April Meeting Minutes...
Note: Committee meeting minutes can be found on the "official" web site, but members can not openly discuss their thoughts on the actions of those involved. This blog offers a venue for discussion as a service to members...
Minutes of April 6, 2021 CRC meeting
Meeting came to order at 1 pm with Louise Purdin, Valerie Harrison, Monika Stum, Joanne McMurphy, Carole Homer, John Williams, Jole Williams, and Kirby Smith in attendance
1. An update was given by Louise and Kirby for the golf tournament. Letters to past golfers and sponsors was mailed this date. Kirby asked about purchasing the grand prize for the raffle and we gave him the go ahead to use his judgment within limit of perhaps $150! Each member was asked to pick up flyers from the office and try and get sponsors or donations for the raffle. Louise will do a write up for the Observer and rewrite the flyer on the FB pages
2. Scholarship update-Sarah Taylor of IHS offered paper or email copies of the applications and the committee is good with emailed copies again this year. We should have them in the next few days and the committee will rate the applicants in a 1,2,3 (best, better, good) with a 3 for best, 2 for next, 1!We will list all the applicants at the May meeting and all votes will be tabulated. An alternate will be the one with the 4th highest amount of votes
3. Earth day is April 22! A flyer by Peggy Olds and Tree Committee will be in the Weekender and hopefully the FB pages with pointers on being earth friendly and what plants to weed
4. Water emergency possibilities were discussed, and John explained what EMC suggested! CRC did not have other suggestions
5. Paint and sip-Val, Louise, Joanne, Carole, Monika asked for 2 choices(not Eiffel Tower) and dates in May preferably
6. Salmon poisoning-explained the situation and that flyers are online though the cabana boxes are not available to put them and the golf flyers up. Perhaps our trustees can enlighten us and get them replaced
7. Joanne asked when we can meet in person-good question for Tracy. We need to know if we can meet at the office in May even if outside with a tent and chairs!
8. Adjourned at 1:47 pm
9. Next mtg 5/4 at 1pm
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