
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

A Day of Change

 A majority of our Country has voted for a change in direction that er have been on.  It would be great if the members of our association could do the same.  Change is needed in our HOA  to make a better community that is needed and wanted.  The members need to have their voice heard, which is their right. We need a change of adminisyration like the Federal government. 


  1. Not if it's the type of change we will soon be seeing at the federal level. At least there will a lot of properties available cheap up here when people are taxed out of them. As a senior federal employee that also runs a business on the clock, I'm looking forward to it. Ka-ching

    1. Trump tax structure is built to benefit the rich, and has annual increases built in for everyone else. Trump spendthrift practices presumed that nothing could possibly go wrong with the economy, so bet the ranch, and had the bottom fall out of the economy. Wasted expenditures on the useless wall, hydrochloriquine (found to be useless for Covid), military, blew the doors off the Fed deficit. Economy is uncertain and unpredictable. We have no clear indicatprs to base any predictions on - except pure bias of course.

  2. Has anyone notice that Clancy's hill seems to be falling? Seems like he put up a baracade but it doesnt seem like that will stop the sand. How long till it reaches his garage? How long till his house ends up on I ST.? No wonder he wants to sell it. I wonder if he disclosed this in his real estate listing?

    1. We will all be taking a close look now that you pointed this out. No wonder its not selling, besides the fact its way way over priced. Its called Karma!

  3. Well George, I have to point out the obvious here. The change that YOU want can be achieved the same way as it did back in November with the country. Get the people you want to run for the board and get the people who feel as you do to vote them in.

    Every election that has happen here in my many years has one thing in common. Trustees get elected by the majority of people who care enough to vote. Some may not like the results but that's how elections work.

    1. You make very valid points. But the central matter at issue is the disconnect/apathy that has led to only 12% of the member/households annually. Getting back to public meetings will be a start. But outreach to members is necessary to begin rebuilding the electorate and generating new-found interest. To do that, funding is necessary to launch a campaign, funds not easily raised by individual owners. A commitment by the HOA to fund a mailing campaign is necessary to make this happen. That willingness has not been seen. Knowing funding broader voter participation is impractical for individual members, the BOT is resistant to encouraging more voter participation. I'd suggest lobbying for a committee effort to fund outreach which might include revisiting the online voting option, as well as a survey or two to help establish member concerns and demonstrate HOA good intentions.

  4. I learned you can also publish a review of Surfside on yelp. No one has ever given it more than one star. Was sent the link by a BLM member who is putting a visit together.

  5. I would imagine the low voter turn out is because more than 75% of the members are not here full time. My part time neighbors say they have enough to worry about at home they don't have time to participate or follow the local politics

    1. Most HOAs have minimal participation by members. There are some good reasons and some laziness at the root of it. We have a uniquely challenging situation in this regard, being a largely part-time community. We are a particularly large HOA community, with a large budget, which translates to an even greater need for member participation. We need to make some efforts to draw more participation in order to gear the HOA toward a more equitable service to the community. Leaving the long range future to chance, as we have been doing, leads to selfish policy making and tunnel vision. Special interest drives the useless Tree policy, which over-shadows everything else that the community needs or wants to do.

  6. Would be nice if politics other than surside related could be avoided. U just alienate half the population, there is already waaaay too much of that. Surfside has enough roadblocks to communication without adding that in. But then maybe that unity stuff is just a sham?

  7. @ 4:30 PM

    AGREED, get beyond the National Politics and concentrate on Surfside concerns. Maybe find one of the new Trustees willing to give up the mailing list for free and start a community wide survey mailing campaign, you can get bulk mailing rates thru USPS.

    Do something good for the community and move on from National Politics, if this blog were to do that I would be willing to step up with some financial support and possibly legal help if needed.

  8. I am certain of few things. What I am certain of is that no significant changes come without a paradigm shift in people’s thinking. If you are waiting for the other guy to have an epiphany in your favor, you will be waiting a very long time. The country will not unify under Biden, Biden and his congress will spend more money than the country can afford, Washington state citizen’s will be paying a state income tax in 2022, and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will become more difficult as this year progresses.

  9. I'm taking a case to small claims court. The HOA is going down. The tree policy will go down after I win in small claims court.

    1. The HOA tends to ignore Small Claims Court results, though they have lost in all instances I know of. HOA covenants that make no practical sense don't seem to fare well in Court, the might of Surfside's coffers not as influential to the Court as it is threatening to the individual members.

  10. 524 - in your dreams, Trumpist!

    What are your thoughts about the last four years leaving this country in Greater debt than it is ever been? And you're banging on Biden?

    Doubling down on stupid, I see.

  11. I would suggest that if you leave it to the organization (HOA) to get people involved, it will not happen. It would not be in their interest. So a parallel effort that does not involve the HOA is necessary to improve the Karma around here. People don't want or need a revolution. They want an effort that makes them feel good. Like block parties, lemonade stands, garage sales, and free music, dog parties. It has to be organized with a post card introduction, followed by follow-up calls - just like a political campaign ..then action. Lists, follow-up, phone trees, all around a gathering down at the beach, or in the park. Then you talk.

  12. I am not a Trump supporter. I consider all politicians to be equally corrupt. An old Russian saying, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. All politicians consider their constituents sheep to be sheared regularly. How many politicians have profited from their service to this country. If they are poor, they become rich. If they are rich they become richer. Anyone who trusts a politician to help them is a fool. If you think your life will be any better under Biden than it was under Trump, you have drunk the cool aid.

    1. Trump sought to eliminate all forms of Presidential accountability, akin to Putin. That is the only sense in which our Exec. Branch has moved toward Russian governance. Trump had no respect for the rule of law, or the voting rights of ALL Americans. He ran the W.House like a Crime family boss. Biden will be transparent and honest, and has made it obvious he is NOT fearful of delegating authority to well-tested authorities in various fields. Smart capable people intimidated Trump. Trump has managed to throw every roadblock imaginable at the new admin.,delaying smooth transition and leaving behind a trail of incompetence and dismantled programs. The vaccination program is a shambles due to Trump incompetence, so more will die and the economy will struggle much longer to revive. Biden/Harris will be calculated and efficient.

  13. I hear that cynicism from people who want to justify their approval of abject corruption. It sounds like the thief who says everybody does it.

  14. 947 - I'm sure you're not a racist, either.

    If you think life can't be better than the last 4 years, you're the fool!

  15. These are numbers from the day of the Biden/Harris Inauguration.
    • Gas is currently $2.37 per gallon. • Interest rates are 2.25 percent for a 30-year mortgage., a 15 year mortgage is at 1.90 percent.- The stock market closed at 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months. • Our GDP growth for the 3rd Qtr was 33.1 percent. • We had the best economy ever until COVID and it is recovering well. • We have not had any new wars or conflicts in the last 4 years. • North Korea has been under control and has not been testing any missiles. • ISIS has not been heard from for over 3 years. • The housing market is the strongest it has been in years. • Homes have appreciated at an unbelievable rate and sell well. • And let’s not forget that peace deals in the Middle East were signed by 4 countries—unprecedented! • Unemployment sits at 6.7% in spite of COVID. #Biden took over on 1-20-21. Let's see how the next four years fair. Prayers for our Country and God bless America!

    Please comeback and compare in just 1 year!

    1. This assessment is ridiculous. All State governments are existing on a monetary thread, the nat.debt has ballooned from Trump overspending prior to the first Covid Relief package, and experts say a much larger relief package is necessary to avoid another Depression. Small businesses have been devastated, 400,000 Americans dead and at least another 80 to 100,000 will die before vaccinations bring national health into something more manageable. Further mismamagement would soon kill us all in another Trump term. You have only selfish interests, so find the pundits to confirm your misconceptions.

  16. Think you should fact check on a few items. 8:16pm
