
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Thank You Veterans

Veterans Park,  May 2020

May this Park, in a small way, reflect out appreciation to all our veterans...
Click on each picture to enlarge:


  1. Many thanks and respect to those that have served, are serving now and those who gave their lives so we could be free🇺🇸 I’m sorry there wasn’t at least a small ceremony at Veterans Park. I would think it would have easily been possible, but we will pay our respects in our own way today.

  2. Please replace the rusted Screws on the dedication Plaque

  3. I believe that most who serve in the Military see it as a way to serve their country, their families, the world, in an effort to make the world safer and a better place for all. Like serving in law enforcement, there is a selfless intent to do for others that deserves to be recognized, honored, and remembered periodically.

    Memorial Day is also a time to remember our loved ones passed on, recalling their lives and contributions.

    This Memorial Day, I think it is also important to note how important it is to value each life lost, and for the living, to do our utmost to demand that our Nation make worldly decisions with the greatest care, valuing each life that may be laid on the line for the greater good, seeking to do the least harm to accomplish our goal.

    George W. Bush said he read a book about pandemics, and became somewhat obsessed with preparing our nation for what has been predicted as eminent. His administration established the NSA to among other things, monitor health issues around the world. Various viral epidemics in the coming years brought greater efforts by the Obama administration, establishing an infectious disease office ( in the Whitehouse) to carefully monitor viral outbreaks, and a manual was written prescribing recommended procedures for preparing for and facing a pandemic.

    Trump immediately dissolved the Whitehouse office, and bragged that he "threw away the manual". He dismissed warnings of an oncoming pandemic in January of this year, and sent massive amounts of masks and protective gear to China to help them in their fight against the epidemic gone wild. Recent estimates suggest that had our National response began even 2 weeks earlier, our loss of lives may have only been about 1/3 of the now nearly 100,000 dead. Poor leadership, inadequate decisions.

    With no coherent leadership to guide the individual states, nearly all states have the same trajectory of illness and death as New York once did. Testing capabilities continue to be lacking nationally, and in spite of health expert's warnings, at Trump's insistence, virtually all states are opening up businesses and social venues.

    While none of us wants to continue a lock-down, the nature of the virus is elusive and unforgiving. Health experts are watching in terror as citizens in every state show a lack of understanding or restraint, mingling shoulder to shoulder in huge crowds, as if the virus is a distant dream. It's a very strange place we find ourselves living in, on this Memorial Day, remembering the dedicated fallen military, and lost loved-ones, while bodies pile up like cord wood.

    Without strong leadership and a well planned national strategy we are going to pay a phenomenal price collectively. We are on a path of self destruction, and don't have the restraint to avoid getting the cart before the horse. We risk having the loss of life become so routine, we have no time to stop and remember the individuals. Only a carefully orchestrated strategy will help us neutralize this alien force, unmoved by our prayers to be spared.

    We all miss the recent past and good times gathered together. We long to get back to that place again, I sure do.

  4. Mr. Cox just cant pass up the opportunity. Time n place Mr. Cox, time n place.

  5. Steve, c'mon, what started out as a nice tribute to us Veterans quickly turned into a political diatribe. Give us a break once in awhile.

  6. Park is looking nice George.

    Someone should remind Mr. Cox that #45 won Pacific County last time and will probably do it again

  7. No sh*t!!

    Interesting when someones true character comes out. Just one day, ONE DAY you couldn't just stay on topic or in this case take a day off??

    The sad thing, not too surprised here.

  8. Interesting to see the anonymous speak up when confronted with the pure and simple truth. They don't even have the integrity to use their name. They can't counter what he has said, so they revert to personal attacks. Their attacks do not change the truth as he has so well stated it. It is the same kind of people who support the president and his corruption, that have control of this HOA.

    Mr. Cox will not change any minds on here, but the truth needs to be stated so that the good people can see they are not alone. I encourage Mr. Cox to continue with presenting the truth.
    More of us need to do the same.

  9. Memorial Day not only commemorates those who have lost their lives in service to the country, but is a day of remembrance of all of those who have passed. We seek to focus on the good memories of those passed on, but this Memorial Day is not just one more for the books. It marks a national AND international tragedy of yet to be determined proportions.

    Rest assured, federal leadership will continue to be disengaged and incapable of setting a rational course, based on scientific guidance. It is naïve to think a happy face can be put on this occasion, mid-pandemic 2020. Most of us have been spared personal loss due to swift precautions taken by Gov. Insley in Washington, and even less impact by the virus in Oregon, for the same reasons.

    Notice that I mentioned pres. Bush began heightened awareness of the threats of a pandemic. He is a Republican you know. Trump isn't really a Republican, just an idiot on his own "merits".

  10. Bob, #45 winning Pacific county last time? This just reveals the amount of under-educated or conspiracy lemmings who reside in this area, that's all.

  11. This is getting past a joke! In the first place identify yourself if you’re going to insult me!

  12. Thanks George for the post and Joanne for the only comment that belongs...

  13. Memorial Day is about dead people, and the 100,000 now dead from the virus are not just a statistic but people of all ages who had lives, aspirations, loved ones,... Like I said, as the dead pile up in such numbers, their loss becomes insignificant - we would rather ignore it. That is very wrong, and our leaders need to be held accountable. The current administration is directly responsible, yet want to wash their hands of the whole thing, and move on to setting up their planned in-person convention. They have Mr. Haskin's vote ! He doesn't see a problem here.

  14. This blog was intended to honor our veterans and active duty military. My husbands family, his dad, 8 uncles, one who didn’t cone home nor did his body! One active duty granddaughter now, one grandson who served in Afganistán and one son retired Lt Col still teaching army majors 🇺🇸 So let’s keep this on track and pay homage and honor to give us the freedom to vote for whoever we choose without being attacked!

  15. Again, this wasn't the topic to go on a pandemic/political rant so just stop.

    I do find it interesting though how Cox keeps bringing up Insley's swift precautions. I do agree with him on that. What I find interesting is the fact that Cox chose to ignore Insley's stay at home and limit travel order that was part of it. Along with that the request from the county to second home owners to stay away for a short time too. Yet he continues to lecture people, under a topic to remember our veterans no less. Classic example of do what I say not what I do.

    George, as a vet I appreciated the thought behind you making this topic. But now please just shut it down before it gets even more insulting.

  16. This blog is a conversation site, and you continue to miss the point here, that unpleasant subjects interconnect with most any topic we might choose. All of my uncles served in WWII, and I have always held them in great esteem for that service. At the same time, all of my relatives decorated graves of our family members passed on, come Memorial Day. My parent's graves and many of my relatives graves, are in a country cemetery on a hill, overlooking historic Camp Dodge, an Army base since at least WWI, now largely inactive.

    No one was "attacked" here, but anyone who votes for Trump is happy to ignore how inept and self-centered he is, and invites the mess we're in to get worse. He has no intention of addressing the issues that the virus presents, nor heeding the advice of health experts. He has stated that he takes no responsibility for the runaway virus, and is willing to force Americans to return to "normal" against majority will, and common sense.

  17. I am pleased to rep[ort that a member request I made to the Lands and Buildings Committee was approved. I requested that the parking areas and path at Veterans Park be paved. They replied that they liked my request, especially since some of them were veterans. . They were seeking bids for the project and it might be broken down into several parts. There is ample funding available for this park improvement.

    I appreciate the committee doing more than just maintaining assets. They are in favor of improving this park. It honors our veterans and puts a much needed good face on our community. Again, thank you to this committee. It is exciting to look forward to this improvement.

    This is a positive happening for our community. and certainly the honoring of our veterans is something we all agree on.

  18. Fact check 11:39 from the History Channel:

    "Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military".

    It is NOT just about dead people as you said. YOU are wrong. As others have said just stop.

  19. That is good news about paving the park. I park there nearly every day in the winter and there is a mud hole there. I walk to the ocean and back nearly every day.

  20. blog host, GeorgeMay 26, 2020 at 8:19 PM

    There is no record of a reply from you. I checked the spam file to see if it had automatically gone there. Nothing. There is nothing on the list awaiting approval for posting. That's all I know.


  21. Hi George, the Veterans park that I took a lot of heat for in its creation. Is looking very nice. If you guys put in a paved area, make sure you have the guys prepare a good base for it to be paved on.

    There has been a couple of folks who took a shot at my original Post at “May 25, 2020 at 7:18 PM”

    I will point these uninformed folks to my source of #45 winning this county and reaffirm my prediction that he will repeat again this coming November “”

    Mr Cox, needs to google what the meaning of Memorial day is for and it has NOTHING to do with all the flu deaths but for the sacrifice of one’s life in the act of serving this county or serving for years as my folks had.

  22. Bob, I didn't say that Trump wasn't going to win Pac County again, all I said is the reason he won the first time was because of the overwhelming amount of uneducated and conspiracy theory lemming types that reside here, that's all.

    Not sure why Joanne took offense to that statement? LOL

    1. My guess is she doesn't like being called an uneducated rat. It's easy to insult your neighbors hiding behind Anonymous.

  23. I haven't sought out anyone's definition of Memorial Day. In my experience, this has always been a day to remember all of those who have passed on. It was once called "Decoration Day". It may have begun specifically to commemorate lost military lives, but in practice over time, has encompassed more than that.

    It would seem to me that Veteran's Day would be more specific to Military service. I suppose I veered off the topic that began the strand, but how much can be said about the Veteran's Park as a discussion topic ? I'm glad that it was built, and appreciate its' significance, and improvements that are planned are a good use of member funds.

    We are in a sense, "at war" with this virus, and I think I make a couple of important points - that lack of leadership has allowed this to run rampant, and that lack of Executive Branch concern continues to let this rage out of control. Also, that in the history of this country, this Memorial Day will stand as a marker of the runaway pandemic our country was too inept to subdue, and a marker just shy of 100,000 dead, with no end in sight to fatalities. Yes, I rained on your parade. But our lives may never be the same, as the cases soar without a national policy of action.

    I've had my say, so I'll bow out. By the way Mr. Haskins, Coevid 19 is not "the flu". It is said to be more akin to "colds" which have no vaccines.


  24. Yes Steve it is called a VIRUS.... As in the common cold, flu, Ebola, Swine Flu and all the others that most of us have lived thru.

  25. Yes Mr. Cox, please bow out. I'm writing this just to see if you can allow yourself NOT to have the last word...

  26. Memorial Day has evolved over the years. It actually was started by freed slaves after the Civil War, to memorialize the black soldiers unit which fought for the Union. Today it is for all families who decorate the graves of those who have gone before. It is correct that Veterans Day is for soldiers, exclusively.
    I agree with Cox about the current situation. and 100,000 dead to be remembered, and why they are gone. Empathy, integrity, and logic have been replaced with hate, lies, and ignorance. Why do they wrap ignorance in the flag, I wonder.

  27. 2:35...Thanks for the info and commentary. There has been so little commentary on the Blog, I felt like it was time to light a fire under these sleepy people who have nothing to say. Just for the record Mr. Haskins, Colds don't kill people. But they are too complex to be prevented by vaccines. The swine Flu killed tens of thousands of people.

    Ebola is far more contagious than Corona virus, and much more deadly. Few survived this virus, but it never got a foothold in the U.S. because (THIS IS IMPORTANT !)it began in Africa, where very few people in the region travel internationally. It was aggressively attacked by the International health organizations, and in particular, the Obama administration, led in part by Joe Biden. Corona Virus, like colds, is more complex than the flu, and it is thought Corona may require a "cocktail of drugs" to subdue it, as is the case with AIDS. A vaccine may not be a possibility in the short term, or in our lifetime. Little is known about it.

    Mr. Haskins, maybe it was a matter of good judgement that Surfside fired you. Your lack of knowledge is not compensated by your complacent attitude. The virus has managed to exploit our natural tendency to be over confident, and impatient.

    Haskin's comment was too ridiculous to leave it unaddressed. I'll leave it to others at this point. But we did get a conversation going. The Blog has been a desert for months.


  28. May 27, 2020 at 2:35 PM

    Boy, this is what we call a Revisionist view of a National Holiday, where we as a nation acknowledge soldiers of any flavor for their ultimate sacrifice in serving this great county.

    Shame on you and your ilk
