
Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 The carnage continues...

This place is at 338th and I Street, just South of the Oysterville Road.  Just one example of the many places that are recently being "Trimmed".  I will continue to provide pictures frequently. I did take a look at the tree destruction at 357th and G Street.  As I understand the situation there, the property was being cleared for several residences.  Apparently the County put a stop work order because there were not proper permits obtained.  It should look better after the work is completed. I would expect that we will see more and more lots completely cleared for new construction. 


  1. Are they being cleared for construction or because the owners just don't want to deal with the stupid tree destruction policy?

  2. Again, why not show the stumps that border YOUR property? How about the ones just down from you who just killed some trees too? All in an area with NO covenants.

    Meanwhile there are no stumps around my property or my neighbors. I still have the same trees I had when I purchased my property over 15 years ago. Same with my neighbors. Further evidence that dispels the statements from some here that topping and trimming always kills trees. It doesn't when done right, as many members have proven.

  3. @5:12 - exactly. The picture shows an owners lot who thought they didn't need to maintain their trees. Kind of like speeding on the highway, getting away with it for a time, and then getting pissed when caught and receiving a ticket. It is easy to maintain the trees if you do it consistently. If you let it go you end up like the person in the picture who, in my opinion, is being an ass to their neighbors by leaving that. Let the name calling begin - not on J, not on board, not an employee, not a committee member, not evil, not uninformed, not ignorant - just someone whose family has been here going on three generations and who has had no problem keeping trees trimmed and alive.

  4. 5:34 please provide us with your address so we can see how it’s supposed to be done!

  5. The owners of the pictured property live 3 hours away and have owned the property less than 3 years. Kind of hard to maintain them the last 20 years or so. I think you will find many lot and home owners in the same circumstances. Some are quick to blame these people as irresponsible, when in fact, they are discriminated victims. By looking at the picture, I would guess that when they placed their picnic table, it was under the trees and a pretty spot. Now look at it. What a shame for this to happen to them.

  6. I do not care what all of you tree killing BOT loving people have to say, but Shore Pines DO NOT TAKE TO TOPPING AND PRUNING!!!
    I have 3 on my property that have been topped and pruned, the branches are actually growing in a circular motion to compensate for the continual topping. They will just be eliminated this year and that is sad to kill a tree because someone thinks they deserve an Ocean View that the Covenants do no not allow for!

  7. @@@@# 5:12

    Pull your head out of your A** and figure out who the neighbor in the picture is !!!!


    Do you not get out much? Or do you just sit at home with your protected J place home view. Doesn’t even take a Rocket Scientist or Boeing employee to figure that out!

  8. @joanne - you don't need my address. There are plenty of properties where it is done. They aren't hard to find and I wager there are more of them than properties like the one pictured. They just don't fit your narrative so they aren't shown.

  9. 916 - more unverified opinions. I'd suggest verifiable information, if you are not the mouthpiece for the board that I think you are.

    Plenty of properties in this area look like hell all due to a misapplied policy, pushed by greedy people. The first person that sues will make a lot of money - our money.

  10. It is apparent there is two differing sides to this tree debacle. I strongly lean towards leaving the trees and other's alone and mind my own business, but, alas, there's people with nothing better to do. For now, I guess we can only do a couple things to keep our sanity.

    1. You do you, and I'll do me, but if you come for me, be prepared for a big problem.

    2. VOTE- I can't say this enough, vote the current regime OUT of their seats.

    3. Sell, take your big wad of cash and go to a more tree friendly, people friendly, environment friendly place.

    When people say "everyone here is so nice", I shake my head because those nice people are planning where to stick the shank while they are smiling in your face. I say be very very careful who you befriend in this neighborhood.

    Peace- from a J placer!

  11. The trees look like hell, but I love the sign shown in your picture!

  12. The compulsive attention to detail needed in a Boeing job is not appropriate for a beach HOA Board in charge of trees at the beach. Just saying - let's consider the basic nature of people before we get so impressed with the resume.

  13. Being a Boeing employee means nothing. Exhibit A Gary Williams. He is a total jerk, treats members terribly, treats members like children, doesn't follow regulations, and is an incompetent and irresponsible leader.
    End Gary Williams' time on the board.

  14. Me thinks Boeing is a poor example of how to operate. Was Williams part of their latest failure? Don't think he is a key employee as he spends most of his time here. Aren't we lucky? Someone needs to send an Email to Boeing HR and tell them his inflated claim of being a community leader is a fraud, like him.

  15. On another note, whats with the mosquito infestation this year. In all the years here, have never seen it this bad. Maybe put in the CCRs that mosquitos cant travel beyond the property the hatch on, and have the compliance Paul Blart fine those that do.

  16. Don't blame Boeing for William's greed and relentless pursuit of self interest.
    Let me be perfectly clear. I have been here since 2002. Williams started on the board in 2008. We have been going constantly downhill since then.
    Please, voters, do not reward incompetence once again!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Ronda, I understand. I hopw you saw what Clancy, Olds, and Minich did in 2019. They posted and sent flyers full of lies and misinformation. They called themselves "Protectors of Surfside."

    Notice how relativy peaceful and decent the blog has been since Tom Reber, Scott Marple, and James Clancy are gone.

  19. Like June 3, 2021 at 1:26 PM said Ronda, they are planning where to stick the shank while smiling to your face.

    I learned long time ago, keep neighbors at arms length. No more "friends" status. I'll loan them a tool here and there, help hold or lift something heavy, but no more friend zone. No eating out together, partying, nothing like that. Very 'on the surface' because when things turn bad, and they will, it's very uncomfortable.

    I'm voting for you Ronda. Not because I like everything about you but because you don't hide behind the fake smile with shank behind your back. You are who you are and I can handle that!

    1. Thank you 3:39, I appreciate that. I cannot do any worse than our current and or past HOA. I am the quiet one who watches, listens and takes note. Watch out when you make me mad. I don't like being lied too or talked about. I call it like I see it

  20. Wow folks , here you have a first time candidate blogging about second hand information that everyone knows is not factual! The person she is referring to does not and never has used this blog to spout off or talked about “talking shit “ Not in her wheelhouse! Never has been, never will be! Wow if this is how Ronda reacts to stuff she has no business running for or being on the board. Sad she has to resort to the blog to bad mouth, bad enough she was part of a group of candidates that used Memorial Day to circulate a paper with a lot misinformation! Shame!!

    1. @6:49, at one time every one of these BOT and candidates were first timers.
      This individual did stop by tonight and we did talk. We do not agree on many things, covenants being one of them.. but we do agree to disagree. We all have our agenda and we all have an opinion. I did tell her I would take my comment down, and I will. You see, I'm not anonymous like you, so I can take it down and be the bigger person. I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day, I'm sorry I missed you at the ceremony at Veterans Park.

  21. Yep posting as anonymous has no bearing on anything! I think there’s more than enough misinformation that’s been circulated for some time now! So what’s a little more?

  22. Oh lord, are we really going to 'pearl clutch' over Ronda posting a sentence about a friend who behaved badly? You @ June 4, 2021 at 6:49 PM are the one making a big deal out of it and it's really none of your business.

    Get over it and move on. We are all grown and can see things for what they are and don't need you here trying to shame anyone.

  23. I am having second thoughts on supporting Ronda after seeing the exchange with her friend deLeest. I would rather that the board trustees are not friends. They are more apt to act independently and not be influenced by friendship. Rhonda was right and honest on the comment she removed. Is this how she will be on the board? She lost my vote.

    1. She doesn't need your vote, she has plenty of supporters

  24. deLeest 1 Ronda 0

  25. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    You do yourself a big injustice by alienating people. I don't particularly like Ronda but she's not hiding anything and doesn't care if people don't like her. She just keeps keeping on. This is a good trait. That she can continue to be in the face of controversy and not cave into a puddle of weakness is exactly what we need on the BOT.


  26. I didn't see Rhonda's comments referencing Annette deLeest, and haven't seen the flyer. It is my understanding that the flyer stated that 4 vacancies exist, which seems to actually be TRUE in spite of the BOT's claims. Concerned about spreading inaccurate information, the folks involved gathered-up the flyers and replaced them with an amended version.

    This was a lot of effort to try and be of service to the community, when it appears that the Board is incorrect. Both Williams and the recently appointed Newman have temporary positions due to be up for election at the Annual Meeting. Rud Turner and Annette deLeest's terms end - so 2 more vacancies.

    There are 4 VACANCIES ON THE BOARD COME JULY 10 !! It is NOT confusing in our documents. This is all screwed-up after they refused to appoint me, or anyone else in violation of our documents. Members need to recognize that the Board is not capable of abiding by our community rules and procedures, and they need to be held accountable.

    As for the trash talk about Rhonda and Annette, it shouldn't be taken out of context when a member expresses anger on the blog. I've had lots of bloggers hook their talons in me in the same way, as if people who run for office need to pass a purity test- never showing anger, even in the face of sheer stupidity.

    Anyone who has held a job, worked in groups, has served on a Board, of which there are many of varying station and importance, recognize that the way one conducts themselves and express themselves in this venue needs to be as professional and group appropriate as possible. Well adjusted adults have control of their emotions and anger, and can adjust their behavior accordingly.

    People constantly talk trash on the blog under anonymous and skate, without worry of accountability. Those who have the integrity to use their names deserve some room to be more candid on the blog than we would be in a Board setting.

    Mr. Olds blows his stack numerous times each B. meeting, and often must be silenced by the Pres. He was elected as part of the "Protect Surfside Group" of 3 candidates that WERE elected. I got the next highest vote count at 92. The seated Board refused to fill the Chandler vacancy that came up just before the Oct. B. meeting.

  27. Annette is two faced and stabs anyone in the back who stands in her way. She and Williams are two of a kind. They must not be elected ever again. Ronda simply stated that she thought two face was her friend and found out that she was going around the neighborhood saying that Ronda wanted to end the association. Spreading a lie. That is what she does best. Some friend.

    So first of all the vacancy in 2019 of Chris Chandlers seat was never appointed a replacement. That seat was filled last year by Gary Williams who ran in a field of 4 candidates. That seat according to the above language should have been filled at that time. It states in the regular manner. I assume the regular manner is allowing the members to vote for that vacant seat.
    It further states THE NOMINEES WITH THE HIGHEST VOTE COUNT SHALL BE AWARDED THREE (3) YESR TERMS. ALL OTHERS, SHALL BE AWARDED TRUSTEE POSITIONS OF SHORTER TERMS IN SEQUENSE. This to me still indicates the right to vote on 4 members to fill these seats.
    As you will note the “shall be filled by appointment” part was not followed in 2019. We are expected to follow the rules specifically, but they evidently aren’t!

  29. You are exactly right. The documents are clear and you don't need a lawyer to see that the documents have been violated. These violations are the responsibility of the Board and those on the elections committee. Nothing is more important than the members right to vote and that it be done 100% as required. Our basic rights to vote have been violated. At the least, there should be resignations and at the most, our status as a nonprofit HOA be rescinded. New ballots with new instructions should be mailed to all members NOW.

  30. Unbelievable incompetence! I agree George. This is inexcusable. This is a case of someone asking someone else instead of looking it up in the Bylaws.

  31. The last election we had 4 openings and 4 candidates. I believe because of this we voted for only 3 so that the person with the least amount of votes got the 1 year position????

    This election we have 4 openings and 7 candidates. Thus, we need to vote for 4 candidates to fill the 4 openings. Of the top 4 vote getters, the one with the least amount of votes will get the 1 year term.

    If that is not what has been mailed out, I agree completely with George.

    "Our basic rights to vote have been violated. At the least, there should be resignations and at the most, our status as a nonprofit HOA be rescinded. New ballots with new instructions should be mailed to all members NOW."

  32. According to a member who has seen the ballot that will be mailed. It says to vote for 3

  33. Talk at the chipper site today...
    Annette and Peggy campaigning for Annette. Annette telling people not to vote for any new candidate as they don't agree with covenants.
    Clearly crap spewing put to their mouths. Wow, how dirty and look who was involved. Didn't we just hear about something like this yesterday?
    Currebt board and Annette are afraid of change. We need to turn things around for the better of Surfside

  34. ok, this is pretty funny! Campaigning to keep the current regime to all the people who were forced to chop their trees down while they are at the chipper, haha, now who's the dummy? It doesn't get any better than this..........

  35. Most members know the current covenants need to be reviewed and changed or updated! The tree covenant has nothing to do about anything except the view! There are no safety issues covered here, otherwise the east side would be included for some of the very high dangerous trees over there! No this is all about control and J Place views. Don’t try to justify the trees being destroyed as just because it’s in the covenants!

  36. J Place views, yes and the taxes we pay are double to three times more than down below! The county definitely knows that views pay!

  37. 1:37, get your facts straight, it was not a lie, Ronda has stated in the past to many people for support in ending the HOA compliance, her husband is a Pierce County compliance inspector! Really, look how Pacific County is doing just outside our HOA! Get real, they have no money and one compliance inspector (Travis) who is under maned and under funded!

  38. You need to prove your taxes are more for view lots. I just looked at property records and low and behold, not one J place lot I looked at had a disparity in property taxes because of 'view'. Some were higher because the house is huge or the lot is bigger, but then some were less than mine down below and then some were in the $500-$700 range because they get the senior discount. I'm pretty sure there's a rate that all houses are assessed at and that would be what they deem market value. Don't worry, you are NOT paying for a view. And if you think you are and didn't have one, why didn't you call and get an adjustment? Your talking nonsense.

    PROVE IT because it's not showing on any property records!

  39. Hey dumb dumb. The compliance issue here is trees and now lighting. Which Pacific County does not have. It is a twisted lie about Ronda and your trying to perpetuate it. Crawl back under your rock. You fool no one.

  40. So I will address a few of you. @ 6:49, I did not circulate any of the flyers on Memorial Day, so stop with your second hand information. Flyers were handed to me at the Memorial Day ceremony.
    @9:00am, if I lose your vote, so be it, I will not cry over split milk or go around campaigning telling people who not to vote for.
    Steve, my comment is mentioned above by someone at 1:37
    It again got back to me today, conversation of this same thing was going on at the chipper, so that again tells me what I already knew.
    @9:10 Pierce County and Pacific county are different ends of the spectrum, what that has to do with anything is beyond me and you just identified yourself from this comment.
    Yes I have stated on this blog in the past this HOA should be disbanded. We need to regroup and focus on our community and what's best for all our members, not just a few. Common sense should prevail over outdated covenants and policies. There is more to our community than trees and lights and neat and tidy. Proactive enforcement needs to go away. It should be complaint driven and it should directly effect you or the complaint is invalid.
    Our covenants need a complete overhaul, they are 50 plus years old. What worked back in the 60's, 70' 80's, doesn't work in todays society. This was developed as a recreational community. Most of you on here hate the RV folks, you hate campfires. Leave people alone, and let them enjoy their piece of heaven.
    Our policies need rewritten, again way outdated. We need to reprioritize our goals, our purpose and our community.
    We have 1.4 million in reserves. Start doing something we all could enjoy. Build us a clubhouse, where all members could enjoy playing pool, pingpong, cards. socialize, drink a cup of coffee. Why is it always about micromanaging everyone.
    Many of you are at the end of your lives, the finish line. We all come here to relax, enjoy life and more importantly, live our life, right Kurt, you said it best, just go enjoy your life.
    I am who I am, like me or don't. I do not need to impress anyone. I have my best friend by my side, that's all that matters.

  41. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Thank you Ronda, very well said.

    4 positions and 3 votes, this is a bunch of BS and just shows how low the current group will stoop to try and keep their power!

    They are afraid that Ronda, Cory, Larry, and John will get the most votes so they are limiting our number of votes, that way we need to choose who we feel are the best 3 and not get 4 new people.

  42. Does anyone know if this is the write place to report fraudulent activity by an HOA? Should we wait until this illegal election is held and then report it or try to get ahead of it? Probably should report all the other times the board has not followed governing documents?

  43. This needs to be corrected. We should not allow the vote to move forward while this nonsense is left as it is. If it means delaying the election, so be it. This is not debatable - just totally incorrect, and has been mentioned here, it seems intentional. Speak up folks! This needs top be corrected.

  44. Blatant attempt to control the vote and stop all 4 new candidates from getting elected. Steve is right, the vote should not move forward until the ballot instructions are corrected. But even at that, if the ballot mailing has already been completed, the damage is done. It will cause even more confusion and frustration and probably impact the vote.

  45. Excuse me 8:01, let me point out the obvious and the fo0lishness of your comment. If Rhonda, Cory, Larry and John do indeed get the more votes than the other candidates they will get elected. How can you not understand that? I guess anger and hate truly does blind some people.

  46. And if we could vote for the 4 we want in those seats, it wouldn’t be a guessing game would it? They know what the odds are at electing 4 new ones, don’t kid yourself!

  47. The point is, only allowing members to vote for 3 disperses the vote among the 4 new candidates. Thus increasing the odds that all 4 of them will receive the most votes. Have to say the powers-that-be are not stupid. They always manage to figure out a way to "justify" their shadiness and rig the outcome in their favor.

  48. Correction, obviously meant to say DEcreasing the odds.

  49. To 6/4 @ 2:33:

    Peaceful and decent? Give me a break. Just on this topic somebody came on here and told someone to pull there head out of their A**!

    To your comment concerning the "Protectors of Surfside". At that time there were members calling for the HOA to be dissolved and/or doing away with ALL covenants. Add to that we had also had just dealt with a small vocal group trying to pull a fast one at the annual meeting by circumventing the voting process of the full membership. So in a sense they were protecting Surfside. The fact that they got elected shows that the majority of the membership that voted felt the same. Saying those flyers were full of "lies and misinformation" is your opinion only.

    One last thing about those flyers. You didn't see them at a memorial service handing them out and campaigning, did you? I find the fact that someone would do that shameful and if it would have been Gary or Annette you all would be going crazy on here, but since it was one of the anti-covenant crowd all you hear is crickets.

  50. Ok 9:22, care to explain if views don't mean anything why is it then that after I bought my house I got contacted by the county asking how much of a view I had? I know others as well have had the same happen to them.

  51. How was it determined that the member should vote for 3 candidates instead of 4 when there are 4 openings? Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen anything explaining this decision.

  52. Talk is CHEAP @June 6, 2021 at 12:49 PM

    Prove it! I didn't get the "call", you allegedly did? Who called you? What is their name? Did you ask for documents explaining the difference in your property taxes compared to the person across the street?

    NO, you didn't and I'm going to tell you right now- TAXES ARE BASED ON MARKET VALUE ESTIMATES BY THE COUNTY.

    You are dense, don't make your mental deficits into a community challenge when NONE EXIST.

  53. Market value is a true statement on tax base. If you had just recently purchased the home, it was an adjustment on the tax base cost to the buyer. For instance, when I purchased my home, they mailed a questionnaire to verify the purchase price and the amenities of the home to reassess how much I was going to pay. When a house sells, assuming it sells for more than the last person who bought it, your taxes would go up. If it sells for less then the last time it sold, taxes would remain the same. They never go down.

    And, I too, don't believe you received a phone call. Government entities do everything in writing because yes, talk is cheap and can't be verified.

  54. Just curious June 6, 2021 at 12:49 PM.....what did you tell them? And after you told them, did someone from the county come out to validate your statement? Did the county increase or decrease your property value based on your answer?

  55. Everyone gets a County tax survey here when they buy because houses are selling for more than they are actually worth. The county doesn't know if the house is actually worth what it sells for anymore. Besides, if you have a view, good for you, but it's not a guarantee, just a marketing tool by realtors to get a seller more money. You could have just said NO, and moved on with your $5 discount. Look at the Pacific County tax assessor page, go to Mapsifter and look at what others pay . You are not paying any more than others in comparison. Good grief.

    So, can we move on now to more important stuff like this election?

  56. Yes, back to the election please. And does anyone know the answer as to why the decision was made to vote for 3 instead of 4? Seems pretty obvious it is to skew the results but would really like to hear the "official" justification.

  57. Where I used to live, all of us had the same size land, but for some reason, my land costs were $10,000 more than the neighbors. I called and the county didn't lower my land cost but it raised all the neighbors. So, there's your options. If you are assessed a different dollar amount to a comparable house size or lot size, it is an error and you can call and ask for a fair assessment. Will you get a discount, probably not, but it will make it look more fair, to you anyway. It's all about the mighty dollar and if the tax man thinks your house is worth more to a buyer then you get to pay more. It's not necessarily tied to a view. Some people on sea level pay more than you because of home value.

  58. I still have that $1000 for the attorney money pool. I'm watching and waiting right here and even though anonymous, this money WILL get in that pool when needed!

    So sick of this crap!

  59. 1,000.00 won't go anywhere. Voting in this election can make a difference. We need enough votes for the four, that the board can't swing the election with their proxy votes. By law, the proxy is to only validate a vote cast, not cast a vote. By law, every member has ONE vote only. You can not give away or assign your vote choice to someone else. This board will abuse their power and swing the election to whoever they want.

  60. but it makes no sense to have four open seats, seven candidates but told to only vote for three. this is a dilution of votes or voting power. smh, all day. they probably don't want anyone new seeing what shenanigans they been up to. oh and the way I understand it the 1,000 is for a pool (more than one contribution, drrrr) if one is ever needed to go against these crooks

  61. I think the board needs to respond and show where it states this rule! I say 4 openings 7 candidates 4 votes!

  62. Remember, they are just like politicians, they have to cheat to win
