
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Bring In The Clowns

June Board Meeting...


There were only two good parts.  Deleest voting "No, No, and No"  on voting to allow a change to 30 feet in allowing tree height for the condo's. Poor Old's also objecting because of his concern for the "members" and wanting to be able to view the sumsets.  Poor baby.

The other good part was watching them eat donuts during the break.
I gave up on watching the end when the streaming was once again lost. The audio was awful.  Only one you could really hear was Clancy getting another ten thousand for another study.

The discussion on the out falls was so screwed up with misinformation, it was useless.

These people are so scred up, they don't know what they are doing, or what is really going on.


  1. Wow... Between you, Cox, and Johansen there is so much negativity. Apparently the volunteer members of the board can do nothing right. Most of the hand wringing done on here doesn't come to fruition but you continue dishing out your abuse.
    As another stated before, the only Faction in Surfside is this blog...

  2. With todays technology, please explain why the board has such an issue live streaming an entire meeting!!

  3. Each person expects to be judged for their own merits, comments, actions, and beliefs. There is no "faction" in my opinion, nor is there any organized opposition to the HOA. What seems to bother you is that we take seriously our responsibility to voice our opinions, which include both positive comments, and criticisms.

    A primary requirement for the proper functioning of a DEMOCRACY is the need for individual freedoms of expression of opinions, and citizen participation to be a respected part of any discussion of policy and principles. Boohoo, the volunteers are getting criticized.

    Nothing ever improves without acknowledging what works and what does not. The Trustees are not elected based on specific skills or expertise. They are not elected by a majority of Surfside owners. They are elected by a very flawed system, with only 15% of the electorate voting.

  4. Constructive criticism given in the vein of improvement doesn't bother me at all. That is not what occurs here. Headings of Send in the Clowns is just one example. The trustees were elected by a majority of the members who cared enough to vote.

  5. Really? Is that the best quality that can be provided? Evidently my question about the dunes was lost somewhere? I sent to the surfside office as instructed. My comments were that the weekender provides information about other laws and rules ie: speed zones and CARL, so why not a reminder about the dunes? This is the third time these condo owners have done this and I still think it’s in our interest to try and help end it. It does affect all of us!
    So no responsibility about the dunes, we are going to keep the $10,000 even though we’re a nonprofit and should only rely on members to operate, no clear answer about the election or terms of the board and we are darn sure going to help pay for a county deputy! The tree appeal and variance I could not follow or hear, so quit watching!
    As we are in phase 3 now I would hope an open meeting next month!

  6. If someone could tell me if this happened or not. Over the past few weeks I have texted and emailed the President and Treasurer of the HOA with a request. That request was to bring up with the Board the idea of donating the amount of the EIDL monies to local people and business' that are in dire straights. Meaning needing for or money for example to pay rents, etc. Could someone tell me if that occurred as I couldn't find the streaming video and I was told that the Board meeting was not to be in the HOA office.

  7. They did address the dunes issue by saying the will post information on restrictions of dune modifications
    They also said they aren’t donating they money the received they’re applying it to cost of upgrades for computers and the voice over IP phone system

  8. Yes, I believe the comment regarding donating the EIDL money was discussed. The position was the board was unaware of any restrictions on donating but that doesn't mean there aren't any. I also believe I heard the board stating that they believed the money would be used in the vein of which the monies were granted. Other than disagreeing about whether or not the board should have applied, I haven't seen any evidence that any the HOA broke any rules in applying.

  9. Well the rules for the EDIL state for small businesses or non-profits experiencing big drops in revenue affecting such entity. As we have plenty of reserves and budget items that could be reduced if need be, I still feel the money should not have been applied for and left for the many small businesses that do rely on daily revenue
    Just my thoughts for doing the right thing!

  10. Good for them 4:54 PM. So they are just as much the phony, slimeball, unethical, hypocrite Republicans who wanted the laws as they were written.
    The Democrats proposed much better bills, but the Republicans controlling the Senate wanted no part of accountability, reason, ethics, monitoring and reporting, and not limiting the types of businesses.

  11. I am glad it was at least discussed. I recommend you look up the guidelines for use of the funds. It is to compensate for hardships and losses incurred due to the pandemic. Somehow upgrading the computer system doesn’t equate to putting food in ones mouth or paying rent. We are not a restaurant or store that depends on a steady flow of customers to stay in business. According to the treasurers report the HOA has over $1.7 million in the bank. Collections for assessments are ahead of non-pandemic last year and spending is at only 32% when over half way through the spending year. None of our employees missed a paycheck, the office didn’t close due to a lack of funds being generated. There are folks out there hurting for exactly what those funds are meant to provide. But if a previous report says, they did manage to dedicate yet another $10k for yet another study on a project that has already consumed $35k to $45k without a single shovel turn. I just hope the same thing doesn’t happen to whomever made this decision before they find themselves helpless and in a position of need.

  12. They could not have possibly verified that the HOA had suffered any financial loss due to the pandemic. What is bizarre is that whoever reviewed the application was unaware that the HOA has bank accounts that are huge, and far beyond what the community of 2000 member households would need to fill a small one year setback.

    Records have established that Surfside is ahead of last year's assessment/dues payments at this time last year. If our application was not fraudulent, any claim that our community needed federal assistance was/is a lie.

    There is no excuse for Surfside KEEPING this money ! Our annual financial base is about 1.6 million dollars. We are by no means a struggling small business, and we know there are 100s of small businesses that haven/t received a dime. That is pitiful. Mr. Minich appears to have been the only Trustee who expressed these sentiments, or gave a damn about struggling businesses.

    By what rationale does a non-profit organization such as Surfside, that has had no budget shortfall what-s-ever, merit this money ? Maybe idiots processed the application, but how does that justify denying those in the country who would die for this financial boost to their small business, $10,000 ?

  13. Little off topic but this is the latest subject being responded to:

    Help me figure out who the person is in the late model White F-150 with either FX-4 or 4x4 on the bedsides in charcoal is.

    This person is driving up & down I street at 50 to 70 mph passing cars and not caring about people, pets, or wildlife. This person needs stopped, please look around your area and either post on here or contact the Sherriff, this is very scary and the worst violation of the speed limit we have seen.

    35 is the maximum suggested speed, not the minimum. Even residents need to remember that!

  14. $10,000 spent and all we get is Facebook BOT Meetings open to the world and failed audio and chunks of the meetings missing. They haven't uploaded the May BOT Meeting to the website. They clearly don't care about the WA state laws. What a bunch of ignorant, arrogant, dishonest, stupid, autocratic jerks!
    Tom Reber has told me to call the police on them. He has they want the cops to come to our area.

  15. The excuse for using any of this $10,000 on upgrading the computer system and anything pertaining to holding online meetings, doesn’t hold water! This was supposed to happen a long time ago and it certainly is a poor excuse for letting the members into the business at hand!
    I certainly couldn’t make myself suffer and fume through yesterday’s meeting! We don’t need that money. Look at all we spend on studies and plans, money down the drain. Forget the RV improvement and maybe also the compactor. Members can sign up with the garbage service or take care of their own.

  16. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    Mr. Olds position was supported by many of the members viewing the meeting as evidenced by the FB comments.

  17. I have a question concerning the $10,000.00 people keep ranting about.

    How many of you retirees like me got a check in the mail as part of the payouts? Did you donate it to someone who lost work?

  18. The system isn't flawed, that's just a B.S. statement. Everyone, everyone gets a vote. If they choose not to that's their right. Many here have made that choice, just like elections in general. Just because you don't like that fact or don't like the people who vote and who they vote for is your problem. That's on you. Deal with it.

  19. Sounds like 11:02 is having a hard time swallowing all this.

  20. 11:02. Yessir. Every last penny went to a struggling business. They reopened, at a reduced rate, and were able to hire back two payed off employees. Made me feel pretty good about what the government provided the means to do. Guess I could have just bought a new computer instead.

  21. Who was the clown eating doughnuts and licking his fingers? Don't want to shake that hand. Williams was also stuffing his face. Olds and Deleast were all cozy in the office complaining about the tree vote. What happened to social distancing in the office with them all milling around? Some example they all set. White beard was the other vote to kill trees.

  22. Maybe the doughnuts were part of the going away party for those Trustees whose terms expire in July. Remember last year when one “candidate” posted a large sign saying “keep Surfside safe”? Note that after that individual was elected, we lost our Sheriff Patrol. And don’t think it is coming back. The supposed effort to do so is a sham.

  23. 11:13....You're clearly satisfied with BOT performance and election results. That doesn't change the fact that a small segment of the community has a lock on elections each year, and the prospect of any significant change in policy is effectively prevented by preserving the status-quo and in particular, the single most destructive policy in Surfside, the Tree Policy.

    It's too late to change the permanent damage to the landscape, all to preserve the big lie, that views are at stake. No matter that there is no guarantee of a view for anyone in Surfside, nor is there any definition of WHAT the view is of. If you have a house on a hill, you have views.

    Efforts to try and generate more voting participation have been squashed, and continuing the Tree Policy keeps a large portion of members at odds with the HOA, and distrustful of the special interests that are allowed to govern, opposed to seating any members with differing views or progressive ideas. Fear of change rules surfside, and keeps 85% of the electorate away from participation.

  24. Who in their right mind, would want to be on a board with these clowns? Only those that have the same special interests will, or part time members who don't live here full time. I would never be associated with this group.

  25. I hear you 11:32. That's why after recently reconsidering volunteering on a committee, I decided not to. I was particularly worried that they wouldn't allow me to have a vote. If they let me on a committee then refuse to let me have a vote, they aren't sincere and genuine about member involvement.

  26. That's right 11:32 and 1:08, much easier to come here and complain...

    1. People actually listen to me on here. Sometimes I'm ridiculed, belittled, or called names, but at least I'm listened to.

  27. Curious, did anyone besides me send an email to the surfside office with a question for the board? Mine was not read and just wondering if any other member experienced this?

  28. Re: June 22, 2020 at 3:21 PM

    Don't feel bad, this is normal behavior, just ask B Haskin

    Imagine how things would be if Cox ever makes it to the BOT

  29. The only people I ridicule are those who have no information to share or point of view, but DO want to give me a bunch of grief. These folks inevitably misconstrue my statements, and mistakenly blame me for other people's statements. This strand is a perfect example.

    I don't know Bob Haskin, and only know he worked for Surfside. He may not be a member, though he comments on the Blog frequently. I don't long to be on the Board, but you are foolish to think that being opinionated is a disadvantage as a Trustee or member representative. A group of nine "yes"men/women is useless to the community, a group of sheep would suffice.

  30. Do you know how the BOT leaders make there sheep cooperate? They faces them towards the ocean so that they backup better.

  31. I am not sure how anyone could possibly believe there is no “Faction” that controls Surfside. Certainly after what I saw there when I was on the board, it is undeniable.

    Yes, all the members are theoretically allowed to vote. However, when the Faction controls the Board, and all the communication with the members, and all the funds, and unethically and in my opinion illegally uses those funds to file false lawsuits against those that oppose them, and use their power and total control of communication to control the elections, I don’t consider that a fair election.

    The Faction controls the weekly newsletter, the Facebook page, the Website, and the email list. Have any of you tried to make posts in the weekly newsletter opposing what the board is doing? I have, and those communications were blocked by the Faction. When I bought property in Surfside, you were able to purchase the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of all the members for $10. When I wrote an email to all the members, stating the reasons they should elect me, the Faction changed the policy, increased the cost of the list to $100 but most importantly eliminated the email addresses and phone numbers to block members from freely communicating with each other in mass.

    When I started discussing changing the tree covenants, several people who live on J Place told me that they had put together a $250,000 fund to sue if we tried to change the tree covenants. In actuality they would be suing the HOA insurance company, but the bottom line is there is a group, that many now call the Faction, that put this together.

    Don’t let them fool you. The Faction is alive and well and totally controls Surfside.

    We are not attorney’s. All communications are opinions and beliefs.
    Nothing in our communications should be considered to be legal advice.

    Patrick Johansen
    HOA Reviews and Reports LLC
    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

  32. Term limits for board members. Fresh blood is good. Additionally, if you don't live or own property in Surfside, you have no dog in the fight. Please don't muddle in our affairs.

  33. Neither do us anonymous.

  34. Give me a break. Patrick is the one that started the whole faction thing. To say that there are "many" that use the term is just wishful thinking on his part in an attempt to try and stay relevant. In my many years living here him and his little group are the only ones who made a plan to show up at the annual meeting to try and overturn the votes of the membership. So if there is a faction I would say the he and his group were anarchists. Let's be honest. the reason he keeps posting on here is twofold. Vindictiveness along with promoting his website.

    You sold your place at a considerable profit and moved away. Do everyone a favor and stay away.

  35. A member of the faction has spoken... Get the duct tape.

  36. In response to June 24, 2020 at 11:44 PM , by "everyone", you mean "The Faction".

  37. Have faith members. Do you know that the SBA has a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Division? With the Treasurers report in the Weekender and the spending report published on this blog, there is enough information for an investigation. Developing a system to broadcast meetings won’t hack it. We didn’t lose a penny, nobody missed a paycheck. This business was not affected by the virus, we are not dependent on “customers” coming through our doors . We have a guaranteed customer base. If my name were on either the request or acceptance of the SBA funds, I would be worried.

  38. I’m still very curious and no one responded to my question about questions to .the board? They read correspondence from one member at the Saturday meeting. I sent one and it was not acknowledged. Sure more than 2 questions were asked by the members? But maybe no one has any inquiries of the BOT.

  39. Actually at least 2 of the staff were laid off for 2 months, so they were affected.

  40. That is a bold face lie.

  41. @11:32
    Really? A bold face lie... No chance there is just a misunderstanding or miscommunication right?

  42. To quote our next President, "you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier!"

  43. Well I talked to the 2 employees and they started back on June 8th, both on unemployment. Were they lying?

  44. Two of the office staff had injuries that put them out of work for several weeks. I've not heard of anyone getting laid-off in the last few months. The Compliance Officer had to resign for health reasons, and it was a few weeks before he was replaced. These are all routine situations that had nothing to do with the Pandemic.

  45. Ok, I spoke to the two employees this week, they were both laid off in March as non essential personal. This was because of covid, so maybe you all should call and verify Im lying??

  46. Well the best thing would be if the BOT would just be a little bit more informative! Why not let the members know what is going on? Was it injuries or because of COVID? What we desperately need is open communication with the BOT!! Which at this point is non-exisetive

  47. How about we first verify who you are? Your the one who made the lie. Sure, call or email the office. We all know how that works, We could send a comment for the next board meeting and watch them ignore that. You may be a fool, but the rest of us are not./

  48. Neither were from any injury from what I was told. It was purely for COVID purposes.

  49. So you won't give your name. How about who "told" you.

  50. Why don't you ID yourself first?

  51. After following comments in regards to the Surfside HOA board actions and that the HOA applied for and took $10k from the federal Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, I have a few ideas:
    1. In regards to the loan, being the HOA did not suffer a loss of income, they derive their funds from HOA dues and they have a large reserve, it should be demanded they return the monies else they will be reported to the appropriate agency. If enough people demand they return the funds, and basically shame them for a dishonest move...hopefully they will do the right thing. Else they could face a backlash and it would be made public if the federal agency gets involved.
    2. Enough residents of Surfside are angry with the entrenched HOA board, then we should get together and determine a way to get the word out to replace ALL board members in the next election. With all new board members in place, charge them to review and update the HOA rules as necessary, limit the number of years a board member may serve and finally request a process be implemented to ensure the HOA rules are applied consistently for all Surfside residents.
    Just my humble opinion.

  52. 1:31...If anyone was furlowed, they would not have been able to draw unemployment, and wages too. So the HOA didn't pay any wages for furlowed workers, they laid 2 people off - if what you say is true. As has been mentioned, it has not been common knowledge, if anyone WAS laid-off or furlowed. "Mo" and Kimber have been fully employed during the Pandemic months.

    Replacing the Compliance Officer was delayed, and some enforcement put on hold.

  53. Plus if on unemployment u get that plus 600 a month from feds.

  54. Change needed asap on HOA, if they can’t recognize the growing animosity and at least attempt to address the will of the majority then the opposition #s multiply. Do any of our HOA board have affiliation’s with county leadership? If so would that possibly influence decisions on both sides? I’d prefer people who are focused on Surfside & not be swayed by county. Some might look at that as a conflict of interest.

  55. @9:02 I wouldn't assume the opinions voiced here represent the majority.

    1. I assume they are. What will happen to me now?
