
Sunday, May 30, 2021


 You be the judge...

My day started with seeing several new baby deer. My day ended with a drive on I Street North of the Oysterville Road.  What started as a beautiful day ended quite differently.  What is the value of this property now, after the trees are dead?  It is now compliant.

I talked with a nearby elderly RV lot owners who told me that after they had tree complaints, they just cut them down.  Two remain. One dead and the other will soon be.  They said they come down to relax, not to cut down trees.  


  1. It gets even worse if you circled around west on 357th to G. Ghastly mess at the end next to the condo's. This place makes me sad. And why do people cut trees in the spring right in the middle of nesting season?

  2. Absolutely disgusting! It’s time to take a break, review the covenants and get real! There is no valid justification for this!

  3. In the last 10 years, this homeowners association has turned from a functional body to a dysfunctional piece of garbage. It simply needs to go away. Dissolution should be the option on the table.

  4. BS - the trees are like that because they were never kept trimmed. Expecting folks to abide by the covenants on the honor system didn't work as people decided not to do it. There are plenty, probably a majority, of properties where people have maintained their trees and they are healthy and within height limits. From my perspective the blame here is on the lot owner for leaving an eyesore for his neighbors. Not on the board, not on J, not on a committee, not an elitist (not that that will stop the fanatics from calling me that or telling me to move, or any other number of names).

  5. I can see by looking at the picture that they have been pruned several times. You can only do it so many times and it kills them. It is just a matter of time before those younger trees north of the Oysterville road will look like those in the South. Ask any true arborist and they all say the same thing. Do not top pine trees. I won't call you a name, just a description. Very uninformed. Maybe ignorant or foolish.

  6. Me thinks 2:30's perspective is from J Place.

  7. Nope, not on J and not uninformed. Been here for years and have some trees going on 20+ years. All have been trimmed multiple times, all still alive and healthy. Those trees were topped after years of non maintenance and topped to far which is why they died.

  8. With you 2:30 and 7:14. Irresponsible owners are the root of the problem. Pun intended. If an owner of property in Surfside does not take responsibility to follow the covenants in a reasonable and sane manner, they are the problem. Honestly, I'd like to see these owners driven out of Surfside with consistent and fair fining. Sick and damned tired of trying to enjoy our retirement with too many irresponsible trouble makers who mess up what could be a really nice community.

  9. It is really sad that our area is looking so run down by all the chopped up tree's. There is even green trees that look horrible and so many dead trees too. It truly doesn't give the impression to people that we care for Surfside!

  10. The owner of that lot needed to care and trim their trees many years ago instead of letting them grow to a size where trimming is basically not an option. They should have cut them down and started over, it's easier and nicer for the neighbors.

    and I'm not a J placer either.

  11. It appears there's a bunch of immigrants from other states in Surfside. People with these tree hating comments are a stain on the ecosystem. YOU should have looked around before YOU bought here and noticed all the non compliance YOU whine about. Native PNW'ers would never butcher the landscape like you despicable people want to have happen. Go back to where YOU came from.

  12. I guess I don't understand why people get a letter and rush out and cut their trees during the wrong time of year. My neighbor refuses to cut theirs until it's time. I know people get upset with those dastardly registered letters, which btw, cost money the HOA allegedly doesn't have to mail other items, hmmm, anyway, nothing is going to happen if you wait until November - March. It's perfectly OK to stop being intimidated by those dumb letters. This is nesting season and fawning season. Crying shame to see what's happening without any regard to our landscape.

    I agree, with the stain on the ecosystem part. Humans are a selfish cancer on this planet.

  13. 10:18 How do you even know they were here many years ago? People are in and out of here all the time. Most who moved here, never imagined they would have to kill their trees. Who is the jerk who keeps talking about "Trimming" your trees. Topping is not trimming, it is "killing" Calling it "Trimming" is nothing more than lipstick on a pig.

  14. 10:18 is a liar and a J Placer.

  15. 915 - who put you in charge of who can live here? Board member? J Placer?
    You idiots have no shame. This HOA is the only vestige of control you have in your lives, and you hang on like a drug addict holds on to their fix, but with less morals.


  16. "Who put you in charge"? Those who don't vote did. They didn't elect themselves. They got a few votes from their fellow control freaks and those who will do anything to make members kill trees. When you have a few who will do anything to keep control for their own selfish reasons. This borders on EVIL. They should be publicly shamed. Gary Williams, Pam Harris, Peggy and Kurt Olds and the deLeest's are the main offenders, but there are more. They need to go the way of Flood and Winegar. Out for good and never return.

  17. Most of the above comments are moot. J placers think they are entitled too a view that no longer exists, by realtors that saw a sucker coming. J placers n friends have made sure they populated the last few boards. It's just that simple.

  18. Since moving here a few years ago, I have planted probably close to 80 species of plants, flowers, bushes and trees, UH OH NOT TREES! Yes I have and I'm going to keep planting. This year, there's more species of wild life, birds and bugs I didn't see in past years. I read somewhere (can't remember exactly) that you need to have at least 100-150 different species in your yard to have a high functioning ecological environment. If the HOA, BOT, J place high and mighties don't like, they can stick it where the sun don't shine because I have never been so happy to see a dead piece of property come to life!

  19. oh geez, this makes me want to move back to the big city, where planting trees are encouraged and to destroy one is illegal! What is happening here?

  20. 2:46 you are disgusting to try and intimidate by naming names, most of which you have wrong by the way. and you border on insane if you believe what you say! If the trees were maintained like they should of been they would not look like they do now. These coastal pines grow like weeds. Some of us moved here because of the covenants and pay heavy taxes to live here, thank you. Clancy has left along with his hundreds of tree complaints. Go ahead keep spouting off but you should get your facts straight, your starting to sound like the pied piper, par for the coarse!

  21. The coastal pines might very well grow like weeds but they are most tolerate of the harsh environment and provide protection and homes to the animals, birds, and insects that create a balanced ecosystem.

    I'm not sure what is not understood, it takes a lot of time, patience, extra fencing (which is also frowned on around here) and botany education to get anything else to survive here on the North end. The climate here is discouraging and these pines are the only survivors left.

    I also don't understand why anyone thinks they are entitled to a view miles away from their window. How obtuse are we being here? It's very obnoxious to believe you are entitled to anything other than peace and enjoyment of your very own four corners.

  22. If I wanted to live in a forest I would have bought a place up in the mountains. If that is what YOU desired maybe you should have done that or at least somewhere else on the peninsula. I wanted to live by and to see the ocean, that's why I'm here.

    1. If you wanted to see the ocean you should of bought ocean front property.

  23. Hey George, instead of driving over to the west side for your pictures, why not save a trip and take some of YOUR neighbors?

    But no, they can kill trees all the time on the east side without you saying a word. And Btw, given your poor eye site how about staying out of our neighborhood before you hit somebody or maybe one of those deer.

    1. 6:42, uncalled for comment. You are simply an ass.

    2. That ugly comment is out of line! Such a friendly nice place we live! How about some constructive comments instead of mean?

    3. @6:42, that somebody might be you. Karma works in mysterious ways

  24. Oh really 10:24? Well, let's use your "four corners" logic.

    So does that mean I shouldn't have to deal with smoke from camp fires that are not close to me? How about the late night noise from the outdoor parties?

    And give me a break, there is no shortage of areas for all of those animals, birds and insects to thrive.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Can we not concentrate on the trees and take a look at all the properties that have been neglected over the years. Maintenance never done, grass is thigh high and fences knocked down from wear. These places are a fire waiting to happen.
    This HOA is a joke.

  26. Can't take that stuff to our fake firewise dump. We are a fire stupid community.

  27. If June 2, 2021 at 6:42 AM is a representative of SHOA (committee member, board member or employee) they need to resign immediately. Shameful. I hope they are not, but at this point not so sure, which is very worrisome. What a sorry excuse for a human being.

  28. If you want to see the ocean, get off your lazy butt and walk down there. You are not entitled to view anything past your property line. Get over it whiners.

  29. Yeah, pony up the view ordinance. Where is it?

  30. @5:38 We ARE entitled NOT to view over height trees. If that results in a view - so be it.

  31. Then where is my view 10:21? Where is it? There are houses and dunes and trees blocking my view and I bought ocean side property. Your opinion only exists in your own mind.

  32. Because your entitlement's are sooooo ridiculous- How about this---

    If you think you're entitled to a view, then you should pay for it. Let's raise the entitled's HOA rates to pay for the tree butchering and diminished value of the property they are demanding be destroyed!

    Before I cut my trees, I will definitely have an appraisal, before and after. And the HOA will be hearing from me!

  33. @11:17 - If the houses or trees are above the limits specified in the covenants then the first step, according to many here on the blog, is to have a neighborly conversation to resolve. If that isn't successful you can file a complaint with the HOA office. I don't have any suggestions for the Dunes.

    @12:24 - If you feel that expecting all to abide by the covenants is ridiculous that is your opinion. Read again and you will see I didn't say I was entitled to a view, only enforcement of the covenants. If you don't feel the covenants are legal then by all means take the HOA to court. According to many here your victory is a sure thing.

  34. What is the PURPOSE for the "vegetation = building height" covenant?

    I have heard some board and committee members say "what if it was your view".

    I have heard some board and committee members say "it's not about the view".

    The comments were made at "on the record" meetings. This HOA doesn't even agree on the purpose for the covenant and the enforcement of the covenant is an epic failure. The tragic landscape is the result. Really hoping for new people on the board. We desperately need to head in a different direction.

    1. Kurt stated at the last meeting, it took 5 years to get his view back. It's all about the view!!

  35. Good one. Sure got to give you the last
