
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sane and Safe?

4rh of July 2020

How was experience with the 4rh in Surfside?
I did not go out over the weekend, with my last trip to the store on last Wed..  There seemed to be more cars and people by my place, than last year.  Other than a few cars going by to fast, it seemed to be ok in my neighborhood.


  1. I felt safe, the deLeest's were on patrol duty.

  2. Wow starting already, more hate and hiding behind anonymous again! I thought the blog host did not allow that anymore? Not surprised!

    1. Hey Fred. How many proxy votes did Annette get when she got elected?
      I'm glad the board members are finally using Surfside email addresses.

  3. At least they spelled your name correctly.

  4. Thanks Larry Almondson

  5. Freddie is back.

  6. If I remember right, they don't have go out on patrol duty. They can just sit out on their deck and look down on your sorry a$$.

  7. Larry n fred, prime examples🤷‍♂️

  8. I got a laugh out of your remark Larry. 9:09's comment is harmless enough. To call it "hateful" is such an over-reaction, it shows how special the deLeests think they are....above being kidded. No one really is of course, and sarcasm based in some degree of reality is what is funny !

  9. The Cox hath spoken - let it be known.

  10. Well I won’t join in on the name calling, but my walk on the beach truly put a sour note on the weekend. As I approached the beach there was a silver Audi north of the approach making big cookies in the sand right down at the waters edge! It proceeded north and repeated this pattern at least 6 times! What a rude, destructive person! Hopefully the state patrol found him as thank goodness for cellphones, a photo of his car identified the license plate! Idiot. Another person on the approach said that car almost hit him coming up from the beach!
    Sadly it only takes one of those thoughtless brats to ruin it for everyone😡

  11. 4th of July great! Stayed home & out of stores . In this new norm of plunge ahead if the virus could speak it would say “ Thank you Pacific County for being a gracious host”.
    #1 duty of government as our own county says repeatedly is Health & Welfare of its people.

  12. Had a great time, there were more people at the beach than I have seen in years, lots of cars, fires, kids running around with sparklers, tons of huge fireworks...couldn't sit down, didn't know which way to look..north or south? I love it and look forward to it each year.

    Didn't see anyone speeding around in circles, but that wouldn't have ruined my evening at all?

  13. 7:26 good Fourth of July & no lack of people. It should help our local biz which is much needed. I do agree the 8 voting officials ( per Chinook news) made a decision that it was safe & in best interest of Pacific County —that ultimately will hurt local ordinary people & their families.

  14. JAWS (1975)
    except with potential of more harm
    & local officials knowingly
    Chumming our area

  15. They should not allow fire crackers after my bed time at 8 om. My little dog poopsy get scared by the big bangs. All the people and kids laughing during the day interrupts my nap. Jacks was out of prune juice, and I get irritable when I am irregular.

  16. On a positive note, tree complaints may decline as the Committee Karens will flock full force into town to report non-compliance with the mask mandate beginning today. Probably makes 'em giddy thinking of all those violations they can publicize.

    1. Funny, though Foghorn Clancy will have to waddle in.

    2. Yes Foghorn Clancy's waddle can be detected a mile away.

  17. I see him more like a peacock.

    1. I wonder if the Pacific County people agree. I bet they hate dealing with Clancy.

  18. Clancy unfortunately is becoming a liability to Wolfe campaign. Shady deals involving Surfside/County that effect beyond the invisible gates of Surfside are in danger of being exposed.

  19. ah, this is always fun to check in on the Blog. Looks like the same old stuff different day for many years. Opinions on this site haven't been able to change things at all. So wondering, it seems like you are a minority, how can you quantify your membership support. I think this is just a minority faction, squeaky wheel?

  20. Providing information to someone that randomly appears won’t happen. Yes we use this forum to voice concerns & let members stay aware of HOA actions. You check back in fall, look forward to hearing what you think then.

  21. Yeah, right? all 5 or 10 of you at the most! Good luck with that. Same old complaints and BS as usual with no results! Maybe the majority of Surfside members like it this way and want to keep it this way, maybe the majority agrees with the rules and bylaws we signed up for when we all purchased our little pieces of heaven here at the beach?

  22. Hey Trustee, 10:59.
    Have you asked all the members? No, you haven't.
    Organizations that never change will suffer incompetence, ineffectiveness, inefficiency, governing documents breaking, and law breaking. Surfside is a prime example of this.
    The state changed it's hoa law, but Surfside refuses to change with it. That's what you want?
    You don't want members to vote by mail and for governing documents amendments?

  23. Funny how 838 thinks 1059 is a trustee. I'm not, i live on the east side, never been on the board or any other position. Just like the way things are.

  24. No 9:07, you are anonymous.

  25. A Blog is not a political action site, does not represent a single party or viewpoint. It's a venue for conversation. Some take that as an opportunity to express their views, and some exchange of ideas takes place. Many who refuse to identify themselves, see it as an opportunity to highjack any real dialogue or insult others under the cloak of anonymity.

    The need for a community dialogue venue exists, so it serves a purpose. Unfortunately, most who comment are unwilling to identify themselves and choose to vandalize the site with garbage. Anyone who expects the Blog to lead to change in the community doesn't understand how community policy is made. Any social change starts with individual ideas and discussions among people who care enough to have solid knowledge on a subject, and the will to see changes made.

    But policy change requires an organized effort, and people willing to create an action committee or movement, which requires time and dedication. It is not significant how many people comment on the Blog, but how many members of the electorate are engaged enough to know what the issues are, and conscientious enough to vote in annual elections.

  26. What if? What if a certain County Commissioner running for re-election told one of his strong supporters, who happens to be a Board member, about the grant from the government in return for his support and support when this person him/herself runs for Commissioner? And what if, in the last seconds of a Board meeting that person requested $10,000 for another useless study. Lo and behold the HOA had just gotten an extra $10k they didn't need so there, the request was granted. So much for those folks impacted by Covig 19, they probably did n't need the money anyway.

  27. I saw in the Daily Olympian that among the folks that got huge grants from the Covid assistance program, were mostly wealthy business owners, most having been big contributors to Trump's 2016 Campaign. Kanye West got 5 million dollars for his Clothing business ! He has various other businesses as well, and recording contracts. Go figure.

  28. God Bless George and I thank him for providing a way for those who disagree with HOA to vent. I’m not a trained activist or politician, but I do cherish nature.
    It is unfortunate that the association puts so much time, effort and our money to protect a view.
    A little reminder to those who care: There are times when this tree cutting and dune clearing should absolutely not be done. It’s called nesting season.
    Not only are there state laws regarding wildlife habitat but federal as well. A view and covenants should not hurt the environment.

  29. And you think the birds and bees matter to the BOT? I have a hard enough time throwing enough food out back to keep the bears happy.

    1. The trustees were in your backyard again? Did they say thank you?
      I've never heard them thank the members for anything, except if your part of the Faction.

  30. Pretty swampy, huh Cox. Thanks for the post Cox!

  31. 1:07. I still think nature is important and I love our unique ecosystem on the peninsula (:

  32. Fred, tell Annette to make a motion for vote by mail and also membership voting for governing documents amendments. It's great you come on this blog so we have a communication channel with a trustee. Thank you!

  33. Annette's term ends in a few days, and has not indicated she will run for re-election. Of course we don't really know ANYTHING about BOT actions and discussions at this point, nor who may have intentions of being candidates. This does seem like a perfect opportunity to trim the number of Trustees to 5.

    If passed, could it be retroactive ? Probably not. But no real plan is in the works that we know of regarding the rescheduling of the annual Meeting. WE could hold the Meeting only, planning to set the election in a few weeks later.

  34. I sure hope we get mail in voting by the time we have an election!

  35. I hear the board is going to implement vote by mail soon.

  36. Duos @12:34. Fact check. Kanye West Received funds and promptly returned it. Nancy Pelosi’s husband however received million from the same program and has not/will not return a penny - just like this greedy Board. Will another useless study feed hungry mouths, support a broke business, or pay rent. NO, but they don’t care. They have cronies to support instead.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. 8:34....Anonymous and offering no source of your information. Oversight was established for the dispensation of funds, and the Trump admin. immediately removed all but Menuchin.

    I think you may have mistaken Pelosi for Betsy DeVoss, Sec. Education. Her husband received a big grant for business losses, while Betsy is a billionaire. Obviously, there were no rational criteria for the awarding of stimulus dollars, most receiving funds being very wealthy.

    While I don't condone the actions of the BOT in applying for these grants, we've never seen any indication that anyone is "on the take". Extra funds are more likely to be squandered on legal expenses enforcing the Tree Policy, harassing individual members over trivial demands for compliance, or funding yet another expensive "study" initiated by Clancy.

  39. We can't seem to solve Surfside issues here, so we certainly can't solve National issues. Comments, especially anonymous, will be removed. You can find a million other sites to talk Biden and Trump. Not here, please.
