
Wednesday, January 27, 2021



I urge you to see with your own eyes, the area North of the Oysterville Road, from  G Street to J Place. and North to 357th Place.   The trees look like a tornado has gone through there.  I had not been in that area since last Summer when I saw the ladies with clip board and laser measuring tree heights.  Now I saw the results with my own eyes.  It makes you want to cry.  Now, I don't hate anyone, but I do hate what some people do.  I hate the tree height covenant, it's promotion, support and enforcement. This carnage has to end.  It is wrong in so many ways. 

The area North  is  a newer area of Surfside and the trees there had not grown as much as other areas. Now that those trees have matured, they have become the target of a concentrated attack.   What was once a pretty area, has now become ugly as much of the rest side of Surfside. I urge you to drive that area and see for yourself.  Then drive M Place to the golf course and over to Skating Lake area.  Compare what you have seen.  take a drive from Ocean Park South along the shore to Klipsen and South and see all the places in the natural trees. 

On the North end, I saw standing water in most of the open areas, but not in lots with trees. I saw  a hillsiude lot with stumps.  Water running down hill from J Place lots and homes.  The County has been trying to fix drain problems in those areas, but they can't fix stupid.  Those bare lots will become a perfect breeding ground for gorse and other invasive weeds to grow, thrive and spread. 


  1. I'll drive through this weekend. I'll laugh and cry with joy that I got out of Surfside. Take the advice of the stupids here and move away from Surfside! You'll be much happier.

  2. When will this insanity end?

    The answer is never, unless we start holding Board members accountable for their agenda. That or simply disband. Their management of key services borders from chaotic to ludicrous. No security, Dropbox at compactor frequently full. Boil water notices every couple of months.

    Does this speak competence to anyone?

  3. The hillside stumps to which you refer, belong to Kurt Olds, a current board trustee. His wife, Peggy Olds, is the chair of the tree committee. They must enjoy looking down from their perch on J Place and seeing all the roofs and dead trees below.

  4. Thanks for the destruction of our trees Kurt and Peggy. You're terrible people!

  5. Does anyone have interest in drafting a petition to abolish the tree height covenant.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. They've been wacking away at the trees next to the condo's at 357th path too. It's a pretty ugly sight.

  8. It is heartbreaking watching mass destruction of natural areas in any place on this earth. I have watched farmland and forests ripped into nonexistence to make room for three story houses with five foot separations so the species of humans can overpay to live on top of each other. The dirty American is here and I believe they are here to stay. I am only glad I won't see the end of what these savage acts of greed and malcontent will bring to this earth. Sure, it starts with just a tree here or there but it's coming, sadly it-is-coming.

  9. We have purchased property in 2020 and I never did like the idea of HOA's we have given it a try! Frankly I see this Surfside HOA as a good old boy crap! We moved here to retire and to enjoy ourselves but there is some major issues with this one! We are following all of the stupidness of there rules but see that others don't have to worry about. For example.. keep this in mind our property slopes in the back. So I call those about the water meter hookup and to make sure that our hoa fees are all paid and they say yes, but then go right into what we can and can't do and to stay 5 feet for this and 10 feet for sheds from property lines. I stop them and say well on the back of our property the people behind us have their shed on the line and the over hang comes on ours a good 2-3 feet and fence is on our side of line. I was stopped in the middle of my thoughts and was told well you wouldn't use that part of your property anyways!
    What?? What the heck!
    I said well I am paying hoa fees and taxes on that section of property so it does matter!
    They became short and rude!
    I have come to the conclusion that if they want a problem with me then they have it, I will not back down and I will not be bullied!
    If I would of known how truly bad this HOA was I would have never moved here!
    All I want to do is enjoy my life and property but I can see a shit storm rolling in for them!

    1. This is a serious matter if based on solid evidence. The office personel have no business giving advice on something they have no expertise on and no knowledge of the specifics of your situation. I'd suggest you have an in-person discussion with the Bus. Manager, and if they can't send someone out to look at the situation to advise, you may need to contact the County. Since your neighbor doesn't seem to care what your concerns are, it seems necessary to force the matter on to resolution. If Small Claims becomes necessary, the offender will be forced to take corrective action AND pay for any expense you incur resolving this. Don't consider independently removing your neighbor's stuff. Bad idea. It'an amusing thought, but illegal.

    2. A neighbor can't build a fence on your property. By law, it's not their property. You can build or tear down what's on your property. Let them take you to court. Let them spend the money trying to justify their illegal act.

  10. Wow 2:10. These are my opinions. I know exactly how corrupt, incompetent, mean, rude, and irresponsible this HOA leadership is, particularly Williams, Winegar, Clancy, Olds (both of them), Minich, Turner, deLeest, and Scott. Williams is a complete idiot sycophant for the J Placers.
    I would ask your neighbor politely to remove anything that is on your property. I'm assuming you know for sure. If they don't, I would remove it myself.

  11. We are way overdue for a members meeting! Praying it will be possible this year. The board needs to honestly review the tree policy. Yes it’s in the covenants, but for what purpose? No one can honestly say this policy helps our area especially environmentaly! All those lots along the canal and lake that have been stripped bare are nothing but a problem when it comes to runoff and the elimination of needed trees. When this mass cutting and stripping the lots started we couldn’t believe it until we became more involved in the politics here.
    At least give those many of us that are concerned the courtesy of relooking and discussing this covenant. And please don’t answer with the standard “you bought here you should have know”. Because we bought before this nonsense got so carried away and know that there is a definite change in our area that is not environmentally sound in any way shape or form!

  12. You forgot to add the Compliance Biddy. Sure she's getting a cut or bonus. Funny, her property outside of Surfside could use some trimming, maybe practice what she has to preach.

  13. I learned the other day that 3 of the surfside water employees bought the old excavator to run their own company here.

  14. Because the process to change the covenants is so cumbersome, it may be best to try to organize a team that would solicit signatures supporting the elimination of the Tree policy. It's kind of putting the cart before the horse, but starting with a plea to do ANTHING necessary for putting this to a vote is likely to meet resistance, delays, excuses. A signature mandate would justify this being put to a community by-mail vote. Gathering signatures is time consuming, and would require a tenatious effort.

  15. Yes, contact Pacific County code enforcement. Travis will help with this.

  16. I moved here Dec of 2019. I never received any information on the HOA. I knew there was one but I thought I had found the perfect place to live out my life. Went to my first meeting in Jan 2020. At this meeting I found out this is not the place I thought it was.

  17. @10:51 AM

    What do you mean? What kind of business? Can you elaborate or is this just gossip? Paid employees need to do the work they are hired for. If they cannot perform, it should go out for bid to be fair and equitable.

    Please get more facts. Throwing out statements without facts is disparaging and we've had enough of that over the past year.

  18. Whoa there, don't let that encroachment go another day. There's some time in place rules that can be bad for you. Here's a more complete list of people for county information.

  19. Tell us the facts. They have a right to start their own business.

  20. Oh, I see how this is going to work. Get your way and have all the trees cut down for your "view" and now the porch lights are going to be too bright. Some people need to get a life and leave others alone.

    oh, and people have been encroaching with fences for years. If the legal owner of the land doesn't say or do anything about the encroachment for 10+ years, it is legally the fence builders property, claimed by adverse possession. (from experience) Take the advice of the above, contact the county asap.

  21. Well, they're right. Don't remove it yourself. You might have never owned all of the property. Take their advice, contact the county even if you have to take off work.

  22. I don't know anything about the specifics of this so-called "time in place" ordinance, but I would bet such a circumstance is subject to other factors. A shed and a fence can easily be torn down or moved to be compliant with property lines. With ownership of the property encroached upon having changed recently, the new owner may not have been made aware of the property line violation, as the previous owner may also have been unaware.I doubt that the new owner will have to live with such trepassing.

    1. It's called squatters rights of adverse possession. Google it, it's a real thing.

  23. The previous commenter who mentioned adverse possession isn't making that up. I've researched it a little. It's a real thing. If the neighbor is a total jerk, you will have to go to court. If more than 10 years has passed, you will likely lose title to that portion of the property.

  24. Sounds like the person is concerned about the shed hanging over the fence, not the actual fence. Person stated the fence is hanging over onto their side. Covenants dictate the placement of shed. This person should just contact the Compliance Officer. That's why Surfside has one. The Compliance Officer will be able to determine if the neighbor's shed is properly placed and if the approval for the shed by the architecture committee is on file.

  25. I will never invite the Surfside compliance officer on my property.
    I'd go directly to the county asap.

  26. Good point 7:35. Check for Arch approval and if by some slim chance there is, when was approval granted. But the property line is still an issue to clarify, and it is doubtful HOA compliance isn't still mandatory, the setbacks also required by the HOA.

  27. Sorry, typed the wrong thing. Person stated the SHED is hanging over onto their side (not the fence). I thought there was a new process put in place where the Compliance Officer has to come out and inspect property before it is sold to verify there is nothing out of compliance? Seller even has to pay a fee for this?? This person bought their property last year so did the Compliance Officer come onto the property and do the inspection? If so, wouldn't the Compliance Officer have noticed that the neighbor's shed is too close to the property line? Would that trigger a proactive compliance complaint if the neighbor's shed is out of compliance? Also wondering if the county requires a permit to put up a shed?

    1. Good point, but how do they know for sure exactly where the property line is?
      When I bought my property, I paid to have a complete and filled with the county boundary survey done. I had 9 monuments installed. There was a steel rod in the Northeast corner. I never trusted it. In fact it was about 3' off!!! The survey company told me they've done work in this area and have found similar situations.

    2. It depends on the size and type of shed. Sheds up to 10'x12' on a temporary foundation don't have to be permitted. The temporary foundation is for exactly this kind of situation. The temporary foundation makes it easy to move and fix land disputes.
      I've talked to Pacific County about all of this.

    3. 10:35 - All new sheds require Arch. approval, and are required to adhere to the County's setback requirements. Over 120 sq. ft.requires permit.

  28. The people say the fence is on his property by several feet. The shed is on the line and overhanging. The setbacks required by the HOA are the ones the county uses. They need the county, then the HOA will have to do something and won't be able to blow them off.

  29. Yes I see what you're saying. We don't have a fence or shed so I'm confused as to how this happened. Isn't the arch comm supposed to approve the plans for sheds and fences?

  30. 10:32 makes a good point. Could have something to do with a faulty survey given to the neighbor in the past. Curious to know if the new owner had a survey done and that is how they discovered the encroachment.

  31. These Surfside knuckleheads?
    Remember they're worthless.
    They have no authority over legal property boundaries. Buyer be ware!

  32. It's interesting how convoluted the story became with more comments. I hear that the new member should contact their title company about this. A good point about the so-called "closing inspection". Personally, I think it's a needless exercise in HOA intrusion and a rip-off. But it will be interesting to see if such an inspection was done. The situation described should have been addressed.

  33. This is why you get a survey. Everyone should get one to prevent this from happening

  34. People are lazy and cheap. I purposefully bought property that didn't have any existing fence anywhere around my property.

  35. agreed 12:34....we did not....possibly big mistake.......would 10:32 mind sharing what survey company they used and approximately how much it costs

    1. Klein & Associates. They were very good. I recommend getting monuments, five-eighths rebar with cap, at all four corners, one in the center back, and two along the sides. Obviously, you'll need to tell them your situation and then find out what is going on once they get out there. It cost me about $2,000 for my 60'x144' lot. Maybe they can do a cheaper reconnaissance evaluation if there's a potential problem with access and a land dispute.

  36. I recently sold my property. The HOA never provided any evidence or receipt for the "closing inspection" I paid for. What did they do, anything? I, nor the buyer, have no idea. What a loser HOA!!!

  37. The HOA inspection is to just verify the properties trees are in Compliance, that is all it is. Our neighbor sold and the “inspector “ was at their house for 5 minutes. And $200 later, what a racket!

    1. You're right!
      I know. It's so terrible I could cry.

  38. This inspection fee is a joke! It’s just a good justification for a compliance officer! We’ve lived in two other HOAs and all that is necessary at escrow for closing is the status of the dues! Those have to be pro-rated between buyer and seller! Nothing about compliance should be even discussed at closing. The HOA has had ample time for compliance issues, or are the even an issue! I said from the beginning that the only thing that will happen is an unhappy seller and an unhappy buyer. Compliance has nothing to do with passing the title to another! It also states in our Articles of incorporation article 2 #19 language about profit to itself except to cover actual costs!

  39. The HOA has never outlined what this inspection evaluates, and it sounds like there are no clear guidelines. There is no justification for this procedure, and the HOA should be competent enough to know if a property has any unresolved compliance issues upon sale of that property. There should be NO need for further inspection or fees. No one in the HOA has ever stated that trees are key to transfer of title. This needs to be confronted and stopped.

  40. Actually, back when this was put into place they did explain the reasons behind it. You answered your own question. The justification for the procedure IS to know if the property is compliant. How else would they know, by complaints filed only?

    And to those above, it has more to do with than just trees.

  41. B.S. i live in an area with no tree or rv restrictions and was just charged 200 fee, it's just a tax. So glad am out of here.

  42. B.S. again 6'35. This is a new fee. Never done in shoa long history. IT'S A TAX!

  43. No wonder someone keeps coming on here telling everyone to move if they don't like it. This is a constant source of revenue for the HOA.

  44. I’ve stated my views previously, but will repeat. The only thing that should affect escrow on Surfside members is the dues final settlement between seller and buyer. This is a revenue source and per our articles of incorporation we are not to be in any revenue generating endeavor besides the cost of the service!!
    It was easy for the board to pass this motion and it should be just as easy to vote to take it out!
    Compliance has nothing to do with the sale of property!

  45. 6:35....Why would you defend this nonsense? We pay a generous amount in fees annually - to the extent that the board wastes money on things like the used pick-up and water wagon at about $30,000 and an IT tech. No one can explain how this wagon would be employed or why. Title transfer is not a complicated process, and here again, if we have competent office people, we should have detailed records of compliance issues, and reports from the compliance officer as to the resolution of any compliance issues. Most owners never receive any non-compliance notices, and only the HOA's obsession with killing trees creates compliance conflicts/issues. Only complete incompetence by the office and compliance officer would create any uncertainty about compliance. Incompetence has been common, but that does not justify interfering with owners selling their homes. To suggest that the records would not show compliance is to accept indifference to doing their jobs for which they receive a paycheck.

  46. Yoi folks are being played for the fools yoi are. The compliance officer and inspection fees are the creation of the J Place faction and nothing more. It's about the view and killing trees. Mrs Kurt Ilds made the public statement in a tree committee meeting that the first priority of a compliance officer was tree height violations. This entire board is a party to this scam on the members by a few who control everything.

  47. Thanks Steve, well said!

  48. 3:31....Obviously, many owners recognize that this inspection business is a ploy to make money by a non-profit, and an extension of the enforcement obsession with trees (constant intimidation). With B. Meetings closed to the membership, the weak voice allowed by our covenants is diminished even further. But to suggest that all members but yourself are "fools", is crap, and so is your attitude. Members who care are greatly challenged to exert any influence in an HOA that minimizes owner participation. What's the simple answer you have ? Let's hear it.

  49. 331 - you're in the ditch with the rest of us, so who's the fool here?

    Steve, if the majority of the membership is unwilling to take an active role to re-establish justice, the crap will continue.

    If a membership Quorum could be established, I would vote to disband immediately. The current management is incompetent. They advertise three Services: garbage, water, and security. The last couple of years they are zero for three.

    The place is falling down around our ears, but if a tree is 6 inches over height, all hell breaks loose. It's the height of stupidity, But looking at the payers, predictable.

  50. 12,04 gets the last word here, but the conversation continues in the next posted topic. This is important conversation that some in control don't want you to see.
