
Tuesday, June 8, 2021


2021 Trustee ballot & Meeting Agenda...

 Pay close attention to the boxes to check and signature and date.  Note the three (3) options for casting your ballot. Important:  Only use original that you received in the mail.

Click on each page once or twice for a larger view.


  1. The board decision to only vote for three candidates was the wrong choice, regardless of what the attorney advised. You can't have an election of four and only vote for three. The new board should get a new attorney. As was pointed out, in the past with four openings, we voted for four. This place is so screwed up. Wrong then? or wrong now? This board does what ever it wants under the great leadership of Williams.

  2. The promotion of John, Ronda,Cori and Larry has been reduced to three. Who is off the list? I think the odds just went up for Scott, deLeest and Williams. Are you still looking for change?

  3. That's exactly why they changed it to voting for three. Good luck with changing the HOA by changing the board. Lol. It won't happen this year either. The past and current faction of leaders will never let that happen. This year is proof of that again.

    Oh well, we can continue to whine, complain, argue, and each stand alone on this blog.

  4. If we can't even have a fair and legal board election, why bother being an HOA? We need to dump this corrupt association and let people live their lives without harassment. A couple of new people on the board is going to make no difference at all. Start the process of ending this cesspool HOA. That is something a majority of members can support.

  5. 1126 - could not agree more. This monument to self interest needs to be disbanded. The services have become just as sketchy as the board management.

  6. This homeowners association has failed everyone from those who support covenants to those who want to change them. After 50 years we still can't get a decent drink of water without boiling it. Year after year the costs keep going up and year after year the benefits keep going down. The member assets are neglected and no plans to improve anything. Living here only gets worse, not the expected better. I agree, this is one big expensive failure.

  7. You need to come up with a logical reason for cancelling the election due to the incompetent actions of the election committee, ie not allowing the proper numbers of votes. Drop the Board members from the Board whose terms expire this year and reschedule the election when agreement is made to vote for four candidates. Send a flyer to all the recipients of the ballots to explain that the “vote for three” instruction was a deliberate error made by the current Board.

  8. If this current board wanted to correct the "error", they would resign. Starting with the board president, Gary Williams. He should also withdraw his name from the candidates. Scott and deLeest should do the same also.

    1. Well said. Williams has stated before about his engineering background, especially regarding the water department, but espouses his procurement savy. Sorry to say, as a 35 year professional/manager in the supply chain arena, those two dont mix well. Totally different mind sets. And the only reason deleest is running is because she saw the qualifications of the new candidates and worried the status quo would be upended. I am concerned this will be a stolen election no matter what. Sure the BOT will now send out their own mailing. In turn, the Surfside United group should send another one out immediately after as well as have a group at the meeting with banners. I will be out of town for the meeting, but if someone takes up a collection ot kickstarter for incidentals, I will pledge $100.

  9. All they do is keep rolling the same fools through, to save their damn tree Covenants! This crap has got to end!

  10. We need more members like Ronda. She is willing to stand up and say it the way it is. Will the other candidates show the same courage or can we just expect more of the same with a different face? I fear that what we will see is history repeating it's self.

  11. I'm concerned like that also. I thought when the retired Coast Guard senior officer became part he would be some new and competent blood, but sounds like he quickly became one of them. I always wonder if they are compromised early or have skeletons in their closet like the current and last general manager. Whoever mentioned the kickstarter account, good idea, even could be used for legal fees. Heck, I'll kick in $50 from my monthly disability to help.

  12. ok, I'm normally not the dumbest person in the room but today, I guess I fall on my sword. But to be perfectly clear, if I don't understand this, I can guarantee, there's probably many members who have the same understanding as I and DO NOT VOTE because they believe they need to be present. I am new to HOA's as a whole. I would have called the office but don't really trust their answers anymore so I am at your mercy. Hopefully, without a bunch of "dumb dumb" comments. Anyways.......

    I received the packet AND an envelope with a return envelope with an address. However, when I read the instructions/ballot, it only states VOTE BY PROXY---IF NOT VOTING IN PERSON.

    Last year's BOT election had the envelope too and I mailed it back. This one states I need to be "PRESENT" or "PROXY" to vote (?). If this is true, what is the need for the envelope? The instructions do not mention "MAIL IN" at all.

    Ok, I'm ready for the abuse, but would appreciate a non smart ass answer somewhere in the criticism so I can vote these wrong doers out of office.


  13. If your not going to be present in person, where you receive a ballot there, then for your vote to count, it must be a proxy ballot. Unless you drop it off at the office by the deadline as stated, you must mail it. So, it is sorta a mail in ballot. If you don't name someone to be your proxy, on the ballot, it is divided among the Board, so that it is counted. A proxy meets State rules where you can vote and it counts as you being present at the meeting. Please, whatever you do, do NOT check the box that gives them, the Board or proxy person, the right to vote for you. That is how they stack the election. I am not very good at explaining, but hope this helps.

  14. I think the very bare bones question is- If the ballot is mailed in the return self addressed stamped envelope, is it counted as a valid vote? I too noticed how this can be misconstrued by many. The options should be outlined on the top of the ballot.


    The ballot causes a lot of confusion. I wasn't going to vote at all because I cannot be present. And the way it's worded, I understand it to be "SHOW UP or Proxy" ONLY!

    So ridiculously confusing

  15. Ok, here is how I understand:

    If you are going to be at the Annual Meeting you will be given a ballot to vote in person, you must be there and registered by 9:45 AM.

    If you cannot attend the Annual Meeting and want to vote then you must do it by Proxy, to do so you must vote for 3 candidates. Do not leave this blank or your Proxy can be used to vote for any of the 7 candidates. You can name anyone that will be at the meeting to cast your votes.
    Make sure you sign and date your ballot and carefully fill it out, if anything is wrong it will be thrown out and not counted.

    Your Proxy should be mailed with the self addressed envelope included! Although they state you can drop them at the office or hand them in the morning of the meeting, I would not trust either of those methods.

    There is no true mail-In ballot as last year, the mail in is Proxy only!

    No matter which way, just vote and let’s get a change for the better of all of us.

  16. I,Ronda Christoph of course will be at the meeting. I can be your proxy if you would like.
    3 options to get your ballot in
    Mail it in the return envelope by July 9th
    Drop it off at the office by July 9th, 4pm
    Or turn it in by 9:45am at the meeting on July 10th

  17. So, we have to show up? If you cannot and if you don't have a proxy person, your vote doesn't count?

    This is a bunch of BS and and this pisses me off! Why provide an envelope with an address on it if YOUR VOTE DOESN'T"T COUNT IF YOU MAIL IT IN!!!!!!!!??????

    This is deceiving and another liquidation of the vote!

    1. The proxy ballot can be mailed, and most probably do. It goes directly to the woman who is in charge of our secure ballot counting. Our documents specify use of proxies, and the Board likes it because they get to fill in any unvoted proxies. It's confusing.

  18. I don't trust these rotten SOB's.

    I'm showing up NO MATTER WHAT! I will walk through hot coals, crawl through glass, whatever it takes. This is ridiculous and I am mad as hell!

  19. ummm, I don't understand, if you can mail it in, why would anyone need a proxy? There's only one reason I can think of and it would be unforeseen circumstances because you wanted to vote in person.

    Just asking- because this ballot is so ambiguous. Can this be more transparent for future voting?

  20. Agreed, this ballot design is horrendous, to say the least. Definitely can see why so many people don't vote!

  21. 911 - not under the present administration. Its in their self interest to keep it convoluted. They use that for their own purposes, voting the proxies to support the cult.

  22. If you can’t attend the meeting, carefully fill out your Proxy ballot. Vote for 3 people, DO NOT leave it blank!

    Use Ronda Christoph as your Proxy voter, she will get your ballot at the Annual Meeting and cast your votes as listed.

    Do this ASAP and mail it in. That way your vote will count and the sitting Trustees will not be able to use your blank ballot to vote their way.


  23. This should not be called a "proxy ballot"

    The definition of proxy-
    1.the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.

    If I am voting MY BALLOT, the word proxy does not apply. So, why is this term used?

    Is there to be two different ballots in the mailing?

    I only received what is called "proxy ballot" but am marking the selections myself? Does this create invalidity? This too is suspicious and nonsensical, just more word jumble to try and look smart when they are not.

    This is some convoluted type of voting. I will attend, so there is no confusion on MY vote.

    This is a horrible way to do business and it's time for change.

  24. Please members understand this process:

    If you are going to attend the meeting in person and are 100% sure of that disregard the Proxy Ballot!

    If you are not 100% sure you are not going to the Annual Meeting, fill out and mail in your Proxy ballot.

    If you are unsure about attending the meeting, you may or may not. Fill out the Proxy ballot and mail it in!

    If you attend the Annual Meeting in person and register between 8:00 and 9:45 AM, you will be given an in person ballot.

    If you attend the Annual Meeting in person and have submitted a Proxy ballot it will be pulled from Proxy voting and you will be given an in person voting ballot.

    Please one way or the other just VOTE!!!!!!!!

  25. If you are 100% sure you are not going to the Annual Meeting, fill out and mail in your Proxy ballot.

    Sorry added an extra “not”

  26. I agree, this mailing should NOT be called a "proxy". It should be called a "ballot" and if using a "proxy" a separate document be sent. Two documents, two different meanings.

    @2:05, can you explain the use of these terms? It is not reasonable to call the one mailed in "proxy" and the one used at the meeting "ballot"

    If mailing in a "proxy" what is a person giving authority to? Maybe I'm splitting hairs here but have gotten in legal scuffles over the use of the English language and the meanings of such words in the past and want to be sure the correct people are being voted in. This mailing is a confusing use of words.

  27. I don't understand this either. So, am I to vote for three candidates, check yes/no box on "Vote other matters" authorizing the proxy holder, and then add let's use "Ronda" for now, her name and then sign the ballot and mail it?

    Or can I just vote for candidates with this ballot and leave the proxy fields empty?


    This is making me feel like an idiot, ughhhhhhhhh

  28. 2:23 & 2:26

    This is called a Proxy ballot for use if you WILL NOT be attending the Annual Meeting, it gives you the opportunity to vote without attending.

    It allows someone to vote for you in your absence.

    If you attend the meeting in person, disregard this Proxy.

    If you vote on the Proxy you can leave the proxy designation fields blank and it will be given to a sitting not running Trustee to cast your votes. Not an option I personally would use but your choice.

    Hopefully this helps, more questions post and I will try to honestly help.

    Remember just VOTE, no matter how. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

  29. United we stand or divided we fall.
    Please vote Larry, John, Cory or Ronda

  30. This confusion is exactly why we never voted all the time we lived elsewhere after we bought our place! Too confusing! How do you just pick a trustee when you don’t know anyone down here and for sure you don’t know the candidates! We decided it wasn’t smart to just hand over your ballot to fill out as they decided. In truth we are taking away the right to vote for some members. This was of course as it was with us, we knew no one!

  31. READ the candidate statements included with the Surf-In-Sider. While short, they are in the words of each candidate. Anyway you look at it, it's a crap shoot at best. deLeest and Williams are examples of that. Say one thing then when elected, do other. Sometimes we get lucky, then the good ones get discouraged and move away.

  32. Why, why, why can't this be a simple ballot and I pick John, Ronda, Cori or Larry without all the "proxy" business? What is the purpose? So @June 10, 2021 at 3:48 PM, are you saying, I can make three choices, leave the proxy section blank, and then I must trust a sitting person (who have all proven untrustworthy) to step up and plug in my choices on another ballot? Who verifies the 'sitting person' is honest? Anyone?

    This is an incredibly dishonest voting policy.

    This is an HOA, even Presidential elections are not this criminal.

  33. OFFS, What time do we have to be there to vote in person, is it between 8am and 9:45am? Even that's not clear, This is pure BULLS*&$!

  34. The voting procedure is recorded in Surfside's Articles of Incorporation, Chapter X. The voting procedure has not changed since Surfside was incorporated in 1965. If you do not understand the voting procedure, I recommend you do a little research on the matter. It is standard corporation voting practice not rocket surgery.

  35. @June 10, 2021 at 5:45 PM

    It's shady, 100% shady and since you quote 1965, there's another problem. Get with the times. And, last year, we voted for board members without any proxy drama. So you are just being smug and it's not attractive.

  36. @ 5:11 & 5:15

    If you are going to the Annual Meeting in person, and know for sure you are going then arrive between 8:00 and before 9:45 AM.

    You will be registered and given an in person voting ballot. You being at the meeting will not need to designate a Proxy to vote for you as you are in attendance and casting your own vote. Therefore no need to return the Proxy ballot.

    If you cannot attend then you will need to fill out the Proxy and I would suggest putting it in the envelope and mailing it. Ronda Christoph a new person running for office whoI trust has volunteered to enter those Proxy votes. Also I believe JoAnne McMurphy has stated she will accept Proxy votes and vote per your direction.

  37. it is not shady. this is what is done each year. there are proxy votes every year.

  38. Please @ 5:45 & 6:20:

    I am trying to help ALL of our members to vote, why do you need to throw your quotes of Articles of Incorporation and such.

    Some members are older, get scared when reading legal jargon, think their vote doesn’t matter, just don’t understand.

    Why not be supportive? Does it scare you that possibility this election could get 500 to 1000 members voting with some actual help and direction?

    How about positive remarks and a helping hand for those that don’t understand the Proxy and In Person voting process?

    Your negative remarks are what has lead this community to this point, it is time to rise above it and become a Community that is respected and reveared by the Peninsula. Not “ Oh, you’re in Surfside “.

  39. 718 - you've run into another Board person or syncopants thereof. The delight in obfuscation. That is why I have stated before thar these elections are rigged, and have seen absolutely no evidence to the contrary over several years.

  40. @5:45, since you want to get into articles of incorporation, take a good look at them. Our foolish spending since 1965 has cost us a club house, tennis court, pool, boat landings, some of us want a dog park.
    Want a good example, our 1/2 million dollar contract with the sheriff and we do not have a designated deputy. Its whoever gets the call and shows up. Our dues pays for security. We would be better off breaking this contract, hiring private security and putting our money towards a clubhouse, or something for all.
    We give $1000 scholarships to 3 Illwaco high-school seniors, yet cannot pave Veterans Park.

  41. Once again the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws show how things are designed to work. Surfside is incorporated to manage the association’s assets and the board of trustees is given the power to make all of those management decisions. Like it or not, the board has the legal authority to make all the the decisions you just complained about. Since 1965 the board has been exercising that authority. Some of you think that they are going beyond their authority when they make decisions you don’t like. Not true. They are doing exactly what the governing documents intended for them. You just don’t like their decisions.

  42. Are you saying old people are too dumb to understand the written word? Old people are frightened by legal jargon! Really, that is your message? As an old person, I would like to say, Sonny, your ignorance is only slightly less than your arrogance.

  43. And they have gone beyond their duty and power more than once! Especially this year with only 3 votes allowed for 4 empty seats!

  44. 1039 - could it be because those decisions you are referencing are being made in a total light of self-interest and nepotism?
    So you propose to tell us that we will live under covenants that are over 50 years old? Ridiculous. Let's try coming into this century.

  45. @ 10:47

    I was not being ignorant or arrogant.

    Some members are older, as I am.

    Some members get scared when they read legal jargon. Nothing to do with being older.

    Some members think their vote won’t matter. Again nothing to do with being older

    Some members just don’t under the complete voting process. And finally nothing to do with being older.

    Why instead of taking my posting as a negative, don’t you post something helpful and positive. Be a bright spot today!

  46. Here is something positive. Please read your ballot and accompanying documents carefully. I am confident in all members ability to understand the instructions as written or know how to get any questions they have answered. Generally we are a group of well educated adults. For our members who, due to poor health or other circumstances, needs assistance navigating life’s obstacles, please request assistance from friends and family you trust in completing your vote. For all members who for whatever reason choose not to vote, that is your right and you should not let anyone shame or belittle you for that decision. In every community there is a group of people who are not satisfied with the policies of the current administration. They have every right to feel the way they do and to work to effect change. Nobody has the right to slander or libel individuals or to spread false or unsubstantiated stories to defame others. Fight fair and learn to live peacefully with whatever the outcome may be. At the risk of being politically incorrect, God bless you all and God bless American.

  47. Personally , I think members should vote to cancel the election and require that new ballots be sent to members, asking for votes to fill FOUR positions.

    This is totally improper, and an intentional effort by the current Board to gain an advantage to get Annette and Gary re-elected. The Bylaws require all appointee Trustees run for election or end their temporary term.

    The votes can be cast after the Meeting when members are sent proper ballots. We shouldn't play along with this deceit. The members have authority by a vote, to cancel the election and demand the correct ballots be sent to the members.

    1. I forgot....Mark Scott is also a current Trustee the Board favors.

  48. How would the members vote to cancel the election? Please, under what procedure would that happen?

  49. Let's call it what it is - another blatant attempt to cheat. Every one of those Board members need to go! Enough of them being the greatest blight on out neighborhood!

  50. The Annual Meeting is the only meeting scheduled annually that is officially a "member meeting". Our BOT has tended to treat this like any other Board Meeting, including refusing to allow proper attempts to make member motions.

    But before you get worked-up, let me acknowledge that I reviewed the Bylaws and saw that they allow for only 3 full 3 yr. term positions to be voted on, based on this "staggering of terms" notion. This was added in 1986, when the Board was smaller, I believe 5 members, which would be much more significant to have 4 full term Trustees newly elected than today, where we have a 9 member Board.

    But it is so typical, that the Board had no problem ignoring the Bylaws by failing to fill Mr. Chandler's vacated seat in Oct. 2019. With the Pandemic following in March 2020, we ended-up having an uncontested election to fill 4 positions. This intentional violation of our Bylaws screwed-up our elections, and we are still trying to find balance.

    The Bylaws are somewhat contradictory on all of this, requiring board members retain their position rather than vacate, until a replacement is found. Obviously, if the Trustee must resign for personal reasons such as health, or is expelled for egregious behavior, this can't happen. Such a rule also creates the possibility of improper implementation, staying in office based on faulty grounds.

    The Bylaws also require that all appointed Trustee's terms end with the Annual Meeting. There are 2 appointees, Nelson and Williams, and Mark Scott and Rud Turner's terms both end next month. So it could be debated as to whether only 2 full term positions satisfy the requirement to limit the votes/household. Five Trustees remain to complete their terms, and 4 positions will be replaced, so voting for 4 makes more sense.

    But given the contradictions, we may as well allow the Board to have their way - once again.

  51. This whole ballot voting is very confusing. It's truly unfair to only vote for 3 when there are 4 seats available. Why is the return envelope addressed to a out of town person? Is there going to be oversight of the counting?
    Why are we listening to a attorney and not the members?

  52. Well, I just read the Surfside Operations Manual which reads: "Elections are held annually to elect a minimum of 3 members of the BOT."

    These standards which are just made up by the various Boards who serve, have questionable authority it seems, in a legal issue, but the Board sees it as an important document. So if a minimum of 3 Trustees are to be elected each Election, 4 as in our current situation, shouldn't be questioned - as the Manual is not specific beyond at least 4 or 5 vacancies can be put up for election.

  53. According to the governing documents the board has the authority to make decisions on the business of the association. Right or wrong, like it or not, they are acting in harmony with the governing documents. Changing the governing documents is possible but difficult. I have decided to leave Surfside rather than endure policies I cannot live with. So far, I don’t like some policies, water quality most of all, but I can live with them. I don’t like tall trees near my home. I like to let the sun in on the few days we have it in the winter. Tall trees shorten the life of my roof and drop pitch on my truck. So I will never be bothered by tree height rules on my property. My outdoor lighting consists of a porch light. I only turn it on when guest are leaving after dark and turn it off as they are driving away. They can do what they want with the lighting rules. It won’t bother me. If they ever start telling me how tall my grass needs to be or what color my house needs to be, I am out of here.

  54. Out of here. You better start packing. Those things are all next.

  55. Please read the new posting "ELECTION LETTER" I think it answers some of the questions and discussion here.

  56. @5:45 dog park, are you kidding? We have the largest dog park right out our front door. You want to spend our reserves on large ticket items when a healthy reserve is required to keep dues down in case of unforeseen large expenditures which we have had in the past. You can’t even get a bank loan if you don’t have a healthy reserve! Go ahead and vote for someone who has absolutely no clue on how a HOA works and spend it all. Just wait for the assessments to each property owner for each lot when something happens after you have spent it all!

  57. @ 2:46

    And you think budgeting $8000 for a water trailer and spending $22000 on I assume a truck to pull it, which by the way the true retail value of that truck is about $11000 is a good expenditure for this HOA.

    If a Tsunami hits the last thing Surfside will need to worry about is water being delivered from an old rusted out trailer, do you understand the maintenance requirements to keep a water trailer usable for potable water. Maybe talk to a Veteran, they can enlighten you.

  58. 3:07 are you just being an A##. I am a retired vet! I don’t need to be enlightened by someone that just wants to stir the pot! why would i think those expenditures are a good idea? no I don’t think that truck was a wise purchase as we already own trucks that could pull any trailer. Now on to the trailer, even though it is in the budget Clancy is gone and I hope that this board will not purchase the water trailer ever, what a waste of money! Satisfied 3:07?

  59. Not stirring any pot, just wanted to point out some of the ridiculous spending that has happened in the last few years by this BOT. My reference to the Veterans was because I spoke to my neighbor who is a Veteran and he explained to me the extensive amount of maintenance required to keep such a trailer usable for potable water as they are used by the Military.

    Thank you for your Service, much appreciated!

    Not being an A##, just pointing out the obvious wasteful spending agreed to by the current BOT.

  60. 1:51....Our documents detail how we are to be governed and the limitations on Board authority. Yes, there are some grandiose statements, but the devil is in the details. There are very specific limits on Board authority, so too bad you're too lazy to even read, let alone speak-up for your rights.

  61. I'm going to vote for 3 people other than Annette, then I'm going to assign my proxy to her!

  62. There you go 7:49 folks like you have no clue and then you want to be mean!

    1. Annette is purposefully lying about the other candidate's intentions, and she is a former Trustee wanting to be re-elected on her record of service. If you can't run on your own merits but must spread false information about the other candidates, you are unworthy and need to be avoided as a candidate. Honesty is a primary expectation of the members, and Annette is NOT HONEST. Does that make her mean ? I think so.

  63. Cox, here you go again! More lies about a candidate that does not agree with you and your posse! You really aught to go away. You really have earned your pied piper moniker! Lies, and more lies!

    1. You are such a blockhead that in spite of being told repeatedly that you don't even know who the Pied Piper was in this FOLK TALE. The Village Counsel tried to have him drive away the rats with his flute music which the children loved. They planned to cheat him and refuse to pay. He charmed away their children. From there the fable has many different outcomes. But the moral is, always be honest. Get it ?

      You don't get how ironic it is that you defend the Board's worst behavior when I criticize them.

  64. I have not seen anything that Mr. Cox has said that I would consider a lie. He has shown the honesty to use his name. I expect a lie to come from those who do not use their name, like you 4:03. What you say is a lie. Prove it by posting your name and what the lie is. You may think your clever, but it comes across as rather stupid. Maybe that is why you do not use your name. I call that as being a coward.

  65. 403 - we know who the real liar is here, and its not Steve Cox!
    Afraid of the change that is coming? You should be.

  66. You people are pathetic!

    1. Nothing changes without some effort made, and it all begins with discussion and a few motivated people. Not doing anything is often what proves to be pathetic.

  67. Steve and I have butted heads here on the blog, but he always posts under his name to take the heat. I may not always agree with everything he says but that is our right as Americans.

    This Board has done terrible things to this community and created quit a divide that I hope is repairable with time and new people that actually care about the community. It is time to ask the entire community for input not just assume you are of greater power and intelligence than the other members ( BOT are members). Let us make this Community what it should be, a Beautiful, Friendly, Wildlife habitat that it was, not a baron wasteland of tree stumps and drainage ditches.

    Just remember, no matter what your Realtor or neighbor told you you are not guaranteed a view of anything except your property and maybe the sky above you. ( As long as it’s not cloudy)

  68. 4:03 is Fred running under anonymous

  69. Hate for the last comment to be about Fred, but that's the way it is. Waiting to post the new ballot.
