
Friday, July 24, 2020

July Board Meering Summary

July 18, 2020

Gary Williams called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Trustees present were Kurt Olds, Annette deLeest, and Gary Williams. Ric Minch, Rudd Turner, James Clancy and Mark Scott all via WebEx, Scott Winegar was absent.

The Pacific County Sheriff’s department contract is still in the negotiations. The trustees will be setting up another meeting with Sheriff Souvenir to discuss the most recent pro-posal.
The purchase from Naselle Rock for the asphalt repair for the Oysterville Loop project was approved, as well as the O & M work done. Service from KJ tree Services at 34205 J Pl was approved. The purchase of two pressure gauges for $3,803.44 was approved for the water department.
The multi-dwelling fee was reduced to $85.00 and added to the Operations Manual.
The 2019 Moss Adams Final Audit of Surfside was approved and is posted on the home page of the website. Surfside received a clean audit.
Noise complaint #5295 was appealed and the appeal was denied.
The member charged with the conservation rate had the charges waived since repair of the leak was completed.
The 2021 budget development schedule was set and meetings for the Budget Committee begin in August 2020.
The board appointed member, Monika Stum to the Community Relations Committee.
The contract with Gray & Osborne for the updated water system plan was approved at a cost of $48,000.00.
Initial plans for the RV storage and compactor site were approved to be delivered to Lower Columbia Engineering.
A new rate structure was approved for the 2020-2021 RV Storage area. Powered spaces will be $400 for the year and non-powered will be $200 per year.
The BOT moved to closed session to discuss employee wages. After closed session the BOT passed a motion to apply a 3% wage increase across the board for the 2021 budget.
Additional discussion on an outdoor meeting for the August regular board meeting but no action taken.
Meeting adjourned at 2:03 p.m.


  1. A month or two they decided to cease all patrol personnel negotiations with the sheriff. What the hell is going on? Did they pay off Wolf or the sheriff or the county?

  2. They didn't acknowledge our incoming correspondence George. I sent mine in via written letter certified mail with return receipt. I know for sure they received it. I have the proof.

  3. I never received a reply. The operations manual states that there will be a reply within 10 business days. I know about it, because I wrote it. A lot of good it does now. It is the responsibility of the Office Manager or General Manager, to see that the rules and policy are followed. Rhuis is a failure of the Board and General Manager to follow the rules. This is why the Board should be removed and the General Manager fired. They expect and enforce the members to follow the rules, while they do not. Shameful in the least. It is up to the Board to require the General Manager to perform his duries.

  4. I never received a reply either. Thanks for your efforts past and presence.
    What we have here is just like our nation as a whole, an oligarchy with flavors of dictatorship and king actions. It sucks to be a peasant!

  5. The HOA is an approved not-for-profit so how do they justify raising the RV storage lot fee by double? The storage lot has always allowed them to "tranfer" fees to the general fund since hardly anything has been spent on maintenance and upkeep over the past several years.

    There outta be a law against the crap this HOA is pulling...

    1. They're fraudsters. Now they're coming for our money big time.

      I was told the RV storage was $100/year when I joined in 2018. Now this increase. Why!!!!!!?

  6. No laws, but there is a place to come whine while not doing anything - welcome!

    1. Welcome hater and basher and trollers! I'm glad you choose to spend your time on here because you're so threatened by us and change. You just have to try your best to destroy us and change.
      Now I'll wait for further attacks and ridicule from one of Stumpside's worst.

  7. Non-profit means they can only charge what it actually costs to maintain the storage lot. 60+ spaces at $100/yr or $200/yr for years means they have collected many thousands of dollars while spending mere pennies to maintain the area.

    Unfortunately their lackadaisical bookkeeping means they have no idea where the funds collected/spent on the storage area ended up.

    Now they want to spend money on "upgrades" and are using this to justify raising rates. The big question is where is the money that was collected over the years and not spent? Yes, they did spend $25k a couple years ago paying some idiots to "re-design" the area. What a fiasco that turned into. And last year they finally made repairs to the crumbling electrical. But you have to wonder where all the thousands of dollars they collected over the years disappeared to...

    I challenge the HOA to show that income equals expenditures!

  8. Does anyone know why the expense of trimming the trees at 34205 J street is being done at the HOA's expense ? There is an owner listed on tax Sifter for that Lot. Why were HOA funds used?

  9. There is a good side to this 9:08 and others. They have just acknowledged and set a precedence that tree maintenance must be funded by the hoa.

  10. @9:17
    We are glad you choose to spend your time here incessantly whining but doing nothing to promote change.
    We are the J place elitists AKA - The Faction. Now bow down, provide us your proxies, trim your trees, and turn off your lights.

    1. It's fun seeing you haters so threatened by us and change!

  11. 8:46
    If you recall a little over a year ago many on the blog were stating the Feds were coming to lock up board members for the mishandling of the water pipe. That never happened, wonder why? Now think about where all the money from the RV lot fees went. This definitely requires further investigation!
    The reach and influence of the Faction is wide and deep.

  12. I just dont understand how myself and other employees can be exposed to asbestos n nothing happens.

  13. So threatened... Over the last three years name one change as a result of this blog? It is pure entertainment value only.
    The Faction

  14. If nothing else we piss off the bot. Which is obvious by their comments n trolls.

  15. Swallow that Clancy.

  16. There are too many to count.

    Yes, swallow that Ckancy!
    Clancy may need to study it first.

  17. Y'all crack me up. You really think the boards gives 2 cents about what is posted here? As 2:11 said, this BOT has not accomplished any change. I'm sure the board is losing sleep.

  18. This blog is to express views and ideas for positive improvement for all. Then idiot fool trolls who divert, belittle, berate, and name call destroy it all.
    So yes, you are threatened! I see it plain as day, as others do too I'm sure of it.

    Thanks for the blog George!
    Those who are threatened and "wringing their hands" have to destroy it.

  19. Show anywhere where 6:45 diverted, berated, or name called.
    A view has been expressed, you don't agree and you revert to name calling.

  20. Show, duh what?
    Keep attempting to divert and name calling. You're a professional at it!

  21. @4:38
    Your comprehension skills are in question.
    Show any poste where 6:45 diverted, berated, or name called.
    Can't make any simpler than that for you but I'll expect your standard retort.

  22. Hey board, immediately come into compliance with WA RCW 64.38! The members are required by law to be able to attend the meetings! Do it now!

  23. Duh OMG! "...comprehension skills..." That's old as hell and used up.
    Look at the troll everybody. The troll is questioning my comprehension skills. That's a new one, hugh!

  24. The troll calling another a troll just because they have a different perspective. That is really what this blog is about. If you disagree your are a troll, J Place, elitist, a board member, or part of the faction. I am none of those. This isn't a blog to share perspectives, it is blog to preach one view point.

  25. That's right. One viewpoint for positive change for all members, which the board and some of the membership don't believe in.
    And civil discussion, which also some of the membership don't believe in.

  26. Did everybody hear April Garcia resigned? Wow, apparently even she reached her limit with our incompetent leadership.
