ballot. Please check your facts before giving out misinformation

    1. @1:18..If you attend the meeting, you get your ballot and then what...sit on it!!??
      No you turn it in before 9:45. Nobody is making members stay after it's turned in, they are free to leave.
      Re-read my post

  30. June 29, 2021 at 1:18 PM...You need to re-read Ronda's post. You completely misrepresented the point she is making.

  31. Fact check: Ronda was 100% correct. She was talking about the proxy ballot. A member can drop off their proxy ballot prior to the Annual Meeting at the meeting place and leave. If they are staying, they would get a ballot to cast there.

  32. Thank you always we very much appreciate your depth of knowledge when it comes to these sorts of things. And this illustrates the other point Ronda has been making.....we need to discontinue use of the "proxy" ballot. It's unnecessary and complicates and confuses the voting process.

  33. Ronda, people simply do not understand this unusual style of voting. Detailed instructions on how to use this wacky ballot should have been provided. I'm hopeful this will be the last time this proxy business is used. If we have enough money to mail two different proxy ballots to members, we have enough money to provide a postage paid envelope, addressed to Janet, for secure tabulation. A simple ballot, with a vote being the actual vote, by the member, is all we need.

  34. Yes, Postage paid envelopes to someone other than the office.

    And, the IT budget needs to have clear objectives with time frames for completion. My opinion for target tasks-

    1. initiate a receiving account for EBT deposits from members. Train staff
    2. purchase and train ALL office staff/BOT on tele/video conference software
    3. develop business forms for electronic submission

    I'll stop there because the rest can get more complicated. These three should be easy applications all members could use and appreciate.

    It would appear this office lacks organization. Otherwise, we would not need to have these discussions after 20+ years of continued technology advancements.

  35. J Flood on G Street, has a vote for Williams sign in his yard. Poor old Flood. Guess he forgot that Williams threw him under the bus for the J Place gang. Strange bedfellows.

  36. The proxy’s need to go, no where else where you vote has these stupid things. Either you vote or not. Proxy’s are just another way for the current BOT to cheat.

    As for Annette’s sign, you cannot tell me she didn’t know exactly where Fred was putting it. The signs need to go! Makes our community look terrible. Annette and Fred need to just enjoy their retirement and stop with the nonsense. They both have divided this community and are not well liked anymore.


  37. Voting for those four would be a big mistake! Most everyone I know who got their flyer immediately thought the same thing as we did! Well we now know who not to vote four!!

  38. And you're "Anonymous", so we can trust your statement is accurate right ? Uh huh.

  39. 919 - is the J Place faction, desperate to keep their self-interest in place.

    Regardless of election result, you people are the real losers.

  40. If nothing else, comes out of this, at least 1 new board member will not be a j placer

  41. Some of us do like the covenants and are the reason we bought here!
