Regular Board Meeting - Saturday, March 20, 2021. Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to live stream this meeting. We are recording the meeting, and will upload the audio recording next week.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting
Tentative Agenda
March 20, 2021
1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting
2. Adopt the February 20, 2021 Regular Meeting Agenda
3. Safety Message
4. Approval of the February 20, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
5. Deputy Report
6. Trustee Appointment (G. Williams)
7. Floor comments
8. Old Business
A. Code of Civility (M. Schweitzer)
B. Multi Dwelling Fee (M. Schweitzer)
C. Complaint #5599 Update-( T Lofstrom)
D. Annual Meeting (T. Lofstrom)
E. Election Update (R. Minich)
F. 2026 Financial Strategic Plan (R. Turner)
9. New Business
A. Revised Board Assignments (G. Williams)
B. Compliance Software (T. Lofstrom)
C. Fishing Derby Update
D. Waterway Treatment Eradipest(T. Lofstrom)
10. Communications
A. Incoming Correspondence
B. Outgoing Correspondence
C. Meetings & Contacts
11. Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports
A. Water Systems (R. Minich)
B. Treasurer’s Report (R. Turner)
C. Architectural Committee (K Olds)
D. Community Relations Committee (M. Scott)
E. Tree, Brush, & Noxious Weed Sub-Committee
F. Land and Buildings Committee (R Minich)
G. Fish & Waterways (R. Turner)
H. Emergency Management (M. Scott)
I. Firewise/Chipping (D. Neptun)
J. Other reports
12. Receipt of Committee Reports*
13. Recess to Closed Session for Legal or Employee matters (If necessary) *
14. Reconvene to Open Session
15. Miscellaneous
16. Floor Topics for the Good of the Order
17. Adjourn* (* Requires Board Action)
With the proactive enforcement and the code of civility, we best all be nice to our neighbors. Otherwise they will report covenant violations on us. Be especially nice to J Placers, they have the view on the ridge.
ReplyDeleteI see that the Bus.manager is slated to address an agenda item, "compliance software". The BOT has been spending thousands of dollars annually on new computers, technical assistance, & new programs.
ReplyDeleteGiven that overall, Surfside compliance notices address tree restrictions at more than 95%, many owners have never received a violation notice. Claims of rampant non-compliance serve the Board's purposes by creating undo anger and uncertainty, as well as an excuse for more intrusive policies and restrictions. The new lighting proposal is a prime example of this.
The new transfer fees put upon real estate transactions are an excuse to make money off of member sales. The HOA is obligated to remain non-profit, so this fee is inappropriate.
The so-called mandatory inspection should not be necessary if accurate records have been kept at the Office. If a program is needed, fine, get one, and reduce the fee to $50. If records are accurate, no inspection should be needed.
This fee really annoys me, as it makes a big excuse for incompetant bookeeping, which should be VERY simple.
First of all, KUDOS!!! to everyone who worked to get the monthly board meetings live streaming on Surfside Homeowners Association-Members Only Facebook page. Huge step in the right direction of open communication. But currently there are only 449 members and we need to reach 2000+.
ReplyDeleteThis question probably needs to be referred to our tech person. Is it possible to add the monthly board meeting video to our website? If it is, after the video is posted, I would suggest sending an email to our all-member email list with a link to the video.
Recently, if one visited the Surfside Homeowners website, there was a call for feedback on how to improve the website. Another huge step in the right direction. But we need to make sure our members are coming to our website. The website info may be provided to our new members, but are all of our old members aware as well? Again, I would suggest an email to our all-member email list with a link to our website.
Regarding general feedback, from many neighbors and walks around Surfside, I have heard this. "I just want to stay out of it". "I don't want to become a target." "I don't want a drone flying over my property." Justified or not, this is how many, not all, people feel about the HOA. To get honest feedback, it has to be anonymous. Another question for the tech person. Can we put surveys or requests for feedback on our website so that members can participate anonymously? Unfortunately if it's anonymous, some people will contribute "unhelpful" comments. There's always a few. But for the most part I would hope we would get more honest, useful feedback.
And I know I sound like a broken record here but one last thought on the communication/survey/feedback ideas. If we can do an anonymous call for feedback, why not a SURVEY OF THE MONTH? And yes again, an email to our all-member email list with a link to our survey of the month.
ReplyDeleteWe could start with a survey asking "How do like to receive your communications from the HOA?" If you ask yes/no questions and leave one comment box it's easy to compile the feedback.
Some other hot topics seem to be lighting, trees, smoke from campfires and brush burning, barking dogs/loud noise.
We have a tech person now. Granted the up front programming is more time consuming but once it's ready to go it should be quick and easy.
Good job, new tech person. Board Meeting streamed live, must be an embarrassment. Where is Clancy when we need him? We need a tech study plan. Maybe another office added would help. I am so disappointed that I missed Gary's safety message. Probably just as well that we really don't know what is going on or not going on. I am so ticked off, going out and chop down a tree.
ReplyDeleteTotally unacceptable! Technical my ass, work on it and get it going. Do you not arrive early and set up? Great way to keep members from really knowing what's going on
ReplyDelete@1:12, that was my Facebook comment, why did you steal it from there and post it anonymous?
ReplyDeleteI think it is a total conflict of interest to have a spouse of a board member on any committee. Anyone else agree with this? Should we have it discussed in a future board meeting?
ReplyDeleteBecause it was so right on and wanted the members to see it, where they go to get informed, not like on facebook. Sorry
ReplyDelete@1:12, no problem, apology accepted. All my Facebook comments are right on. I don't have a filter most of the time and don't buy into their political bull. All meetings, including committee meetings need to be on zoom with a link sent out for everyone to see and hear. I have heard some sketchy crap goes on that gets left out.
DeleteNo sooner praised them on the Facebook effort and they a have big failure. You're right Ronda, Zoom is better and include ALL meetings!
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no motivation for a self-consumed Board to share information. It will only show them for what they are.
ReplyDeleteAt every board meeting from now on let's protest the closed board meetings with signs and all. Let's do it until they allow members to attend the meetings in accordance with WA law.
ReplyDeleteThat is the only venue for members addressing covenant issues and they have taken that away from us on purpose. They have completely taken advantage of us based on the global virus pandemic. It's completely autocratic and authoritarian.
How about a decent candidate run for the board and the rest of us vote?
ReplyDelete@11:08, I'm thinking hard about it! I'm against the tree covenants. Lighting... if you want it on your property do it, if not, thats fine too. Neat and tidy...leave people and their yards alone. Now derelict properties is a whole different subject. I'm against proactive enforcement for sure. These people who feel the need to micro manage our lives, need to get a life.
DeleteThat would be great!
DeleteAs dumb as this may sound, there should be some regulations for the homeowners to penalize the HOA for not enforcing their policies. They force lot owners to cut trees but don't educate or provide a way for them to remove the debris if they don't have the means to do so and have to resort to self help by burning all day. The smoke is so intolerable, I'm probably going to sell and move after only just purchasing in the last 24 months. I have brought this to the HOA only to be told too bad, you're surrounded by camping lots, but the owners are burning fresh green tree limbs the HOA made them cut! Honestly, I should charge them for having to paint and de-fume the home for market, not the other way around where they get to charge me just to check for violations.
ReplyDeleteI may just splurge on an attorney and see what can be done. This is ridiculously out of control!