Will you take it when available?
I will, because I am in a "high risk" group. My fear is that it will be a political issue, much the way face masks and social distance has. +The latest polls indicate that only 63% of Americans will take the vaccine. It is claimed by the health experts, that 75% plus is needed for "herd" protection.
I will take the shot as soon as it is available to me.
ReplyDeleteI have heard others say that they will not, that they believe in herd immunity and they are afraid that they will get a chip implanted into them. They are idiots in my opinion.
Now they are warning people who are immunocompromised to not get the vaccine. Argh!!! They are suggesting that those at the highest risk of infection, or who experience severe reactions to any of the ingredients, not get the vaccine. The people who probably need it the most will be denied.
ReplyDeleteThere are bound to be some variations in how individuals react to the vaccine. Some become somewhat ill for the first day. Immunocompromised folks are likely avoiding all contacts with folks outside their homes. There are a few different vaccines coming out, so hopefully all can be protected. Only 70 to 80% vaccinated will allow life to return to semblance of previous "normal". So idiot fear-mongering will assure endless Covid vulnerability, not "herd-immunity". Sweden adopted a "herd-immunity" approach, and infections went bananas. It is an unproven concept that accepts an unknown level of mortality.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope the vaccine is safe for everybody. I doubt anyone around here will see the vaccine for months...plenty of time for the early birds to discover just how safe these products are...human Guinea pigs if you ask me...the trials never included pregnant women, kids under 16, immunocompromised people, and most scary, old people over 65. They don't even know if people who already had Covid should be given the vaccine, even though they suspect 3% of trial participants who already had Covid were unknowingly given the vaccine.
ReplyDeleteAnd to make matters worse, there are at least 3 different vaccines with different ingredients that we are expected to determine if we should take or not based on our medical history.
Yep, it's gonna be a total crap shoot...you say fear mongering...I say better to practice caution before taking a leap of faith.
Or just contact your doctor, who is very aware of your health status, and follow his or her advice.
ReplyDeleteGood point 12:55. Phizer Research was already being done on a slightly different variant of Covid, which gave them a jump on Covid 19. Elderly were included in trials, but some other subgroups were not. Covid research began 17 years ago. We are far from Guinea pigs, and each individual should always use some discretion in such decisions. A "crap-shoot" it is not, and THAT is fear- mongering.
ReplyDeleteNo thank you, I’ll pass and let all you others take the shot just as I pass on the Flu shot and have not had it for what 20 years since it’s been out! Sorry Sheeple!
ReplyDeleteYou've been lucky. Odds are against luck prevailing long-term. Mass vaccinations are necessary to eliminate infection incidence, where extremely high morbidity can occur if not addressed. Common sense and facts point to vaccinations being the only smart thing to do. Vaccines do not contain virus, and CANNOT cause viral infection. No sheeple, just too smart to be afraid of conspiracy theories.
ReplyDeleteThe world has never seen any vaccine developed and deployed so fast. They have no idea of longer side effects than a couple months. Or side effects at point of vaccination. Using vaccinations at this point is very irresponsible in my opinion. Btw, dr's only know what they are told, as they have no real studies or history with this. Lets see the politicians take it first n we will see. I am very high risk, n would rather stay home for now. I would bet employers will force immunizations. This is political, not medical at this point.
ReplyDeleteWe all have to make health decisions for ourselves, so for some, reticence to take these vaccines is understandable. But Covid 19 is an unprcedented worldwide pandemic which to this point has had no prevention or cure. The urgency cannot be overstated, for a vaccine, as economies are devastated, and hunger also looms. Flu season is here. Plenty of reasons to push these vaccines ahead of years more of study. So caution and doctos advice good. They can help weigh any potential risks.
ReplyDeleteYeah best to take it, don't think we've ever had a disease that has a survival rate of over 99.5% and has no outwardly appearances of infection. Funny how the flu is almost non-existent this year. And I wish they would report true Covid rates, people who died of it, not with it with other underlying conditions. As I follow a good diet, exercise regularly, the only medication I take is Viagra (greatly appreciated when you're 72 and married to a 49 y/o woman), responsibly enjoy my single glass of wine a couple times a week, nor smoke like a chimney, I feel pretty safe.
ReplyDeleteHard too trust the numbers, son in law died in a head on collision, and death cert said "covid". A harvard prof was pulled off internet in ten minutes, because her study pointed out that total yearly death rate has not changed.also, many deaths would have happened in same year from other causes, but perhaps happened sooner by the flu. If you get your info from legacy media you are a fool. Danger of covid are political, not scientific. If you think different, please use facts, and not platitudes and regurgitated talking points.
ReplyDeleteBoth 1:17 &1:43 dig the conspiracy theory pretend newz, given the obscure attitude. Refridgerator trucks full of bodies outside some major urban hospitals don't really exist right ? I doubt either of you live in large urban areas. To pretend that all of the very real drama and tragedy is fake, and daily news bothers to create "fake" video and deaths is truely madness. Drink that koolaid if you like, but it just isn't slightly feesible that all.major news sources have conspired to report daily fake news. You are fools. Many rural areas have had very little incidence of Covid, due to the fact it is a contageous disease. It is very dangerous to ignore the realities major news networks report, all vetted for accuracy.
ReplyDeleteHows that kool-aid mustache steve, expert on everything, n nobody knows better than you.lol. Guess gotta entertain yourself somehow.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, it is easy to get the real news on NBC,CBS, MSNBC, PBS, ABC,...no need to search dark crevices of the internet for factual news. No kool-aid needed. You wack man!
ReplyDeleteName calling from the left, what a surprise. Another low info voter. Your gullibility is showing. Unlike you i have a life. Good day sir.
ReplyDelete@9:43, I am with you, no way in hell will I get the vaccine. I too have never had a flu shot and I do not plan to start getting one of those either
ReplyDelete"Covid 19. There’s something very strange going on with this Covid thing. I’ve been a Pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s December 12, 2020, well into the “flu season”.
ReplyDeleteI have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed having the flu. Extremely effective. I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler, how much tamiflu and generic has he sold to Pharmacies this season. He hasn’t sold any. He has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies across the United States.
Conclusion: By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu?
CDC says Covid is more deadly than the flu. Well, if you’re potentially taking a large number of flu cases and bundling them into the Covid numbers, then yes, the perception is that it’s more deadly.
I believe we’re being played. Yes, Covid is real, it can be deadly. We now have drug regimens to treat Covid effectively, one being Dr. Zev Zelenko’s @zev_dr regimen, among others. I believe the Covid numbers are being skewed upward, on purpose to continue instilling fear and panic into people, for governments to continue with lockdowns, for more small businesses to be put out, for more people to kill themselves, or others; for more & more social upheaval. Why? Total population control through fear. If we are so obedient to wear masks, obedient to stand here, don’t stand there, obedient to get the Covid vaccine, obedient to carry proof you’ve gotten the vaccine; otherwise, you won’t be able to fly; then it will be buses, trains, taxis, Uber’s,Target,Walmart, grocery stores, everything. Just like that. You’re giving up your freedoms to a virus that has a 99.4 % survival rate, according to the CDC. And the vaccine? Like I’ve told my customers all these years; don’t be the first on your block to try anything new. They really don’t know what they’ll find out in 6 months, a year, 5 years & longer, that can be attributed to the vaccine.
It’s way past time for people to take their heads out of their a** & start thinking for themselves.
Interesting That you claim tp know so much, yet sign your name as anonymous. Your comment means nothing more than any other anonymous comment. I think your watching to much FOX news. The hospitals are full of people, who would not agree with you. Also many dead people. When you lose a loved one, you will sing a different tune than the Trump party line. Pathetic.a
ReplyDeleteI see 5:29 as irresponsible as a pharmacist to talk such nonsense. The tests that use nasal swabs are said to be very accurate in their results, and quick. Hospitals require it prior to admittance. But test accuracy is always plus or minus the error element. There has not been any incidenve of ONLY positive results in error. So WHO would benefit from creating needless fear ? This has all taken place as part of the Trump administration, and they long claimed it was all a hoax. Your claims cannot be rationally explained.As I have said, it is not feesible that news would fake emergency rooms, and hospital doctors and nurses to create fake daily news. That's an absurd scenario - yeah, it'all a film production and a fraud, right....
ReplyDeleteOne more point I would make is that lack of Flu incidence is a testament to masking and distancing being very effective in preventing infections of all kinds.
ReplyDeleteTo add to Steve's excellent point, my cousin's entire family had COVID with only ONE person going into statistics. The positive tested person's doctor told them they most likely all have it with the symptoms described by the family and to quarantine and go to the hospital if symptoms become severe. No additional tests were performed, therefore, COVID is UNDER reported in most instances.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe a pharmacist would think in such linear terms.
Did it also occur to you that flu reports are down because people feeling just basically sickly arent going to the doctor? People stere staying away unless hey have the basic covid symptoms. Kinda like all the cancer, heart disease, child abuse, mental health and other cases not being found.
ReplyDeleteThat comment by the fake pharmacist is BS (December 16, 2020 at 5:29 AM). The author is no way a medical professional. Just look at the sentence structure, pathetic, plus not one person with such a high esteemed degree or liability would ever say those types of things to customers. They have strict guidelines surrounding those credentials and licenses. It's probably a certain person (whom I will not call out here) who comments around the peninsula pages and here on this blog pretending to be a doctor. That above comment looks and sounds like a plagiarism copy/paste from some conspiracy blog. Funny how the uneducated can't see how dumb they are.
ReplyDeleteWell said @ 5:29 AM, copy/paste or your own words I don’t care! Stop taking every death as COVID, stop making every hospitalization COVID, stop watching Cox’s “REAL” News and buying into everything they say. Use the brain you were given and create your own path in life, not the path of the government leaders like Inslee who’s only goal is to kill small businesses!
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why the anti vaxers and conspiracy theorists "care" about any of us wanting or supporting the vaccine. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of hearing about "your" rights. Lets talk about "my" rights for a minute. I have the "right" to a vaccine just as you have a "right" to not have the vaccine. Why come onto these blogs and poop on my "rights"? What is the problem? I don't go to your blogs and poop on your "rights" to not take it. Let's not pretend to care about each other anymore. I'll take the vaccine and you won't, end of discussion, now go back to your web pages where things make more sense to you and stop wasting your time pretending you "care" so much about those of us who want to be safe. Honestly, I really don't care about you which is why none of us are trying to convince you otherwise.
ReplyDeleteCox's real news ? Reality does not change. All major networks report the stuff that REALLY happens, often providing eye witnesses. Entitlement to an opinion does not extend to creating a fake reality such as you propose. Governments do not benefit from failing businesses. Businesses pay taxes which help finance government. Failed businesses leave empty storefronts, kill small communities, and declare bankruptcies. This is an idiotic premiss, tough guys afraid of the truth. If you have a brain as you claim, use it. Irrational conspiracies are a waste of time, defeatist and counter-productive.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Insley has set-up a multi-million dollar relief fund for small businesses, available to those who apply. The Federal House of Rep. passed a 3 Trillion dollar relief package in May, and the Senate refused to even look at it. They offered a 2.2 Trillion dollar package a few weeks later, and the same thing happened. Senate Republicans have been blocking Covid aid for over 6 months.
ReplyDeleteThese relief bills would have provided large sums of money to businesses large and small, and provided Unemployment extensions, all desperately needed months ago. State governments were to receive funds to support infrastructure such as police, fire, and vaccination expenses.
State governors have had every reason to expect funds from the Fed to help avoid layoffs and cutbacks. Closing businesses is not anything governments want, and it's obvious that Insley and other governors suffer politically from making these mandatory measures. Clearly they see no options when the virus is a runaway train.
I also don't understand why the anti vaxers and conspiracy theorists believe the Governors are solely responsible for the effects of the virus. They forgive the Federal level for inaction but curse the local level, sometimes threatening their lives. It's preposterous, do they not understand this is World Wide? USA is not the only country suffering and practicing these types of policies. It's so unfortunate to have to suffer these fools on earth. If you can't be helpful, just get out of the way and go risk your lives and let the rest of us be!
ReplyDeleteSteve, yes Inslee has set up millions and maybe that is a good way to spend the Marijuana tax money. If it is actually given to small businesses that actually need it, not multi million dollar HOA’s that have no reason to take handouts! Maybe none of the other relief bills have been passed is due to the fact there was to much BS connected that did nothing to help the actual people needing it!
ReplyDelete@ 2:45 Please go hide out in your house and wait for the day the vaccine becomes available to you, hope you have 6-12 months of food stocked up! You are one of the suffering fools so please lock up and stay at home, sheeple need to hide in their dark world!
Surfside got Federal money, not State. Accepting that the virus is dangerous is just accepting reality. Fear doesn't accomplish anything, but masking,distancing, and avoiding crowds does.
ReplyDelete@8:01 no one is "hiding in their house" people are just sick of you name calling infants who have nothing else to do but stomp on other people's rights to be healthy, safe, and prosperous. Keep it up fool and we will see much more loss. Just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening. Go on with your socialist guaranteed paycheck every month. The rest of us will continue to take the virus seriously by masking up and trying to get by while living in poverty and losing our homes, jobs, and businesses. YOU ARE THE REASON WE CONTINUE TO BE CLOSED!
ReplyDeleteMy mamma always said "you get what you give in this world" although I believe the last comments name calling (11:29) sounds more original and authentic than (8:01)'s name calling which is exactly a reflection of what news channel they watch. Probably still has a few flags flying from his big ol truck too! 8:01 needs to take a break from this blog and read up on how to mind your own business and stop repeating rhetoric. It's so boring and wore out. Peace!
Our health experts/virologists say that 70% to 80% of the population must be vaccinated in order to stop progression of Covid 19. Both the Pfiser and Moderna vaccines are messenger RNA in nature, cannot infect patients, and have been a platform for several previous vaccines for other viruses such as MERS & Ebola. Research has been going on with these very similar viruses for 17 years. We will see what reactions develop, though at most patients may experience a day or less of illness, and quick rebound. If we can't get enough citizens to vaccinate, the virus will continue to be a problem. Many who get Covid have on-going health issues for months, some sustain lung damage. Avoiding infection at all costs is wise.
ReplyDeleteI hope to never become so bitter and mean as some on this blog. Some people need to learn empathy. I'm proud not to know ya!
ReplyDeleteI agree 12:53..You haqve just described the tree committee and the board. The board is ignorant and self serving and the tree committee is hell bent on enforcement. This while the whole country is in a crisis. I have found the regular members to be nice caring people that care about their friends and neighbors. This board and tree committee have brought shame on the entire community. I agree with you, Am also glad I don't know them. The very sight of them causes me to gag.
ReplyDeleteI agree. We need barf bag stations.
ReplyDeleteRead the weekender. Why no meeting in January?
ReplyDeleteThere will be a board meeting on the third Saturday. You must be ew here if you expect accurate and on time information. If your lucky, you will see a meeting agenda the day before the meeting. Good thing we have that computer expert working for us. Have you noticed a difference?
ReplyDeleteThanks to people like Mr. Cox, and their irrational fear of science’s ability to create a safe vaccine, the Covid will be with us for possibly generations. Along with that comes the eternal wearing of masks, business closures, quarantines, and n and on. Thank you, you self-centered, narcissistic, short sighted lefty.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can bet the farm that had this amazing, historic accomplishment been done by a lefty, Mr. Cox would be at the head of the line to get a vaccination.
ReplyDeleteThat and auditioning for Kommissar of Surfsides, he already gas the list of those that need re-education.
ReplyDelete3 comments and none know their head from their backside. I fully support the vaccines and plan to get vaccinated as soon as it is available to me. Don't know how you garbled-up my comments with other's, can't proofread or spell, don't know anything about me- classic dumbasses. I haven't expressed any interest in serving as Board or Comm. Member, you are clueless.
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve for your typical name calling, and I get slammed by **chuckle** 11:52!
ReplyDeleteThese are idiotic comments that pretend to know my opinions, "people like Mr. Cox"crap, that misrepresents what I have made clear in signed comments. How much of a dumb shit does someone have to be make such stupid statements ? Guess you're one of 'em. Atta boy !
ReplyDeletePlease just stop commenting COX , because most everything you say is crap! So happy you sign your name to 25% of your SH*T comments, does not take a Rocket Scientist to figure out your Anonymous comments!
ReplyDeleteCan this blog just go back to Surfside and get off the Political Garbage, America is in a serious downward spiral and this is supposed to be about Surfside not the Nation!
I NEVER make anonymous comments moron. NEVER.
DeleteI think it's funny when others get blamed for things I wrote, sorry Steve, it just goes to show how clueless and dumb this has become.