
Saturday, February 20, 2021


Tom Newman appointed to vacated Clancy position.  500.00 noise fine....Table North Beach hookup...Table smaller footage home size....Tall North end tree waiting for Federal decision because of eagle roost site.

 Surfside Homeowners Association

Regular Board Meeting

Tentative Agenda

February 20, 2021

1. Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting

2. Adopt the February 20, 2021 Regular Meeting Agenda

3. Safety Message

4. Approval of the January 16, 2021 Regular Board Meeting

5. Deputy Report

6. Floor comments

7. Old Business

A. Tree Complaint #5599 (G. Williams)

B. Code of Civility (M. Schweitzer)

C. Proposed Lighting Change ( K. Olds)

D. Level III Reserve Study ( R. Turner)

E. Proposed Campfire Restrictions (G. Williams)

F. Multi Dwelling Fee (M. Schweitzer)

8. New Business

A. Add member Joanne McMurphy to the CRC (M. Scott)

B. Appeal of fines for complaint #5295

C. G&O Proposal for 10 Year Plan Schematics (J. Clancy)

D. G&O Proposal for NBW Inter tie study (J. Clancy)

E. G&O Pilot Study Preliminary Results (J. Clancy)

F. Board Actions List (J. Clancy)

G. Automation Projects (J. Clancy)

H. Proposed Square Footage Reduction ( K. Olds)

I. Draft 2021-2026 5-year Financial Strategic Plan ( R. Turner)

J. Bids for WMR & SELP

K. Election Chair ( R. Minich)

L. Pacific County’s New Comp Plan ( M. Scott)


  1. I support the IDA. I'm glad about the lighting change.
    Who's Tom Newman? He's probably a J Placer tree cutter.

  2. @4:07, you nailed it, I just looked it up, Newman is a J placer

  3. Yep, another one of those bad J placers who has volunteered his time serving on a committee and is now going to give up more of his free time to the community by serving as a Trustee.

  4. The HOA Board has not changed a covenant in many years, so it is annoying that NO information has been offered as to what changes are being discussed. This was supposedly already decided just over a year ago, when members were assurred that there would be NO major changes made. Arch. Comm. Meeting minutes reveal NOTHING at all. This is the kind of crap that has a lot of members feeling no trust what-so-ever in the BOT.

  5. 1237 - more stacking of the deck, i see. Typical. You people have no shame.
    Volunteering to serve in your own self-interest does not really count.

  6. Give me a break.

    They still serve the community. That actually means something. Most people who serve on a committee have an interest in it. Plus there is another thing that gets overlooked by people like you. There's a large amount of the voting members who approve of their actions. Without that approval they wouldn't be sitting there. One things for sure, that group does have a lot of members. So more than self interest is in play.

    No shame is needed nor is it warranted. But you're welcome to your opinion.

  7. If there is a group of frustrated people who are being uncivil maybe first discover why? And instead of fining them and making situations worse how about a mediator. Maybe find out if one group of people trying to manage association in their own image

  8. 756 - this board operates against their own covenants, amorally and unethically. Your spin does not change that.

    Most of those supporting members don't know what's going on. We're going to fix that.

    The compactor is overloaded, we have no security, and the water system goes down every other week. Not tell me how they're doing such a great job.

    1. I saw the security on Thursday. They were parked at the office. LOL A lot of good that does. Other than that I have not seen him at all.

  9. The Board refused to appoint a replacement to Mr. Chandler's position even though a Board candidate was available to be appointed. So they opted to violate the clear requirement to fill the position, and we can extrapolate from this that they did not have a J place owner in the wings, ready to accept an appointment.

    Of the 3 trustee positions filled after the uncontested election, Mr. Williams has served on the BOT for several years, and the 2 new members elected are both J place owners who have pledged to support the current HOA agenda, which boils down to support of the Tree restrictions.

    The single issue that defines Surfside as a pariah among HOAs, is this useless restriction that has been implemented to extreme destructive results. Only baseless denial seeks to justify the eternal continuation of this policy.

    Our community has been so severely damaged by this methodical destruction, it is time this policy be eliminated, yet ridgetop owners cling to this policy, and the J place heavy BOT has consistently vowed to maintain it at all costs. So why do so many members resent the appointment of yet another J Place owner ?

    It is true that many J Place members are full-time residents, and are motivated to serve on Committees and the Board. Undoubtedly their service is a benefit to us all in some respects, and the resentment we hear for J Pl. owners seems overly harsh. But the dynamic supported by the focus on constant Tree topping, is a blatant social hierarchy and power structure that seeks to intimidate, and employs unbridled legal spending to implement it.

    Good grief ! One tree protected by law and having an Eagle's nest is an issue of debate in a Board Meeting. This is a ridiculous obsession that has no benefit at all for the community. Assuming there are good people who live on the ridge, they should vocally speak out against the continuation of this Policy.

    The BOT goes to great lengths to maintain the superiority of ridgetop owners and to insist that new candidates must support this status-quo to garner their support. Get rid of the Tree Restrictions and fewer J Place owners will want to fill the BOT positions.

    1. Just FYI there are j placers who would also like to see tree covenants disappear. Seeing the collusion and bullying tactics of board has soured some people

  10. Newman is just another Williams YES man. He is on the water planning committee and the only thing he knows about water is that it is wet. Williams is the real problem with his sneaky way of operation. He will say what you want to hear, then turn around and stab you in the back. We need a President who will be honest and listen to the members.

  11. I really want to know when and where was this decision to appoint Newman to the board was held! I don’t believe it was in open session! And why the urgency now and not when Chandler resigned?

  12. While this is typical Board b.s., it can be left behind us. An appointment was made.

  13. They ASKED Tom to take the seat, he did not accept at the time he was asked. He wanted to talk with his family as he has had some health issues. If you would just listen you would have heard all of that. Tom is suppose to let the board know if he will accept the position or not.

  14. The appointment will be made at the March board meeting. Mr. Williams, in his usual fashion, has made the decision without discussing the issue in an open meeting. The board should be having an open discussion on how they would make a choice and a number of members considered. It is the usual practice of Williams to act on his own without the full board being involved. Williams never has followed the rules. He seems to think that they do not apply to him. Very much like Clancy. Williams needs to go the way of Flood....Out the door.

  15. 3:24... Thanks for clearing this up. On the other hand, you pretend that Williams and Trustees already seated have any concern about proper procedures. 3:54 tells it like it is. Williams is a very poor choice as pres. and he has shown the newly elected how he runs things - with no respect.

  16. Can’t believe that you all are letting Clancy leave without at least a fine. He has cost the members thousands of dollars by his negligent actions. He has probably done more damage to that Association than any person that has been involved with the governance (possible exemption being Ms. Olds). Most of you have legitimate concerns, but you do nothing about it. Without organizing yourselves, you won’t stand a chance of getting change. You are going against an organized group (the Board and it’s followers) and that is what they hold over you, and they flaunt it. When I lived there, I volunteered for Committees, hoping to make a change. Didn’t work. Had a chance to sell at a profit and move to a better place (no HOA for one thing). Without an organized effort, Surfside will never change. You will remain at the likes of people like Clancy.

  17. At the board meeting Saturday, President Williams thanked him for all he had done for surfside. Clancy said that he was just and email or phone call away. God help us. There is not a committee in surfside that is worth being on. They are for people who have nothing better to do. None contribute anything to make surfside better.

  18. Why would anyone volunteer for this organization? You're not going to be able to clean out the Cesspool, so what's the point?

    The whole thing should be disbanded, with the services parceled out to private enterprise. The only reason this organization continues to exist is to protect the J placers. I don't feel a need to pay for that.

  19. Looks like Deb made it back - AKA 829pm

  20. It is almost impossible to disband, but not to make changes. Get rid of the water, garbage and sheriff patrol and our dues would be around two hundred dollars a year. Have a three member board and office staff of one. Start with a blank paper and make the covenants which would consist mostly of members keeping their property neat. That's all the members care about.

  21. Totally agree! It’s getting way too complicated here!

  22. It isn't practical to get rid of the compactor service. About 3/4 of Surfside residents are part-time, so paying for garbage service is not practical. Such a large community WITHOUT any garbage disposal would result in garbage build-up and abandoned bags of trash at the roadsides. I'm also not convinced that our water system can't be more efficient. We have a huge investment and equipment that is worth hanging on to. But a major restructuring that simplified the "management" side would be a great idea. Recent boards focus on micromanaging member's lives with useless restrictions and enforcement. The last agenda for the Feb. Board meeting shows this preoccupation clearly. $500 fine for noise, new restrictions proposed for campfires, secretive planning to restrict member exterior lighting. Add that to the recent requirement of a $200 fee and closing property inspection in order to make a closing title exchange. Ridiculous and inappropriate. And of course the ever pesky tree-topping demands, and all of the major legal expenses.....should all go away. Nothing but intrusive useless government.

  23. 1131 - you you were probably one of the ones that forced her out.

    Do really feel the need to advertise your stupidity and overt anger towards your neighbors, or anyone who disagrees with you about this BS organization you keep pushing??

  24. 1232 - agreed. One question, if all services are gone, garbage, security, water, why do we need this organization?

  25. @ 11:32

    AGREE 100%.

    To many employees that do nothing but cost this HOA money, follow county code and add just basic CCR’s.

    I think 75% of the membership would buy in and follow NO PROBLEM!!!!

  26. Part time? Take your garbage home with you like the rest of the peninsula does, or take it to Jack's. Recycle? Take it to Sandridge and Bay Avenue for free drop off. Water? Can't be fixed by a board. Let someone else have it who will do it right and only those who want water will pay for it. No more double assessments because you have two lots. Simple. You use a service, you pay for it and that includes chipping.

  27. By not providing the compactors, you invite every kind of illegal dumping and disposal. North Beach has not expressed interest in taking on our water system, and the members own it. North Beach experienced a huge mismanagement of their finances recently - something we have NOT experienced. But the water dept.needs attention and exp. management. That is a recent development. Some people see the Ocean as a big trashcan as it is. Surfside would quickly witness the lack of wisdom in dissolving the compactor site and laying off property maintenance workers.

  28. @ 4:05

    I am part time 2 to 5 months at a time, can’t see hauling that mutch garbage home. I think garbage is good, water needs to go to a real water providing entity. Chip site is a good thing even if the tree killing were to go away, we almost all have summer tree and shrub trimming that we do. I would be willing to pay a fee vs. hauling to Peninsula Dumpsite.
    We as a community need to realize this is not the gated elite community that some people envision and it never will be, unless some developer wants to come in and buy out all lots without a house on it. If so I can sell my lot for $150k, but to bad you can’t build on it cause it’s to close to the canal for a septic.
    But I sure do love looking at the moon rise over the glow of all those J Place houses with their blinds open and interior lights glowing, talk about destroying the night sky!

  29. 11:31 You jumped to a conclusion about the author. An incorrect one at that! The rest of you listen, you have an opportunity now that you shouldn’t let pass. Evidently Mr Newman is considering the appointment, that means the position is still open. One of you need to very publicly volunteer for the position. If you work as a group, you can put pressure on Williams to appoint. Letters to the editor detailing the nefarious dealings in Surfside May be used to sway him. It would be hard work position to fill, but without doing that, or something equivalent, you will never right the boat. By the way 11:31, I moved partially due to the housing market, the cabal didn’t have anything to do with it. I thought I did OK, but pale in comparison to Clancy. He must have really laid the bullshit on the buyer, about the only thing he is truly good at!

  30. Steve - garbage service is available in Surfside. My preference would be to have my trash picked up, but I refuse to pay twice for the same service.
    There is nothing this organization supplies that cannot be done more efficiently bt private enterprise. As such, I believe we need to do whatever is necessary to regain control of this organization, or get rid of it. If the current management cannot act openly and transparently, then take their toys away from them!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. There is no realistic scenario where the Surfside HOA would be dissolved. Until there are enough members involved to displace the J Place dominance on the Board, no real progress will be made to make necessary changes to focus on equity and overall member happiness. Many on the Board have been obsessing over manipulative enforcement measures and hiring compliance officers the last 4 years or so. The less enforcement needed the better.

    Leadership is needed in order to TRY and move a different direction. But it's a tall wish.
