Not for myself, but the members...
I just found out something the other day that made me so sad and sorry. It got me to thinking about our fellow members. Finding out that a member, a neighbor or friend in Surfside had passed, is not a new happening. With so many members, especially the large numbers of seniors living here, It can be expected.
Surfside lost two members recently. The wife died from illness and then the husband shot and killed himself.
My point or points are...Many of our members, mostly seniors but not exclusively, are having or have had to endure circumstances beyond their control that make life very difficult. These are our friends and neighbors. Can't we show a little compassion and be working as a community to help and respect our fellow members?
Many retire here to spend their last days after a life filled with stress and everything that goes along with life on this earth. Younger members come here to relax and get a break from the everyday stress. I hear this from members over and over..."I just want to be left alone and be able to relax"
Rather than harass members over trees, sheds or lights, can't we start working to help our fellow members? Most of the members are good people and deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. The past couple of years has been a disgrace on how members are treated. We must and can do better. Our beautiful ocean side community is being destroyed because of a few selfish power hungry individuals. We need more members to say..."I am mad as hell, and am not going to take it anymore".
Just before reading this, I was thinking how the current BOT has no heart. Not a single heartbeat for anyone. Just uncaring, unjustified carnage.
ReplyDeleteCooperation over compliance should be the goal. I am mad as hell and if there's not a change in BOT, will most likely take my money and leave. Life is too short for this stupid BS.
Prayers and thoughts for the deceased and family.
Your best post ever George! 100% correct and what 98% of members feel.
ReplyDeleteWe made it to the finish line. We are living our life out at the ocean. Stop all your animosity and bickering over every little thing. 50 complaints in one day, seriously folks, go get a life. I have personally heard Kurt Olds tell this to Ed and Pam Harris. Maybe he needs to take his own advise.
Members are afraid to speak up for fear of being targeted. Maybe instead of a civility policy, we have a policy against bullying.
Not all the board members are heartless. Tom Rogers is a good person, I don't know Newman, but for the others, karma will hit you.
I for one am mad as hell and will not take it anymore. Who else will stand up to this?
This post is sad. I've never lived in an HOA. I've always avoided it because of the stories I heard. I looked around Surfside and thought, hey, this can't be so bad, it's the beach, it looks chill, lots of trees and a really laid back environment. But lately, I've been reminded of an incident that happened when I lived in the big city of Vancouver. A woman was shot in the face, in her car, on the way to court over a HOA covenants dispute. This HOA is bringing up bad creepy sad feelings, in more ways than one . I might not be able to continue here.
10:12 That is so scary. What is even scarier is I thought along those lines when I first read this post. Obviously not the same thing but I was thinking, I hope all this harassment doesn't end in tragedy.
ReplyDeleteIn the past several years this HOA has become a VERY hostile environment for many. The majority of board members have been determined to represent only the chosen few instead of all members. Sometimes people snap when things go too far. I am literally praying that we get this HOA headed in a different direction.
I am appalled. What a tragedy. Suicide is the last act of a broken person. When a heart becomes bereft of hope and continued life becomes unbearable it is a failure society needs to consider. It is beyond sad when a person, broken by the weight of internal and external pains, decides that “not to be” seems to be the only choice. Unfortunately, suicide is on the rise in communities through the nation. According to the CDC, suicide is the 10th leading case of death in USA. It is higher in certain demographics, ages, and genders. The CDC identifies 7 areas that society can focus on to fight the plague of suicide. The appalling thing to me is none of areas include reducing the burden of societal rules. Using a community tragedy such as a suicide to shame community leaders over real or perceived failures is appealing and shameful. The board’s decisions have not resulted in a suicide. Social media shaming has.
ReplyDeleteWhen people are afraid to use their name in a civil discussion, there is a problem. And that problem is not the people who are afraid. Are we going to reach the point where this or any blog, for safety reasons, only allows anonymous comments? It breaks my heart to see what our members are subject to in this association. Our Surfside values are all screwed up. We are supposed to be about the members.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to "Board Goals"? Doesn't appear that we have any. And, speaking of respect, Why are there no flags at Veterans Park? We honor Veterans who served and even gave their lives for OTHERS, and this is the respect we show? Surfside members volunteered their time, labor and goods to make this park. It was a community effort that brought us together in a common cause.
I requested improvement to the parking and path there, to only be ignored. The post lamp there looks like the top has been blown off and the beautiful rhodies are turning yellow for lack of proper fertilizer.
Please "old" Board and "New" Board, start working to build and return to a better community for the very people who make this their home and vacation get-a-way. We need to be more than just a Homeowners place.
You are so right George. We should be focusing on the positive things in our community like Veteran's Park. And I know how you feel about being ignored. Same thing happened to me. And you are also right about why people post anonymously. There is absolutely no question if you cross the wrong people you become a target.
ReplyDeleteThe fishing derby and golf scramble for scholarships makes me happy. How did we turn into an HOA where we are focused on complaints and fines. I don't think people are saying the board is the cause of suicide. I think the point is that, for hundreds of members, somehow we made a u-turn into negativity and it's upsetting and depressing.
George, if I am elected, I will work for a better community and better communication. It's a shame this board feels we need to budget 8000 for a water truck in case, like Ric mentioned, we have a tsunami. If we have have a tsunami, we will be wiped out, all of us! Some of you I won't miss or shed a tear over! $8000 would go along way at Veterans Park, it shows respect for those who have sacrificed for all of us and it's for the community. Its sad a few need to micromanage our lives. What's next, what we can or cannot do in our bedrooms? You might laugh, but it's true we have a few that unhappy with themselves, they need to make everyone unhappy.
ReplyDeleteJust go live your life as stated at the August board meeting
Ronda you are so right on!!!! Let's do what lifts people up. Think of the $1000s we are spending to make people cut down trees and turn off lights. Office staff, software system, compliance officer, lawyer!!!!! And I'm still not understanding why we are now have a shed controversy.
ReplyDeleteTrue statement Ronda! We need to get back to being about the total members and work out solutions together. I don’t understand why the trustees and some committee members do not want to hear about other members points of view! Yes, the trustees are voted in to conduct the business and rules of the HOA, but when there is so much discourse and concern why not take some time to have some open discussions or polls?
ReplyDeleteI will not endorse any of the candidates. I think the members can make up their own minds. I will say that I am against voting for the two seeking re-election. I think we need new faces on the Board. Looks like any of the five remaining will be Ok as far as I can tell at this point. One thing for sure, they can't do any worse than what we have now. I remain hopeful that this will finally be the election that will start to turn this place around. It really does seem like our last chance. My glass is half full.
ReplyDeleteThe prevailing attitude expressed by several of the Trustees yesterday is that there are these vast numbers of non-compliant properties, which I consider complete CRAP.
ReplyDeleteMany properties look junky because they have old boats and found objects laying around. There is an art to displaying mixed "media". Some yards look great, many just look like there's an object, rock, piece of driftwood about every foot of yard space. It's not realistic that the HOA can use their judgement of individual member's talent or lack of it.
The HOA can judge neglect, but. "neatn'tidy"is not something that can or should be a focus. This tendency to want to regulate everyone's lifestyle is a common trapping of HOAs, and Trustees who want to play enforcement games.
We have a serious case of this brewing, and the Trustees who favor this are lost in their delusions that the community desperately needs their constant guidance in how to live. They need to butt-out and keep enforcement as basic as possible.
George I agree with you. New faces can't possibly do worse than what we have now. But I disagree that there are 5 options remaining. There are only 4. Ronda, Larry, John and Cori.
ReplyDeleteI was referring to the 5 remaining candidates. Yes there are 4 Board positions. Three are for 3 year terms and 4th place will get a one year term. Thanks for your comment.
ReplyDeleteGeroge I understood what you were saying. The 5 remaining candidates you were referring to included a previous board member and I don't see that person as an option at this point. That's why I said, for me, there are only 4 options.
ReplyDeleteSorry...I get it now. I guess I do endorse the named 4. Sure don't want the others. My mind does not work as well as it used to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the message. I talked to a couple of First responders (for their protection I cannot be more specific) when I mentioned I was in Surfside they both just said one word "Harsh". Is that what the BOD has brought? Why?
ReplyDeletePower, ego and personal self interests.
ReplyDeleteYep. Surfside has had a bad reputation for a long time. And it has gotten worse over the last several years.
ReplyDeleteNow with all the tree destruction the landscape looks dreadful. And they're not even half done with tree compliance so imagine what the results will be.
Then there's the ridiculous nitpicking over lights and sheds. Threatening people with fines over a light bulb or 6 inches due to poorly written covenants.
And we have "neat & tidy" waiting in the wings getting ready to cause more hardship and discontent.
A few people have a lot of power and they think what they are doing is saving property values and views. Real estate agents on the peninsula know the truth and if they are being honest with their clients, they are advising them to stay away from Surfside or at the very least telling them what to expect.
Expect to be micromanaged by 5-9 people who have total power over the membership. Expect to be ignored or disregarded if you have a differing opinion or idea. But if you want no trees and no lights and are OK with being told what your property must look like, then this is the place for you.
Surfside actually has some worthwhile amenities. But one has to ask, do the benefits outweigh the harassment?
We must vote in a new board and hope they can right the ship. Vote for Ronda, Larry, John and Cori.
As a former resident (15 years) and a single term board member I supported the Veteran's Park. My wife and I are both veteran's. I was appalled then and now at the appearance of the park. Kerry and i spend time there at times. I offered probably a year ago (probably longer) to personally pay for new flags if the Board or current member's couldn't step to the plat. Keep in mind that the local American Legion may be able to help as well. Pleading poverty by the Board seems ridiculous but I don't live there now so I know nothing of your financial situation. The cost of an American flag (USA made) for my personal yard pole (3x5) is twenty bucks at Wal-Mart so yours would be somewhat more and the POW flag would be in the same ballpark. Lots of vets in your community but I will reiterate that I will personally over the cost if needed. Let me know George. Anyone know of a house (2-3 bedroom) within walking distance to the beach for around 250-275 thousand (or am I dreaming) that IS NOT within Surfside?
ReplyDeleteI know a long time peninsula first responder and the only "harsh" statements I've heard him make concerned the distance to travel here and the frequency of calls.
ReplyDeleteThe statement made concerning Real Estate agents is just an opinion. As was reported in the Chinook the agents have been making good money with people buying here. Same with sellers if you have a decent property. In my area there have been properties along with mine that have been contacted to see if they want to sell. And if you haven't seen an increase in your property value than you are in a small group.
I have compliant trees on my property. The same trees except 2 that were there when I bought close to two decades ago. I have one constant light that is recessed in the overhang to my door so it bothers nobody. The rest are on sensors so all are compliant.
In short, I haven't given anybody a reason to "harass" me. So yes, I find living here beneficial and enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteLet me know where to buy the flags and the size and I will buy them and bring them over Wednesday before Memorial Day, I do have a nice
4x6 American Flag that is just to big for my flagpoles.
Let me know please, we will be over next Wednesday the 26th.
This is so sad, I personally will pay for the flags every year!
Spend the $8000 to pave the parking lot at the Veterans Memorial Park instead of buying Clancy’s stupid water trailer. In fact sell off the $22000 dollar truck for it’s true value of $11000!
ReplyDeleteCan we actually get people on the BOT and in the office that have a brain and aren’t just sucking up stupid HOA money & benefits?
Great suggestion Doug! And thanks for the offer of a flag. I was thinking of ways we could help! Whole family of veterans!
ReplyDeleteAs for 3:04 anonymous, we certainly didn’t present a reason to be harassed over our lights, but when following the rules for appealing, being turned down with no reason given and finally told 6 months later your lights are in compliance , don’t criticize until it happens to you!
I personally am not a Veteran but have members of my family and my wife’s family that are, I feel it is our responsibility as Americans to honor their service.
ReplyDeleteI will personally supply the flags for the Veterans Memorial Park, I will be there prior to Memorial Day with the first flags and will supply as needed until the day we leave Surfside. Which could be sooner than later unless things change drastically.
I believe the American Flag should be a 4 ft by 6 ft and POW flag a 3 ft by 5 ft by standards, help me if I’m wrong?
I think your right on the sizes Doug. The association has bought the flags in the past. I don't know why they are not flying. Maybe something wrong with the flag pole. The maintenance of the association properties are under Gill. I think the office should be contacted first before any thing is done or bought. I buy my flag for the pole in my yard at Jack's in Ocean Park. I don't know if they have the MIA flag. You might want to call the office and inquire about the need before you purchase. It is their responsibility to take care of the pole and flags. I know it has been well over a month with no flags. I appreciate the offer of the flags. A couple of years ago, Larry Amundson also offered to donate a flag. This may be nothing more than neglect. The American Legion does a flag lowering to half staff at the park every Memorial Day. The Community Relations Committee should be involved in the flag issue.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts, could someone stop at the park and check out the flag pole or stop Gil and ask him?
I will not contact the office as it appears our employees are trolling FB sites and putting out comments about the greatness of Surfside vs other areas of the Peninsula.
My wife asked questions about a different community and a response was posted during the work day by an employee.
I will bring new flags next week and if necessary I will place them on the flag pole. If I must I will complete repairs if needed.
Please all members of this community, come out and help to make this a great place to live, vacation, spend the summer, relax, whatever it was that brought you here like us. That feel good appears to have been lost.
The following is from the May 4th CRC meeting minutes. THANK YOU TO THE CRC COMMITTEE. They continue to work on positives activities.
ReplyDelete$100 donation will be made to the American Legion. They will be invited to conduct the flag ceremony on Memorial Day at the Veterans Park beginning promptly at 8:30 am.
Please attend the ceremony on Memorial Day to show our support for the things that are important.
Too many of our leaders are focused on the wrong things like trees and lights. We don't have trees and we don't keep our lights on but can certainly understand why people might want trees or feel safer keeping their lights on. We want people to do what makes them comfortable. Live and left live.
Hopefully the office will post the ceremony information on facebook and the website.
ReplyDeleteI looked through more of the CRC meetings minutes and found the following from the March 2nd meeting.
ReplyDeleteCommittee agreed to a Memorial Day event at Veterans Park with perhaps a tent, coffee and refreshments, and possibly a Meet &Greet the candidates for the Surfside board.
There are no follow up notes in the April or May minutes regarding the event. Just the note about the $100 donation and inviting the American Legion to the flag ceremony. I don't recall seeing anything on the website or facebook about this. Maybe the idea fizzled out.
I'll repeat.....please attend the ceremony to show support for the things that really matter.
What time is the ceremony? I'm up for a meet and greet.
DeleteAccording to the meeting minutes, the American Legion was going to invited to conduct the ceremony at 8:30am sharp. Don't recall seeing anything posted on the website or facebook that would confirm this info.
ReplyDeleteThe American legion ceremony is at 8:30 sharp as they continue on to other places. Meet and greet kinda got passed over last CRC meeting. The weather, COVID ect kinda left too many unknowns. Maybe contact the election chairman or CRC chairman?
ReplyDeleteBeing new here to Surfside and HOA's I have been completely shocked how people are treated. I for myself have been treated badly from a staff member in the HOA Office. Being a older member new here my heart breaks for the families and friends of the one's who are no longer with us and my prayers are with you!With so many snared looks from the HOA and belittling when asking questions on things, driving by slowly while working on my own property like I have just robbed a bank. This makes me wish I could put up a 20 foot fence around my property and live out the rest of my days in isolation and peace. They truly are bullies and that is sad that they are The HOA!
ReplyDeleteDear lost hope, I'm sorry to hear you were treated horribly by the office staff. They do need to be reminded who their customer is. When I moved here in 2018, the staff was much kinder. Not sure where the attitudes surfaced from but it's usually just one person creating the hostile environment. There are many working to change the culture of this toxic place so in the meantime, file the papers to get that fence, Good fences have always made good neighbors in all situations, from past experience.
ReplyDeleteKimber and MO have always been pleasant to us from day 1