
Monday, March 29, 2021

Why We Moved Here

 Not because we are an HOA, but because....




  1. Beautiful! I see and feel peace, quiet and tranquility! Just want most of us want and need.

  2. Beautiful place, No shoveling snow and no over 100 degree weather.

  3. @11:58

    Some years we get both of these things... Thankfully it is rather rare !!

  4. I moved here in Dec of 2019. I love my house, the quiet area and closeness to the beach.
    I don't like the faction. I don't care for the person on J that doesn't know me at all but came to yell at me one day for having a fire in my pit. She was going ballistic because they were having people over for a BBQ later that evening. If she would of just came and introduced herself and explained her issue with the smoke, I would of gladly had it out before her BBQ. After she was done yelling I really wanted to let the fire go thru the night. But being who I am I couldn't do that. I did not argue back or barely said a word. I hope she learns that you can get a lot more with sugar than salt.

  5. Yes Dale, you have just provided an example of why this HOA currently has such a negative "vibe". While I have to believe most of our members share your approach to resolving issues, we clearly have some who are always on the attack. Unfortunately the "negative nellies" seem to have undo influence on the HOA as a whole right now. We've been here a long time and it's just felt bad for the last several years. It all starts at the top so we'll see how it goes. Hoping for more harmonious days ahead and thankful for our great neighbors.

  6. Welcome to the neighborhood. It is so hard to believe, considering the current state of social harmony prevalent through the country, that people behave so badly. I am especially amazed at how concentrated this negative attitude is here in Surfside. It is a wonder people are not leaving this place in droves. In case you did not notice, I use sarcasm to make a not so subtle point. We live in a great community. It is not perfect but certainly is a far cry from many other places I have lived. Be of good cheer friends, the road we walk is short. If we are living in Surfside, we are probably on the last bend in that road. In case you did not notice, it is Spring, smell the roses before the deer eat them.

  7. Speaking of the "last bend". It really saddens me when I see so many members here who are on that "last bend" I had another neighbor pass away last week. He is the 8th within sight of my home in the last 15 years. I know of several more that I knew who were down the street.

    There are a number of common threads besides being in my area. They were all nice friendly people and members of Surfside. Another common thread was that every one was not happy with the association, but all loved an easy laid back "beach life". It makes me very angry when I see the members being subject to unfair enforcement and bullying.

    Full time or part time, young or old, All deserve respect and an escape from the life problems we all have from time to time. I have no problem with those who engage in bullying, being called out and identified. Those kind, deserve no respect. Shame on them.

  8. HOA bashing seems to be a national pastime. If you don’t believe me just google HOA nightmare. Surfside, In comparison to some of the nightmares, seems quite accommodating. Everyone who purchases property in an HOA likes the covenants so long as they don’t negatively impact them. One mans favorite covenant is another mans nightmare. When you live in an HOA you must follow the rules even the ones you don’t like. If enforcement is bullying then non-enforcement is what? Covenants are never a smorgasbord. Them’s the rules, in life.

  9. Unfortunately Dale, by letting yourself be treated that way, it gives more power for her too do it too you n others. Am sure she bragged to her neighbors giving them the idea they can get away with it. Them's the rules, in life. See? works both ways 6:18, board clone.

  10. Rudeness is so common in our society that many people consider it normal behavior. Some even justify rudeness as appropriate when the recipient of the rude treatment, in their view, deserves it. In reality, rudeness is a poison that will eventually kill civility completely. The best way to avoid the poison is to refuse to participate in rudeness altogether. Of course we will be confronted by rudeness every day by that does not mean we must participate. There where several books that changed my life and helped me to stop participating in rudeness. The author of two of those books, Dr. P. M. Forni, provided incentive and tools to reject what he calls the cycle of rudeness. The title of his books are Choosing Civility and The Civility Solution. Life is so much better with civility as the basics for human interaction.
    Civility: relating to public life, befitting a citizen, in other words, being friendly and nice to everyone. When you show civility, you use kindness and good manners. You are respectful, even if you do not like that person very much. Civility can also mean formal politeness, like your behavior at a fancy dinner.

  11. 11:24 Hopefully the person who confronted Dale will take your message to heart.

  12. Common sense tells us there are a wide range of HOAs, some very restrictive, and variations of less and far less restrictions. Talking to people, I'd say that homeowners prefer a minimum of restrictions, an overall respect for member choices, and little enforcement action.

    HOAs tend to have the same basic goals, of preventing lack of owner responsibility in maintaining their property, preventing intrusive activities between neighbors, and seeking to foster a sense of common purpose and community pride.

    The fewer rules the better, the more respect for personal choices the less conflict, and trying to play a mediating role between neighbors rather than emphasizing enforcement. Our Lacey HOA community hasn't had a lawsuit or Small Claims challenge in 20 years, emphasizing compliance and compromise.

    Surfside is saddled with the Tree Restrictions, and the HOA's stubborn commitment to never change it is reinforced by the ridgetop owners who promote ridgetop candidates annually.

    Unlike most HOAs which require member approval for covenant changes, Surfside only empowers the BOT of 9 members, with a nod to the members review. Both of these issues breed animosity in the membership, which is entirely understandable and could be easily changed for the sake of greater overall peace and contentment in Surfside.

    The BOT should take the initiative to change the covenants to require member approval of covenant changes, giving all owners their fair voice in community policy. And the entire community should vote on whether or not to continue the Tree Restrictions. A collection of about 75% of the households or more would probably be achievable, and would in all likelihood, eliminate the policy as currently enforced.

    The contentment level in this community would go way up. Guaranteed.

  13. Again, you are welcome to your opinion. But at the end of the day that's all it is, an opinion. That IS guaranteed.

    1. Most of what I have stated is established as fact, and I notice you don't have any evidence to the contrary. In the 5 years We have owned in Surfside, J Pl. Owners have held as many as 8 seats at a time, and currently hold about 7. Gee, do you suppose that had anything to do with the Board refusing to even discuss my appointment to Chandler's vacated position? You know it did.

      Why hasn't the Board shown a conscience and made it necessary for owners to approve covenant changes? The Board protects the J Pl. interests and recognizes that the Tree Policy helps exert J Pl dominance over the rest of the community.

      This policy bilks owners of treed properties of tens of thousands of dollars annually, to protect phantom views of J Pl owners, when the covenants do not protect or mention "views".

      Now the Lighting Proposal threatens to put more enforcement pressure on the members, happy to ignore that good lighting is a safety issue that is considered a matter of personal choice.

      The proposal doesn't establish any clear standards beyond giving the HOA the authority to make demands of owners at will. Think maybe the BOT is feeling a little power-drunk now that they have an excuse to hold closed monthly meetings?

      I do. As Trustees can't be questioned in person over their lack of community accountabilty, yeah, they're feeling very full of themselves!

  14. Curious what the outcome would be if "none of the above" is on the upcoming ballot.

    1. None of it will be, chances are. You must be new here. At any rate, the same 300 members vote annually, and they are mostly interested in maintaining the "status-quo", opposing change of any kind, electing more J Pl. Trustees.

  15. @6:52, if you are new here please become accustomed to Mr. Cox's long winded statements of opinion masquerading as fact...

    1. Yes I agree. Please do. He is not a REAL fact checker. He uses this blog for therapy.

  16. I call that opinion of opinion.

  17. Notice there's still no rebuttal, just insults.

  18. Where are the petitions? I'm ready to sign them. End the tree policy now!

  19. In every community there are those who think just a bit too much of themselves. Their opinions are facts. Their egos are inflated. It is best to ignore their rhetoric and marginalize their noise. One thing these people all have in common is their ability to talk and their inability to do. Appreciate the volunteer and ignore the detractor.

  20. I just thought we were going to get the petitions going. Is anyone working on them?
    Only 12 percent of the membership vote.
    The ridgetop owners vote in their ridgetop buddies every year.
    The 9 member BOT is very power-drunk.

  21. Well kinda hard to do when you’re anonymous😊. There’s only about three of us who everyone knows who we are, so I guess the balls in your court! It are you just fishing for information?

  22. Former member. I suggest you let a handful of Anonymous poster's hand pick the next Board and by that I mean a clean sweep. You'll have to figure out whom to select since they can't prove they are Anonymous but that's not my problem. Of course they will have turn in a ballot (and only one please). Since only 15% vote I would have to believe that Anonymous posters are among the 85% that don't bother to vote. After a suitable time you can then meet to evaluate the new Board's performance. It could be very interesting. Might want to try that here in my new hoa. We have have forced to turn over overall management to an outside firm due to heavy resignations from what was our current Board. They got tired, frustrated and angry at giving up very retired time and being subject to near constant criticism (most of which was undeserved).

  23. Curious, you do know the about half or so of J place owners are under the same tree covenant rules, right? Notice you don't see them complaining. I guess they like bilking themselves. And quit with the phantom view B.S. Too many people have debunked your opinion on that so there is no use for me doing it again.

    Concerning your constant Chandler whine. First off, why would they be intimidated or whatever of you? You would have been one vote in a large group for what, a year or two? Big deal. About the only reason behind not wanting you on there would be the problem with the meeting going overtime due to your long winded statements. And to add too that you have stated over and over that you don't have time for our, as you put it "silly little HOA", so they did you a favor by giving you more time for board therapy along with some fodder to repeat over and over.

    To your 5 years here and all the J pl seats. Gee, do you suppose it had anything to do with the FACT that during the time the far majority of candidates WERE J place owners? Nah, that makes no sense at all (sarcasm).

  24. If you had the backbone to identify yourself then I could understand your vicious and totally skewed harrang. I never intend to presume who specifically is behind the very organized efforts to recruit J Pl. Candidates, but the extreme obsession with maintaining control is obviously not a spontaneous coincidence.

    Each time you make your Chandler replacement claims you bring up a comment I made on the Blog long after the vacancy first surfaced, that I didn't feel any great regret.

    Someone, probably you, was giving me greif over something I'd said, and being a real dick about it. I ran for a Trustee position and by precedent, I was the likely appointee to fill the vacant seat.

    The vacancy was kept quiet initially, and I was never contacted.

    But the fact remains, I have been willing to make a large commitment of time to the HOA, and have been treated with indifference. I accept reality and adjust.

    I stand by the accuracy of my statements. Mighty hostile there Mr..This doesn't merit it.

  25. Anyone who does not know the background of the vacant board position after chandler resigned should look at the minutes and show me where the board made the decision not to appoint anyone to it. We were at the meetings at that time because of our bogus lighting complaint and I can’t recall or find in the minutes of 2019. But the December 2019 minutes aren’t on the website, so maybe there?
    It was wrong not to address this in open session no matter what your snide remarks about Steve are! I hope I’m wrong and this was done above board and in a public meeting

  26. There are no Board Meetings in December

  27. Thanks George, you beat me to it.

    I was at the meeting when Chandler first didn't show. I do remember the Trustees and office staff didn't know why he wasn't there because they were discussing it. At that time I didn't hear anyone say that he resigned. I can't remember for sure but I believe at the next meeting they might have then mentioned him resigning. Didn't remember if there was any discussion on what would be next. Snide huh? Interesting since I used some of his own language. I'm curious what you would call his response? Since this comment has some info in it I'll respond to your pal in a separate one.

  28. Yes, more of the same claiming to be taking the high ground, and even wishing everyone a happy Easter. That's real real nice. What the take away from the Chandler resignation is, that Chandler resigned a few days prior to the Oct. meeting. That was confirmed to me by a Board member prior to the meeting. I attended that meeting, and at no point was the resignation announced in my presence, nor is it stated in the minutes. I made a comment on something unrelated, so the BOT knew I was there, and the Trustees could have spoken with me about the vacancy but didn't.

    The resignation was kept quiet because they knew what the precedent was, and that 92 members (who voted for me), and possibly others, would expect that their votes would be respected, in support of my candidacy. There's nothing to whine about, but it is part of the pattern of controlling the dialogue in the community, and denying the members a fair voice in setting policy and the approval of community covenants.

  29. In reviewing the 2019 Oct. minutes, I see that the minutes state that Chandler resigned in the role call. It does not state that the resignation was announced.

  30. 350 - glad you think being cheated and misrepresented is funny, gomer. Some of us really don't cares to belong to a crooked organization.

  31. 4:02....Well stated. Many would agree, myself included.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Yet he leaves YOUR nasty comments up. And you say you're not rude?? Give me a break. He didn't use any of the type of words you did.

  34. You greatly exaggerate my words and message, you so personalize the suggestion that mistakes are made, but can be rectified, and change must be a constant means of improvement in community policy. And less is more. Fewer obscure rules prevents a majority of conflicts.

    Limits on shed roof overhangs ? Downward facing exterior lights ? ONLY the community Board defermines community covenants ? 30 foot trees must be 16 feet tall in much of the community ? None of this makes rational sense. Now you want to dictate "neat n' tidy"? Unreal!

  35. The covenants say nothing about "makes rational sense".
    We need neat and tidy and code of civility.

  36. Thanks for the Chandler update Steve. While some people don't appreciate you taking time away from from your grandchildren to provide this information I'm sure they do.

  37. I have no idea what you're talking about. Because the Board refused to fill the Chandler seat, vacated in Oct.of 2019, there was an uncontested Covid era election and a vacant seat still remaining.

    All that has been expected by me, or anyone else, is that the BOT follow the covenants which mandate that the seat be filled. That didn't happen and it screwed-up the elections. I really don't care at this point. You don't know anything about me but what I have openly shared on the blog. So don't speak of my family anonymously. It's criminal level banter.

  38. Criminal level, on a blog? You're a f'n moron. For someone who likes to portray himself as an intelligent individual you do make some dumbass statements at times. The only thing that can possibly be considered criminal is your repetitive lengthy comments. Btw Einstein, you're the one who brought your family to the discussion.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 6:34....I was trying to redirect the focus of all this contentious dialogue to something positive. To immediately make obscure comments about my gtand-daughter from a point of animosity is pretty sicko. Guess that doesn"t register in your moral wheelhouse.

      Comments like your's are good reason to avoid trying to have any discussion on a blog. Both of these useless threatening comments do so anonymously. As such, you demonstrate a lack of good intentions or substance. You can be so proud !

      You misconstrued what I meant by criminal banter. The comment was creepy and threatening and I mafe it clear I see it as threatening.

      But your're just a dumbass calling me a dumbass. There's a lot of that anonymously thrown around.

  39. You've been Cox'd. Good stuff. Keep it coming.
