
Saturday, December 26, 2020



One of the worst years in memory is about to end.  Looks like 2021 is going to start out bad, but there is hope that thigs will start to turn around.  In the past, I have made predictions for next year, and am usually wrong.  Rather than make predictions, I will just have questions.

How many more trees will we kill?

How many more new complaintd will be issued?

How much more will be collected in fines?

How many more employees will come and go?

How much more waste of member funds.

Will the  new year just be more of the same old?

Will there be a real Annual Meeting?

Will the members finally say "Enough is enough"?

My glass is half empty.  I do not expect any meaningful changes that will benifit the members. In fact, it will probably get worse. Oops, that's a prediction.  But, probably a safe one Wishing everyone a safe New Year.


  1. How many completely negative topics will there be here?

    How many people will daily spend there lives complaining here instead of enjoying what they have?

    How many times do we have to listen to a few who purchase property, knowing full well what was expected, wanting to change things to suit THEM and then try to rationalize it by making claims the the "majority" agree with them with no facts to support that claim.

    How many times are we going to have to here about the infamous J place faction that has for years been the Corleone family of Surfside and somehow has control people from voting. Again, with no facts to support the claim

    Yes, so many questions.

  2. And the pied piper is the leader of their pack!

  3. You just proved my only prediction....More of the same.

  4. You folks have a really hard time accepting legitimate criticism that is just undeniable. There is no pack and there is no leader. If the HOA actually listened to the members and their actions reflected it, greater harmony could be easily achieved. All of your whining and resentment is just pitiful. No one expects the HOA to be perfect, but much of what the BOT does is secretive and unwilling to be entirely transparent. It's just a fact, so stop the silly denials. By the way, the pied piper was cheated by the town leaders, and he spirited their children away because they chose to reneg on their agreement with him. If I'm the pied piper, that would make you the wicked people who cheated him.

  5. As reported on this blog. Who and when was the decision made to not send complaint letters in Decenber? A Board action behind closed doors? Why was there nothing in the Weekender or the official web siye? What was the Board vote for and against? Board actions are to be made in public, not behind closed doors. Another "executive action" by Williams? Dishonest, illegal actions by a corrupt Board is the new norm.

  6. What is legitimate criticism? What I hear is a rally cry to get rid of a covenant that has been in place for decades because they believe it is a travesty of justice and anyone who supports the covenant is a morally deficient individual who hates trees and people. Is that what you call legitimate criticism? I support the tree height covenant. With that said, I would happily engage in a discussion with others about reasonable modifications to the covenant. What does not interest me is engaging anyone who is bent changing things while they denigrate those who do not accept their arguments without question. Let’s not confuse legitimate criticism with destructive criticism.

  7. Mr Cox - pot meet kettle...
    Just as there is no faction it is your perception that there is no harmony. Whining and resentment are the two main ingredients of most of your posts whether it be a tree covenant you don't agree with or not being appointed to the board. You state your opinions as fact and pretend to represent all. You don't.

    "You folks have a really hard time accepting legitimate criticism that is just undeniable. There is no pack and there is no leader. If the HOA actually listened to the members and their actions reflected it, greater harmony could be easily achieved"

  8. Anonymous10:11. Just because it’s been a covenant for “decades” doesn’t mean it has to be written in stone! What does not interest me is discussion with others who will not engage in any conversation about changing covenants! This covenant may have been in place for decades but never enforced with the vengeance it has been these past few years! Now take a look at our Westside! When I see a lot completely stripped of trees right down to the waters edge, I can see what damage is going to happen due to this stripping!

  9. The BOT understands with the socialist totalitarian turn this country just accepted, that they will win at all disagreements. Before long they will dictate how many part-timers can visit their property at any given time among other edicts.

  10. If it is enforced it is because you are out of compliance. Quit complaining about enforcement and work to change the rule. Run for the board if it is important to you or volunteer but stop whining on here or blaming it on voter turn out when it is clear the issue doesn't bother enough members to manifest change.

  11. Get out of Surfside as soon as you can.

    Cox has no interest in constructive change. He bashes the board constantly, then at times congratulates them. Cox, maybe if you wouldn't have bashed and personally insulted board members you would have been seated on the board! But no, you prefer nonexistent entitlement.
    Tell us more ranting and raving Cox.

  12. 9:40 - Your comment makes no sense. Socialism is not Communism, and totalitarianism is what you have in a dictatorship. None of this has any relation to our HOA. It has been pointed out repeatedly that programs like unemployment and Social Security are socialist in nature. The many programs that FDR put in place to put unemployed to work due to the Depression, were also social programs. Socialist programs are key in holding our Country together currently. When the Fed sends you a stimulus check, that's socialist government assistance. Donald Trump has sought to make himself a dictator - that is Totalitarianism. You are very confused.

  13. I made my comment knowing SteveO couldn't resist replying. Yes, orange man bad, dont cut trees, and you were screwed out of your rightful place to become one of the elitist board memebers. Got my chuckles for the day, toodles.

    1. Nice work 10:49! We regularly need another lecture from Cox. I agree. It has become hilarious.
      He may or may not bite on mine at 10:14, although it isn't just for him.

  14. The first two comments are hilarious, And yet, here YOU are! (@December 26, 2020 at 7:08 PM and December 26, 2020 at 7:23 PM)

    If you don't like the dialog, move along or better yet, create your own blog, whatever you need to do to satisfy your need to be divisive and just plain ugly and stupid. That's right, stupid. If we wanted to hear your kind of posts we can just log into Parler and listen to the rants of mad men.

    Move along already. There's no need for stupid here.

  15. Great work bloggers! You're making so many improvements to Surfside. Clearly, there's nothing stupid with this blog.
    Wait a minute. Cox had said on this blog the wetland mitigation was going to cost over $100,000. Then it came in at something like $25,000. That wasn't stupid?

  16. And the Pied Piper is the leader of their pack!

  17. I honestly don't understand the hard on for Cox. It's so peculiar. Sometimes his comments are good info and sometimes not. Is it really so hard to just stop reading when you become bored and move on to the next post? Sounds like some of you have the bigger problem if he is a trigger for you. And the constant reminder of your trigger IS the stupid!

  18. Stupid is better than selfish evil. That is what I see in those who want to kill our trees. They should be run out of surfside. It is time for payback to them with the same kind of harassment they dish out. These are bad people. It is more than just a difference of opinion. When those flood of tree complaints are released, more and more members will arise.

  19. You're stupid! Hahahaha
    You can't fix stupid! Hahahaha

  20. @12:30 - I'll be holding my breath.

  21. @12:23

    Agree, the "I hate Cox" mantra is rather boorish and immature. If this was my blog, I'd just delete any comment leaning towards this type of nature.

  22. "...this type of nature." Hahahaha

  23. 12:23.... Thanks for your comment. It is really bizarre that these folks insist on taking great offense at any criticism of the BOT or community policy. There's nothing extreme about my opinions, no anger toward the BOT, and I've never expressed bitterness over not being appointed Trustee. No one on the BOT ever talked to me about it, which is strange, and I'm certain that they fear progressive opinions. But they had the right to choose someone else. Instead, they chose to violate the covenants and NOT appoint anyone. As a result, we had an uncontested election, which should never have happened. Those are the facts which many like to ignore.

    I never make statements of certainty unless I know it to be true. I never said that Mitigation would cost a specific amount. What I did say was that the State/County doled out fines on a scale which COULD be over $100,000. We do not know how much the failed permitting at the Waterworks cost in total, as the HOA had attorneys working on it for over 2 years. The HOA was fined a large sum ($8000 ?), was fined about $12,000 in the final resolution, and hired a South Bend attorney for an undisclosed fee, to help the HOA resolve this.

    In the final analysis, the HOA does not disclose how much they spend on legal fees, even though this is member money and public information. But Mr. Clancy's rogue decisions set all of this in motion, his independent decision to put 8 inches less gravel down for the Warehouse foundation, resulted in immediate flooding of the new structure, and required a few thousand dollars spent to dig a drainfield. Suffice it to say, at least $50,000 was surely spent on a f*ck-up that should never have happened. The holding pond that had been dug had to be torn-up because asbestos pipe was buried under it, so that too was a waste of community resources and wages.

    By the way, the Board announced that December would be a moratorium on compliance demands.

    In my most recent comments I have said that the community needs the ability to vote online, and take surveys online. I've said that the BOT has not made any attempt to survey community opinion on Surfside issues. That is a simple fact. I stated that Mr. Williams asked the BOT to eliminate the Tech Comm., which he did, and they voted to do so. This is a project that would need at least a couple of election cycles to catch on. By-mail voting would also need to be an option. No hysteria here, just sound recommendations.

    I don't always disagree with Board decisions, and express appreciation of what the HOA does well. That's disturbing to some apparently. I don't think in black and white, and don't hate people I disagree with. I am not an angry person, nor do I think I'm perfect. I never make such claims. But I am pretty well informed, honest, and consistent in my views.

    I DO hate the Tree restrictions, and favor the total elimination of the current policy. Individual concerns about trees can easily be addressed, and fairly, by the BOT. With about 95% of the compliance issues in Surfside tree height issues, we wouldn't need a compliance officer if the policy was ended. It is an obsession of some J place owners and Trustees, is based on false claims about views, and would never be verifiable in Court.

    I ran for Trustee in 2019 because some people urged me to. I wasn't elected, which meant my time was my own. I don't have a problem with that at 69 yrs. old. I don't ever call anyone on the Board "evil", and have no ax to grind. I express my opinions freely and that really bugs some people. As a citizen it is not only my right, but my obligation. Everyone who dissed me here misrepresented my views and comments for the sake of their bellyaching. You are weak and fear independent thinking and freedom of speech. Tough toenail.

  24. Those such as Mr, Cox, Have credibility, because they are not afraid to use their name and own what they say. Those who disagree should have the integrity to also use their name. When they don't, they have no credibility. In my opinion, they are cowards and have something to hide. Thank you Mr. Cox for your honesty. I do not agree with all your views, but respect you for saying them in an honest way. You would have served the members well as a board trustee. You would listen to the members. That is probably why they did not allow you to serve on the board. I do hope you will run in the next election.

  25. Criticizes anonymous, by anonymous,smh.

  26. I never make statements of certainty unless I know it to be true. Boy Cox that’s a joke and a lie many times over. If I use my name my posts are deleted immediately by the blog host! He likes you and does not want opposing truthful opinions or facts. So carry on with your bull***t.

    1. You are off-the-hook hostile. You are a lier to claim you use anonymous to get published. Turds who make statements like yours NEVER use their name. I never knowingly misrepresent anything - there's just no point in trying to deceive. You can't verify I have ever "lied" about anything, or intentionally misled at any time. Use your name since you are hellbent on harrassing me- and surely many others.

  27. I'm happy most people post anonymous otherwise I would probably be hating all my neighbors. There's some real uneducated, hateful, biased, accusatory comments posted here and I already hate most people so glad I don't know who you are. My brother was in prison, he said he never asked anyone what they were in for because he didn't want to have to extend his stay. I'm feeling the same after reading this stuff. Take that and interpret it any way you want.

    P.S. Leave Cox alone. You look like a sixth grade playground bully.

  28. bwwwaaahahahaha, @4:56 I think you mean a "bunch of punks" You go with your bad self. This has gotten out of control and is STUPID!

  29. Excuse me 3:51, did you forget to use your name or are you a hypocrite?

  30. They made the right choice, expecting to be immediately assaulted for expressing an opinion you disagree with. We hear the attack dogs.

  31. You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less.

    Read that again.

  32. Cox I don’t know how you can sleep at night! You have a very short memory and you spin everything with your fancy talk. We know who you are and you are a liar!

  33. @11:20

    And who died and made you the most righteous one? What would you all tell your children if they were behaving this way?

    Maybe that's the problem, some people just weren't raised right.

  34. You have a passion for conflict over triffles. No one is entirely accurate in their statements ALL of the time. Innacurate statements in dates and dollar amounts are commonplace, and normal people don't call them lies. We all have limited recall, obviously you as well. But you have a vengeful tone that is ridiculous and inappropriate to the routine conversations on a community blog. You would benefit from learning what you're REALLY angry about, because nothing discussed here justifies the rage and disresoect you are desperate to dish out. I never lie. Occasionally I make a statement here that is inaccurate, and if it merits it, I have no problem acknowledging it. But I don't have a problem being honest about who I am either. You are a coward with anger issues having nothing to do with me or the blog. George is wise to just cut you off. You have no good intentions, but are full of hatred. Just stay away. You are toxic.

  35. No you are toxic! Enough said


  36. @11:53

    Tail between legs much? You are an infant.

  37. Like many others, Steve Cox has sat at my kitchen table and we have had many conversations. I have found him to be always truthful and only interested in good for all members. From everything I have seen, he is a good person. I have encouraged him to run for the Board in the past, and hope he will in the future. He is not a radical on anything and would work fairly for all the members. A truthful voice on the Board, would be refreshing. Probably if he was a close friend, I would advise him to stay away from that bunch. The members deserve a Board Trustee like Steve, but the Board does not. I don't know why he answers the petty attacks against him by "anonymous" but he does. I think there are some who see him as a real threat.

  38. Thank you George. Your point is valid, and I should take your advice. I do let a lot of rude comments go, but not always. I appreciate your comments, and will try harder to just let the rudeness go.

  39. Angry, seriously?

    Maybe you need to go back and re-read some of your comments for the past year because I'm not saying you're the angriest commenter on here but you are definitely close to the top of the list. It's completely understandable given how much of your life you have dedicated being on social media. Look at the amount of your daily comments, during the holidays even!!

    There have been many here who have come on and disagreed with a point you made and you have treated THEIR opinions as a personal insult, even resulting in childish name calling. In fact a term was coined, being Coxed. Then you turn it around and play the victim. It takes two to Tango so maybe going into the next year try not acting like a contestant on DWTS.

    Anyhoo, See you next year. Got better things to do.

    1. I'm one of about 3 or 4 people who comment by name. About 9 out of 10 people who respond have no point of view but want to tell me about myself and make insulting comments. You obviously have your own self-righteous crap you want to dish out for me. I stated that I am not an angry or unhappy person. I didn't say I don't get angry. This last strand is just f*ing ridiculouly abusive. Your interpretation is not an honest assesment. There really is no point in making reasonable comments here as most who visit are out to vandalize the site, you included. I get bored lately, but this is a true cluster-f*ck.

  40. 4:57 makes valid points. I couldn't put my finger on why today's posts by George and Cox just struck me wrong and 4:57 found it. Cox is not the victim, nine times out of ten he is the aggressor, especially for anyone who doesn't agree (who must either be a board member or part of the "faction"). Don't be swayed.

  41. Awwww, but the ignoring has to stop somewhere, whether it be everyone else who feels insulted by Cox or Cox who feels insulted by everyone.

    Can we all just get along? We don't know each other so why take offense? If we try a little harder, we might find common ground.

  42. It’s George’s blog so he can say and support who he wants. It’s unfortunate that they mostly tell their side of things and delete anything that does not support their opinion or cause.


  43. Re: December 28, 2020 at 7:36 PM

    A M E N !!

  44. What exactly is the cause again? I lost track with all the bratty behavior. Is it just about the ugly pine trees that populate like weeds?

  45. Yes, the trees west of J Place just need to be totally eradicated. They are ruining people views and require too much upkeep to be of any benefit. Oh, and orange man bad.

  46. 3:01 & 9:38....Rest assured, the chair of the Tree Comm., Peg Olds shares your opinion. Yet we know of no other community on the Peninsula, nor anywhere in the State, that ascribe to this ridiculous scorched earth agenda. There's little chance that such an agenda would be endorsed by a majority of members if allowed to vote on it. The attraction of Natural areas in the Country is nature, so a policy to destroy trees in the community is counter to the most central value of our region. Control freaks see only that Nature defies control. Pitiful.

  47. Rest assured Steve, I would never impose my opinion of landscape or ocean views on another, I believe what I do to beautify my four corners should be up to me and what you do with yours, is up to you. I just happen to notice the pines around here are a bit rampant and we could definitely use more deciduous trees. I also have no idea who Peg Olds is and with that, carry on..........

    1. I just told you who Peg Olds is. The point being made that escapes you, is that policy in this community is being pushed to the extreme by a chair-person with her own extremist agenda. Nowhere is it written or established that owners have the right to landscape as they wish. I think most owners would choose that as community policy in a heartbeat.

  48. A comment comparing the community Pines to weeds and another suggesting they all be cut down brought my response that Peg Olds (chairperson of the Tree Comm. for the last 3 years) agrees with that attitude. I also said that the community policy is an oddity in the State and has no other HOAs in the area that have like policies.

    11:04's response was in defense of the anti-tree comments, claiming they have the freedom to make their own choices about their property. 11:04 also said that they had no idea who Peg Olds is, after I had stated who she is and what her agenda is.

    If you are reading the strand from the beginning, my point was clear. Anyone who lives in Surfside should be fully aware of the damage done by these Tree restrictions, and that owners in Surfside by no means have the right to make their own decisions about their landscape, which obviously includes TREES.

    If you aren't going to read my comments in full, don't complain that I'm impolite. I began my comments by prefacing who Peg Olds is. Tree Comm. minutes are available on the Surfside website if you want to know the agenda of the Committee. Last year there were over 300 "Tree Complaints", most of which were turned in by one or 2 people. Tree enforcement timelines have been shortened to a minimum, and Tree Enforcement occupies 95% of the legal costs of the community. That has been stated by the HOA attorneys.

    At the same time, the HOA hides legal fees, never identifying them in total or in relation to what issues. This strand has been a big Cox bashing session, so forgive me if I'm not extremely polite. I'm not sure how it is anyone would think to understand who I am or what I'm about because they read a few defensive Blog comments. Most of the abusive remarks about me misquote me and make ridiculous assumptions about me. Seriously ? You're going to pretend that I am abusive to my family based on something I said on the Blog ?

    I'm weary of this complete nonsense, so you can "dogpile on the rabbit". Get some backbone in the meantime.

  49. Unrelated to anything else here, I just heard on the news $600 checks could be issued as soon as tonight. Posting for a friend.....don't kill the messenger

  50. Everything is just great in surfside. Smile and be happy. Steve Cox abd the blog are all wrong about everything. Cut diwn all the tress and you have no tree problem. You tell um Steve. They hate you for telling the truth. Only reply they can make is to attack you, not what you have said. It is the same one or two who keep attacking you. They are just cowards, Give um hell Steve. It is the quality of the comments, not the number of comments.
