April 17, 2021
April 17, 2021
President Gary Williams called to order the April 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting of the
Surfside Homeowners Association at 9:00 am. Trustees present via Webex were Mark Scott,
Ric Minich, Rudd Turner, Kurt Olds, Dan Neptun, Tom Rogers; Mariann Schweitzer absent.
• Gary Williams safety message was on working safely in the yard while using weed eaters,
lawn mowers, ladders etc. Be sure to wear eye protection as well as protection for your
• The agenda for the April 17, 2021 regular board meeting was amended and approved.
• The minutes from the March 20, 2021 Regular Board Meeting were approved.
• Floor Comments: Correspondence from member Dan & Pat Bower asking about installing
speed bumps and speed radar to help slow down the speeding on in Surfside. The BOT
will discuss with PCSO.
• Code of Civility- Item was tabled until May so that Mariann Schweitzer, who was absent
for this meeting, can be a part of the conversation and vote next month.
• Nominating committee- Louise Purdin, Annette deLeest, Mindy Harris and Michele Turner
have been added to the Nominating Committee,
• Shed height Variance – Variances were granted for the 2 members whose
pre-manufactured shed were built over the 10’ height requirement.
• Annual Meeting Update- the Ocean Park Elementary School and the Port of Peninsula
both have the dates available. Will know more as we move closer to that date and see
how our county progresses with COVID-19 cases and restrictions.
• Upland Boundary- Workshop will be set up with Pacific County to discuss in further detail.
• Compliance Software- HOA Life will be the new compliance software the office is
• Twin Lakes Cabana- motion passed to accept the bid from Guzman Construction for
concrete repair at the Twin Lakes Cabana at a cost of $3,573.90 including tax.
• Fishing Derby- will be postponed until July 4th weekend, fishing in Surfside will be
suspended until the Derby.
• Firewise/Chipping- need volunteers to get site up and running for the season.
• All Staff, committee & trustee reports were accepted.
• Meeting adjourned at 11:16
The sheds were not built over height requirement, get it correct. Fix your minutes. Sheds are always measured from the floor to the top. You allow for shingles and you allow for a pad it sits on. It is not difficult folks. Its your covenants which are written wrong, and need changed. Why not let the county do their job when it comes to sheds and fences and houses. The BOT is not the county.
ReplyDeleteIt is perfectly legal for an HOA to be more stringent than the county with their CCnR's. You have to ask yourself why the HOA felt they needed to tighten the restrictions. 1 shed allowed versus the county 2 I can understand. But why did the HOA take the added step to re-define a shed?
ReplyDeleteI have no guess as to why this HOA feels they need to perform functions that should be handled by the county. I do know that it costs us (members) a boat load of money that could be better used elsewhere.
While the CC&Rs allow for tighter restrictions, I think it is unlikely this was purposefully changed from the County's wording. I also think it is unlikely this has been determined to be legal. Restrictions that serve no clear purpose aren't likely to have any legal defense.
ReplyDeleteShed restrictions have focused on RV property's tendency to want to have sheds serve varied purposes, which from their standpoint is understandable. Being able to use a shed for cleaning clams out of the rain, or as a shop space to repair or putter around is pretty harmless. But the eaves restrictions were the result of failed enforcement efforts on about 3 properties.
And those failed enforcement cost members how much.....
DeleteDid the HOA change/modify the CCnR's after the shed debacle? Probably not unless the court mandated it. Precedence doesn't hold for small claims court judgements.
ReplyDeleteTo make change need to find a way to change the covenants. Since the BOT holds all the power gonna need to replace the BOT with new members. Only way to fight this...
The CC&Rs were changed, mandating a limit of 18" to shed eaves. It's the only covenant change in many years. Pretty ridiculous to specify it as if the community's gone eaves-crazy. Have you seen the Mexican cowboy crowd's 4 ft. Long points on their cowboy boots ? It started at several inch long toes, then got very competitive.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, crisis averted by changing this covenant after decades of no significant changes. Good job BOT !!
So the weekender states not to disrupt habitats of wildlife. Isn't this what 90 % of the community did when they cut trees??
ReplyDeleteNow they give a list of trees and plants for us to plant....thanks but no thanks. I will plant what I want, where I want
And the fact that the BOT initiated cutting trees and brush around Seabreeze lake shoreline sure helped to sustain the wildlife. The right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing with that Board.
ReplyDeleteYou can bet your sweet ass deelest started this crap when she got on board. Then turned Peggy loose and then walked away 3 years later. This board is a joke. The olds have 5 properties, none of which are neat and tidy and your trees on south side of house are over grown
ReplyDeleteAwww yes, the tree nazi club. Peg, Pam and Annette are the worst
DeleteI see that we are still hiding behind anonymous! Haters like 10:24 is not truthful! 7:51 also. We did not write the covenants, complaint driven, people complained, compliance driven, people complained. We trimmed our trees that were topped years before we bought here for 8 more years with no complaints since we knew what the rules were, No one walked away fool! We still live here!
ReplyDeletePoor Freddy. You make no sense. You better lay off the sauce.
ReplyDeleteFred, nor have you, your spouse, nor anyone else in the ruling class done anything to make Surfside better for all, including opening up meetings, being fully transparent, and allowing the members to be the deciding vote on all matters. Only positive I see, is you all will long gone and forgotten before I make it to your age. Maybe we'll name a dog poop collection point after you and the wife for posterity.
ReplyDelete@9:06, nobody is talking about your trees. Its the olds trees on the south side of their house, the ones by the wood fence. Over height, and hang into neighbors yard by several feet
ReplyDelete@5:19, I seen Mr olds today patrolling around surfside in his red truck
ReplyDeleteA cry for transparency from an anonymous person, a smart mouth at that. Typical B.S.
ReplyDeleteThe meetings are opened, did you log on and watch or just spent your time on here complaining?
The meetings are not "open". After about a year of screwing around with transmitting monthly meetings, the results are insufficient. Listening to 2 hours of mediocre audio transmission without visual is difficult to endure. Members who submit questions say that they are never addressed in the public meetings. That does not amount to an "open meeting".
ReplyDeleteThe Board has gone all in on this as their substitute for meeting in person, and have committed entirely by walling off offices in the Group Meeting space.
This is bogus entitlement crap that basically gives the members no voice or shows any intent to fix it.
I will say, I don't like the meanness going on here in the dialogue. Board members don't deserve these low level insults, and it's sickening to read. I understand the frustration, as most of us share it.
What I know for a fact is that most who defend the Board even when they are screwing up, can't handle any criticism no matter how tactfully delivered. The number of attendees at Board Meetings is not key, when the State requires OPEN meetings. There is no excuse you can offer for the decision to eliminate group meeting space in the Admin. Building.
ReplyDeleteDemocratic governance by definition requires member input, discussion and dissent. Criticism of HOA policy is part of this process. Open meetings make it clear to the Trustees that they are expected to be accountable, and in-person, reminds us that the reality is, each of us must show some respect and humanity if we intend to have a conversation.
The Annual Meeting works at this point for the "member hearing" of the Lighting proposal. But last time it was held at the Admin. Bldg.. That is no longer possible. The community now has NO public meeting space. It is a reflection of the dislike the BOT has for total transparency.
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