
Friday, April 17, 2020

Surfside Goes High Technology

As reported in the Weekender..

What does this mean for you and I?

It was good to see that it was a great deal in cost, even if they do not say how much or how much support will be needed and at what cost. Will the members be able to see live streaming in real time?  They talk like the 18th is the start date.  I am all for a new "normal", but this announcement leaves many questions.  Will we have a website that is up to date and contains all information, or will Facebook continue to be the "official" social page for information and answers to questions?

The members just want to see the full information about what is happening in the association.  We sure are not getting it now.

Click on the "report" for a larger read:+


  1. So this means what? No real information as usual. If the BOT meeting on the 18th is going to be part of this new technology, are we as members going to be able to participate? Maybe I’m just dense, but I got nothing out of this article except money was spent! How much and why? I need to understand why?

  2. Who needs a tech committee when we have Curt and miss peggy olds? This is his failed brain storm and the writing posted in the weekender was done by miss peggy. Her same flawed writing style full of self praise. This is a fact check for you George. Don't delete the truth about these two.

  3. Appears we are reverting back to anonymous comments and with that comes the associated rude and personal remarks.
    What a bunch of whiners...

  4. After doing some research I understand what is going on. I will not share here as I want to wait and see if we members are ever let in on this new technology!
    My biggest concern is how much was spent, is there an ongoing contract involved and will this require an IT employee? Who is in charge of this? Valid questions to me.

  5. cool, i look forward to joining in

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Nothing here but upgrades that should have been done years ago.

    JoAnne if they need more than an application consultant for the water, some things amiss. - most everything else is off the shelf.

  8. This will be great to be able to see it live and streaming. It is the 21st century, so now lets get online voting working. We are growing in leaps and bounds. :-)
