
Friday, April 16, 2021

April 2021 Board Meeting

  for Viewing via Facebook or YouTube

If you are a member of the Surfside Homeowners Association “Members Only” page or on the Surfside Homeowners Association

Facebook page you will see a link on the page around 8:30 am.

If you are not on Facebook (Members Only or in general) then you can access the meeting via YouTube.

Browse – for our channel. It should be available by

8:30 am on Saturday.

Disclaimer --- the YouTube streaming is a test. 


  1. Surfside Homeowners Association
    Regular Board Meeting
    Tentative Agenda
    April 17, 2021
    1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting
    2. Adopt the April 17, 2021 Regular Meeting Agenda
    3. Safety Message
    4. Approval of the March 20, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
    5. Deputy Report
    6. Floor comments
    7. Old Business
    a. Code of Civility
    b. Annual Meeting Update ( T. Lofstrom)
    c. Election Update ( R. Minich)
    8. New Business
    a. Shed Variance-Young/Von Struense (T. Lofstrom)
    b. Business Manager Report ( T. Lofstrom)
    c. Social Media Policy (T. Lofstrom)
    d. Twin Lakes Cabana Concrete Repair Bid (R. Minich)
    e. Chlorine Room bid for addition (G. Gonzalez)
    10. Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports
    Water Systems (T. Newman)
    Treasurer’s Report (R. Turner)
    Continued on

  2. Who is T. Newman?

    1. He is someone Gary Willuams just pulled from his ass to fill Clancys seat. Why not leave it vacant? If he wants to stay on, he needs to apply like everyone else

  3. I think he was appointed to fill the Clancy vacancy.

  4. My apologies for kicking the bee hive here but if I decide to build my two story house on the high side of I street or I place (East side) blocking your alleged protected views, you will no longer need to worry about tree heights. I'm seeing this happen, maybe more to come, people stealing your view with their new house, for shame.

  5. Houses are made of dead trees. Those are the trees they like and value viewing.

  6. Not sure of your intent behind this considering the tone but I'll answer anyways.

    Feel free to build your two story house since I'll assume that it won't violate the height covenant for that area. The trees on your property will be allowed by the covenants to be at the same height.

    The tree/view issue isn't about those that follow the covenants. It's about those that don't follow them and allow the trees to get non compliant. So nobody is going to accuse you of blocking views and if they do they will be in the wrong. Now if you allow the trees to grow above the limits, then yes people will have an issue with your choice in doing so.

  7. I believe streaming the HOA meeting via utube where anyone from the general public can watch is illegal. We had a Facebook members only for this reason. I realize not everyone has a Facebook, but our HOA needs to keep things to members only. Perhaps this is to keep classy Clancy in the loop.

  8. Back to trees...the south side of Peggy and Kurt Olds place has trees not only above roof top but several feet overhang into neighbors yard

    1. The neighbors prefer it, that way they don't look over and see Kurt getting Pegged.

  9. Don't worry 3:54. According to Cox your two story will be the size of a Monopoly house.

    1. Believe me, your head looks tiny from here. You have a little trouble with that perspective concept don't ya.

  10. And we’re back to the “it’s not about the view but obeying the covenants” agenda! So why do you want those trees cut down or butchered? It’s not about safety or appearance, it’s about the view! Maybe those covenants need to be changed! The board needs to have a serious conversation with us members and truly find out what most members want!

  11. Actually, it's both. If the covenants are obeyed the view is there. Btw, quotation marks are used when you quote what someone has said in a comment, not what's in your head.

  12. @6:57 - Classy, how old are you?

  13. @6:57, thats hilarious. But seriously, if we lowlands have to cut our trees, Kurt Olds needs to cut his. Lead by example

  14. It was difficult to find the live stream of the Board Meeting. Very poor sound quality. At 83 minutes into the meeting, there were 9 viewers watching. During the first break, the mute was not working as they discussed incorporation. Bottom line is...Hardly any member was watching, and if they were, the quality was so bad, you could not understand what was happening. How many thousands of dollars are we spending on this embarrassment? "They" need to get up to date minutes posted on their "official" web site. Another embarrassment. It seems that the more they spend on member communications, the worse it gets. I did not return to the stream.

  15. Does anyone know why this was moved to a public forum? Also, youtube does not allow comments. At least on Facebook, those watching could comment or ask questions in real time.

    1. @10:47. It's all about control. Notice we couldn't comment. Did you also notice they do not like alot of attitudes on the surfside facebook social media, so now if we are rude as they want to deem it, they will silence you from any further comments. What a bunch of whinning babies. If you can't stand the heat, get out. It's are right to comment

  16. It was moved because everyone complained about facebook. They've never responded to comments during a board meeting

  17. This streaming did not allow comments.

  18. The Board doesn't want to have open meetings, so they turned the public meeting space into offices. The State RCWs REQUIRE HOAs to hold open meetings.

    They are using incompetence as an excuse to aggravate the situation. They can have a chuckle over member's futile anger at the poor audio.

  19. This did not allow comments and the Facebook page had lots of comments when it first started, but they went no where!

  20. oh lawd almighty, people who care about six inches on a shed height is not people I want to live my life with. This is my first and definitely my last HOA residence. So petty......

    1. Right! I wanted to comment to Kurt to just go live his life, as that was his comment months back to pam and Ed Harris over their petty crap.
      A shed is built to code, you don't allow a concrete pad, which would be ground level, they require you put put it on something, so.... who gives a rats ass about 5 inches.
      Go cut your trees Kurt and get them out of the neighbors yard

  21. Many here feel your pain. It need not be this way.

  22. Watching the board meeting on-line and I saw some very scary stuff. vote against as shed that PASSED architec committee a year ago? If I had seen what goes on I would be somewhere else.

  23. Same thing happened to those people with that Sitka eagle tree. 10++ years ago tree committee and compliance officer gave waiver and now SHOA retracted decision.

  24. Of course it's useless enforcement action that in no way benefits the community. The BOT dogged other members over their sheds for about 3 years, BOT failing to succeed in Small Claims in 3different efforts, then spent the final year chargong them in Superior Court, and just before the case was to be heard, they withdrew the case, paying the members their legal fees, and wasting as much as $80,000 I've heard, in litigation fees. MEMBER MONEY !!

    Mention was made that it was 6" taller than intended. Easy to do, and no big deal.

  25. Seriously, isn't the HOA called HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION for a reason? Why do we have employees and volunteers who work AGAINST HOME OWNERS? This sounds oxymoronish. I don't care about a couple inches of height on a shed or a tree three feet higher this year than last year and on and on and on. Why are we paying these people to terrorize HOME OWNERS? I'm confused I guess......because last time I checked, we, HOME OWNERS, are NOT THE ENEMY

  26. I would like to see the HOA disbanded and this become a neighborhood association with a water/garbage service department. Neighborhood associations have some rules like no junk yard lots but doesn't operate a gestapo style rule. Some even require people to have trees. They work just as well, are governed under county regulations, and it would cost us significantly less money because we wouldn't need a bunch of paid office staff.

  27. Totally agree with 3:29. Get out of the water business and quit paying the salary of a deputy and other unnecessary office staff. Maintain the garbage/dump site, RV lot storage, and beach paths and become a neighborhood association. Would cut our costs to less than half what they are now. And leave people alone!!!

  28. I hear we should be looking at Mark Scott's trees. The office didn't want to deal with him.
    Follow the rules Mark. Anyone want to confirm...Peg....did you not want to fine him???

  29. Can someone fill me in on the shed item? I couldn’t stand to try and listen as it was mostly noise! We’re they asking for an appeal or variance? All this over 6 inches when the shed was approved by the architectural committee? I love how decisions are made and then change their minds later!

  30. Good morning all. Watching the meeting for first time was interesting, hope they continue to live stream but allow comments and questions from members during meetings

  31. In your dreams Bob. Will never happen with these clowns.

  32. There are a lot of different possibilities, but at this point, members have no real authority to do anything but ask nicely to be granted the right to vote on covenant approval/disapproval. A Trustee proposed it several years ago, and it was defeated 5 to 4. It may be actually a bylaw, or bylaw and covenant need to change.

    Next is to defeat the lighting changes at the Annual Meeting. We need to not forget the importance of stopping adoption of this proposal, easily slipped by the members by being vague or misrepresenting their intentions. The community doesn't need this pirating our rights away on an important essential part of modern life.

  33. My vote for the lighting will be a no should I run for a position. Leave people alone and get a life

  34. JoAnne what i got from the shed issue is that pre-built sheds are 10 feet from the FLOOR of the shed to the CROWN of the roof as per the county code. Once you put the shed on a skid or concrete blocks (because you can't put them directly on the ground) it makes the shed a little over 10 feet from the GROUND to the CROWN. Apparently SHOA covenant says from the ground to the crown so the two sheds they were talking about at the meeting were 5 or 6 inches too tall. The board granted variance. The sound was pretty bad so I could be wrong but I think that's what happened. SHOA covenant needs to be changed to say from the floor to crown instead of ground to crown??

    1. @12:14, I believe you are correct. If we have people bitching about 5,6 inches, they really need to get a life and start enjoying the ocean and all its beauty.
      Besides...who on the architecture committee is a qualified architecture?...I'm waiting...
      Change the surfside code to meet county code and get out of county business.

  35. Here is how stupid some of the current board is....they tried to set a dollar amount on a speeding ticket ��‍♂️. I believe it was Kurt, he really needs a life. Do you remember saying that a few months back to Ed and Pam, Kurt? Now you're trying to tell a sheriff deputy how to do his job, lol

  36. On the shed discussion instead of talking about a variance for 2 sheds because of INCHES, the board should have just voted on a motion to change the wording on the covenant from "ground" to "floor". PROBLEM SOLVED!!!

  37. I certainly hope these shed owners didn’t have to pay the $370 fee for the variance! As I stated previously, these members should have been allowed to appeal to the board not just the committee as it states in our covenants! What nonsense, 5 inches? I do believe if you drive around there are sheds that are past this height!

  38. Kurt and peggi Olds are doing nothing but harm to our community. They need to be removed from their positions of power!

    1. @8:12, yes they and a few others are. I blame the new business manager for not getting a hold on the crap they pull.
      God forbid we sound of on facebook on anyone, yet Yracy allows this group to pull shanigans and almost bully people, nitpicking... Peggy needs removed from her tree stump committee, she has done enough to the community

  39. The shed owners should not have needed a variance in the first place. Our covenant is worded wrong. Big surprise. Once Tracy discovered the problem, the board should have simply changed the word from ground to floor. There are probably hundreds of sheds that are out of "compliance" right now.

  40. Exactly! You know there are sheds out of compliance just like lights out of compliance when we got our complaint.

  41. I agree that it was a "no-brainer" to simply change the wording in the covenant, and waive any variance fee. And Rhonda, I'm for anyone with common sense and a commitment to equity and fairness, running for the BOT. Others will join the pursuit. You have to be willing to stand your ground.

    1. I agree Steve! I want to be a voice for our members, who currently have no voice, in anything!
      Surfside needs to let the county do their job and get out of the politics.
      I'm a little tired of the bullying going on.
      Meetings need to be open to members only and we need to be able to comment.
      We're there any floor comments, why....because you don't want to deal with members.
      If we cannot fill 4 positions, leave them open. It's wrong, as in Clancy leaving to just pull a name outta your ass. Members should have a voice.
      Gary, you mentioned if we don't fill 4, you would possibly leave Tom Newman on. Wrong, Tom needs to run if he wants to stay on.

  42. Rhonda, you have my vote.
    After much discussion with my wife and her retirement this summer now is not the year for me to run.
    I only hope we get some people to run that will represent all of Surfside, not just the J Place interests.
    Tom Newman should never have been placed in Clancy’s position, it should have been left OPEN until the election!
    And yes if Tom wants to be on the Board then run, NO free rides from Gary.
    Asked my local HOA president about broadcasting meetings on u tube, his response was it should not have been done being open to public!
    He was shocked an HOA of our size would be so foolish, we use Zoom and it works great and is really easy!

  43. People complained about Facebook and Zoom so that's why they gave youtube a try. It worked ok for me but not some others, which basically happens with what ever gets chosen it seems.

    1. How could anyone complain about zoom? It was never used. Utube did not work well for those very few of us who used it! Very noisy, couldn’t hear the discussions clearly

    2. @1:26, zoom has never been tried. We have been asking for zoom, and Kurt pulls the utube shit and them the link is broadcast on a public page...does Gary still need clancys!

  44. Does Tom Newman own property in Surfside? Nothing is listed with Pacific County. I just hoping not another J place resident.

  45. 2:06 Tom Newman is listed on the county tax site and yes, he is a J Place resident

  46. @2:51, I just looked up on tax sifter, no Tom Newman

  47. Try Thomas & Teridee Newman, its there
    Kurt had nothing to do with the youtube, that was the new manager. Not sure why everyone is so upset, 9 people watched lol obviously members don't give 2 ***** about watching it, plus you all complained it was on FB. There is no way to please the people on the blog. It goes back to the complaining about having to file a complaint on your neighbor. You all said you wanted pro-active enforcement so that would stop the neighbor to neighbor complaints but now you're complaining about that too!
    And let me guess, no one on the blog is running for a board seat either smh, no wonder the BOT doesn't put any weight to what is said here because none of you step up, you don't volunteer, you just continue to complain. So of course, things will stay the same.

  48. Miss Piggy has spoken...again

  49. I don’t believe “everyone” wanted pro-active compliance! How would the board know? There was no member hearing or discussion. Just a vote at a BOT meeting! I was at that meeting and I was very surprised at that motion and vote. There should have been a hearing! There are pros and cons to both sides

  50. There is on 20 properties listed for Newman and none with Thomas or Teridee Newman also no listing for a J place address

  51. Here is the link
    he is at 32207 J Place and 32206I St
    so yes he is a member

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Rhonda F was thrilled when the people across from her house cut their trees. Now she too has a view of the drainage ditch. How many yappy dogs does she have? I wouldnt trust Rhonda and remember, she adores the DeLeest's

    1. @4:31, yes I do like the deleest's and actually I always have had a view of the retention pond. Yes, I have 3 weiner dogs, who I controll when they go to the fence.

  54. Didn't say zoom was tried, just that some people didn't want to use it. People complain about everything so why is it a surprise? They tried the private members only Facebook people complained. Every meeting since they started only has been complained about.

    One thing is certain. As someone else pointed out there has never been too many people watching anyways, just like only a few bother to show up at the meetings back when we could. Except for the annual and budget meetings, along with a few special ones, most are rarely attended except by a few. And if it wasn't for the free picnic there would probably be less at the annual.

  55. @4:31 I hear ya about trusting Ronda but gee how much fun would it be to watch the show if she gets on the board, bwhahahaha, I'm stocking up on popcorn. Time to stir it up and I think she'd give some grief. Either way, we win or we lose. Enjoy it, this is all I got!

  56. And these anonymous people wonder why members don’t want to step up to run for the board? Your comments mean nothing hiding behind anonymous!
    How about a good word for having the fortitude to state your views? We have way too much anger and negativity in our world now, why not a simple “thank you”

  57. You are so full of nasty ridicule it is such an over-reaction and as JoAnne says, anonymously is the ultimate weakness. Really, you have to wish failure upon a candidate ? The election is months away as well.

  58. How about that same "thank you" for those volunteering and serving already? Oh forgot, they don't share your views so they don't deserve thanks. They are elitist bullies and nitpickers pulling shenanigans who get vilified and personally attacked here on a daily basis. Before you accuse, not a board member, not on J. Awaiting your assault and 6 paragraph retort from Mr. Cox.

  59. I'm glad u J placers and 70 % of the current board has their titles correct

  60. Oh, thank you for making my beautiful surfside community look like stumpville. Thank you for all the wind you have created.Thank you for destroying so many animal habitats.

  61. I looked up Mark Scott on tax sifter. His trees are beyond out on control. Why is he not being made to cut his, why is he not being fined??
    Same with the olds, that South side is over the roof line and in neighbors yard
