
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Save This Tree

Member requested posting...

A member has requested that I post  this conversation concerning the land mark tree located North of the Oysterville Road. This tree is probably over a 100 years old.  It is my understanding, that this issue will be on the Jan. Board Meeting Agenda

Long time I pl members Sandy and Danny trying to save their 100-300 year old tree
Argument to keep
Surfside developers left the tree
Owners bought lot with tree assuming it was grandfathered in over and above covenants due to height and age
Eleven yrs ago a complaint of tree being over height  resulted in fine letter
Owners met with SHOA compliance officer Jim Myers  upon seeing tree he talked with complainant  and they withdrew complaint hearing of trees age. All that Danny and Sandy were told was that the tree was ok which they inferred to mean that yes the tree would not need to be cut
Present day they received another complaint (proactive or member complaint t they don’t know surfside has not been clear answering that question)
Their first question what has changed in 11 years?
The tree long ago had reached end height so it hasn’t grown
Someone said it didn’t look ‘good’ (again not to be shared yet Clancy doesn’t like the ‘look’ of it)
It was infected with spruce disease a lot of trees had but it has bounced back beautifully
Sandy and Danny maintain they had a contract with SHOA from 11 years ago SHOA knew tree was out of compliance but decided it did not need to be cut
Now they say we need it cut thus breaking contract
If a SHOA agent tells you everything is ok and a non compliant tree does not need to be cut than comes back and says it needs to be cut now. How is this right
Tree covenants have never been fairly enforced and this is an extreme instance it would cost them upwards of $5 or 6000  money they don’t have. 11 years ago they could and would have done the work themselves
I fear this is now where many in Surfside find themselves if surfside had kept up with compliance people could have afforded to keep up tree topping and I do think the owner bears the responsibility but that should not negate SHOA responsibility.
Reason to cut tree
Proactive compliance
Possibly? Someone has purchased lot on j pl and this tree is in their view shed ( when they bought property did they not see the tree???)


  1. I live on J. I know of the tree you speak of. I have no desire to see it cut down.

  2. This board should immediately fire their hired gun called a proactive compliance officer. They should also make the tree committee inactive until they can sort out this mess. Will rgere be at least one board trustee that will make a motion to do so? They need to step up to their sworn responsibilities. Failure to due so should result in their removal from the board. They haqve allowed and even encouraged a few to divide the community while denying the members to have a voice.

  3. The board, in response to members requests, started the proactive actions for the HOA so the compliance officer is doing what she was hired to do. So there is no reason to fire her. Like it or not they are only enforcing the rules that people agreed to when they bought here. Any member can file an appeal so they do have a voice.

    To the dividing the community remark in a sense I agree. It divides into 2 groups, those that want the covenants followed and those that want to ignore them. Obviously we know which side you're on.

    1. In any instance where you come up against board you would be well served to ask for all emails and texts exchange by BOT over a certain number BOT members are restricted on discussions of board issues outside regular meetings members of this and last board at least violate that send chain discussion emails.

  4. 956 - utter garbage.

    We don't want to be held hostage by your self interest group referred to as the Board.

    As we have no say in the covenants, perhaps its time for a little stronger action, such as withholding dues. The resulting Court action would be a great opportunity to air dirty laundry.

    A group that does not follow its own rules is a gang, nothing more.

  5. I have know the owners of the tree for many many years. I know they removed all the other trees from their property themselves (years ago) to make sure they would have no problem staying in compliance with the covenants. From what I have heard from other neighbors most were under the impression that the tree was not supposed to be cut down.

  6. The owner of the property and tree "Sandy" Has asked me to clarify that they did not write the posting. It was done by a concerned supportive member. They do not know the identity of that member. She expressed concern that their name was used without theiur permission. This does not imply agreement or disagreement. It is the policy of the blog host to never edit a commeny. The appeal on this tree complaint is scheduled for the Jan. Board Meeting. You can send your views on thius issue floor comments, prior to the meeting.

  7. TO: Anonymous @ 9:56AM

    Can you please help me to understand the statement of “ in response to member’s requests” as I am sure I did not receive a survey asking my opinion. If you are referring to the 1 to 3 % of the members plus the BOT asking for the hiring of a pro-active enforcer then I guess your statement is true! But as an HOA with over 2000 members out Trustees need to look to the whole and complete membership for input on these type of hiring and expenditures. Surveys sent out multiple times if needed to get at least 75% of the members input needs to be the standard before any hiring or change of Covenants, this decision making by a small representation of the membership needs to stop!

  8. Can you tell me exact location of this tree? I’d love to take a view of it myself. Thanks

  9. Back when I worked in Government, a chief said to me "Talk is cheap, get everything in writing". I have found through the years no truer words have ever been spoken. Ask for copies of documented meetings etc. related to the issue, if any exist. (Word of advice-When working with any governing agency (in this case HOA) ALWAYS do it in writing.)

    Keep us posted, I will be happy to sign and/or protest to save an old tree.

    1. In regular bullish fashion the covenants contingent brought up red herring after herring to cloud the question did surfside tell the owners some years ago they didn’t have to cut the tree and are they now telling them they need to cut tree? Agent of SHOA wrote as much when they closed the case. How old the tree is what health the tree is ( excellent for an old timer) if the agent had the authority to waive the tree all are not important. The association agent told them tree is ok can read it yourself. The covenants is the Bible crew is happy to cloud the issue to bully anyone who doesn’t see things their way to intimidate the owners all this time sending fine letter after fine letter threaten member with stealing someone’s view . Anything to get their way. They learned well from our soon to be ex president shame on them. The only issue is surfside told owners knowing the tree was over height that tree was ok. Now they want the tree cut so they shrug off their previous ruling disown it even though it is written and in the record so they can achieve their mission at any cost without taking any responsibility

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. To 7:35:

    Go to J north of Oysterville road. There are 2 tall non pine trees. It's the southern one of the two.

  12. We are worried about trees when oysterville and other roads are flooding and we fail our members. I dont care if you are red blue or inbetween, this community needs to pull together and start helping our neighbors. We are divided in every way.

  13. Ronda F ??? Would that be the infamous Ronda Fern? The Ronda Fern who is a fake name and who doesn't own anything under their name in this county? Did someone hack your PC? The biggest anti masker on the Pen is talking about helping neighbors and worrying about division? Ha, with people like you around here, I wouldn't want any help. You are the biggest POSER around. Incredible hypocrisy.....

  14. Doesnt change her truth 7:05, ie anonymous. Pot calling kettle?

  15. @7:05, at least she isn't anonymous like you anti masker and hypocritical. oh and don't worry, if you were in the same situation, she would help you too. May the odds be ever in your favor as we are now playing the hunger games, lol

  16. I don’t understand why there is any controversy on this issue! Clearly these members had permission both verbally and written that the tree could remain! Now this board thinks it ok to throw that contract out the window? And now they will spend more of our money getting advice from the attorney about this matter? Watch out folks it could be you next!

  17. Another lawsuit surfside will lose. Thank you Clancy for continuing to waste our money.

    1. Owners of tree were dirt to apply for variance for tree like owners of condos near 357th pathway. Condominiums granted variance eventually through board. Tree owners told to go to tree committee than architectural committee and in the process told no variances would be allowed because covenants do not allow. After granting condominium association tree height variances took off the table for anyone else. Even fair enforcement of covenants?

  18. Precisely why I notified a few environmental groups, as well as Seattle Antifa of this dire circumstance. Thankfully I could include the names and addresses of the BOT and compliantus biddy so they have places to take the cause.

  19. Speaking of trees. I strongly think the FOLKS on the ridge should pay for their view and cover the thousands I PAID to have my trees topped! How about it ridge folks - time to pony up for your view. We lowlands suffer with dead trees so you can have a view. It's only fair that they share some of the cost - whether in higher HOA fees or ???

    So pony up ridge complainers!

  20. I know this is off topic but only place to ask a question I found.

    Each year I ask WHY the HOA gives out a cost of living raise and never get an answer. The cost of living has not gone up here and jobs are scarce so what gives? They do not publish it i n their yearly report. Is it 7%, 5% or 2%? Mine was less than 2%

  21. Just spent $1800 on tree topping. How can the HOA help with this expense? Hire a general contractor to do this and charge it to the ridge homes because they benefit from it! What do you think guys? We all know the ridge folks dominate the HOA powers to be but could they give a little bit in our direction? I've lost my privacy so someone above me has a view (no way it DID NOT improve their view one bit what a fallacy; I've drive up there to see and the trees have NOTHING to do with the view - WHAT a bull face LIE!!!!!!!!!

  22. Class action lawsuit by people who had to cut their trees???

  23. Who owns lot on jpl that is behind tree? Bet it’s board member or relative

  24. I for one am feed up with the ridge folks dominating my life. We been over backwards to please them . What have they done for us ? You will notice they DO NOT cut their trees. We can only hope that their homes fall backwards into the marsh. Yes fed up with them.

    My neighbor believes that we should protest one evening a week and shine bright lights towards the ridge. With 200 lights facing that direction WHAT can the HOA do ?
