
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Board Meeting Summary

April 18, 2020

Nice to see they approved last month's Board Meeting Minutes. It would be even nicer if they shared them with the members. As for the cancellation on the Annual Meeting, who really cares?   I don't know how they managed to get so much business done in only three hours.  I have not figured out how they had floor comments with no members present.  

April 18, 2020

Scott Winegar opened the meeting by explaining members were not al-lowed to attend to preserve social distancing.
Board Members Present: Scott Winegar, Gary Williams, Kurt Olds, An-nette deLeest, Mark Scott, James Clancy, Ric Minich and Rudd Turner all via video conference.
Staff Present: Tom Reber, Maureen Gilbert

Call to Order: Scott Winegar called the regular board meeting to order at 9 am.
Agenda: MP to adopt the agenda for the April 18, 2020 Regular Board Meeting as amended, adding an item to New Business.
Safety Message: Scott Winegar gave this month’s safety message; be sure to maintain mental health in this time of social distancing – have virtual events with friends and family to help maintain contact with others. Check on the health and well being of those you know are in the high risk group.
Minutes Approval: MP to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Minutes.

Floor Comments: We must find a way to allow members to attend the meeting before the next board meeting.

Old Business:
Rules for the Compactor Site. Lands & Building Committee will work to
establish rules for the site, as well as a means to enforce the rules. New
signs will be purchased listing the rules.

2020 – 2025 Financial Strategic Plan. MP to adopt the 2020 - 2025 Finan
cial Strategic Plan.

Cancel July 15 Annual Meeting and BOT election. MP to cancel the July 15
annual meeting and the BOT election.and move any required annual
meeting business to the November Budget ratification meeting.

1. Covid 19 concern continues to be the dominant subject at the beach.
2. The governor has asked all Washingtonians to stay at home.
3. If/When you come to visit your lot or home at Surfside be prepared – purchase necessi-ties before you get to the Peninsula. The Peninsula businesses may have half-empty shelves.
4. Also be sure to bring masks as you are unlikely to find them here.
5. Please heed the other advice that we hear daily, wash your hands, maintain so cial distance, if you're sick stay home – medical services are very limited on the Peninsula.
6. If you come to enjoy your property, carefully plan and purchase provisions be fore you get to the beach, and respect others concern for their health.
7. Please respect people's property. Do not use private property as a shortcut. Trails are well marked, and should be used.

Surfside Board of Trustees has drafted and forwarded a replacement con-tract for the Travis Ostgaard patrol services to Pacific County. The association has been negotiating a replacement with Sheriff Robin Souvenir and Assistant Pacific County Prosecutor Ben Haslam. However, both individuals are currently assigned to the Pacific County Emergency Operations Center and are dealing with the affects of the COVID 19 pandemic. The Trustees believe that negotiations will not resume until the crisis has passed. The mem-bers will be advised when more information is available.

New Business:
Declare Various Items surplus: MP to declare several items surplus.
Waiver of $330.90 conservation charges for Dave and Anne Krigbaum. MP to waive the con-servation charges for the Krigbaums.

Authorize the Covid-19 Loan application. MP to authorize the loan application.

Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports
MP to accept all staff, trustee & committee reports as submitted.
MP to adjourn the April 18, 2020 Regular board meeting
Adjourn: 11:55 am


  1. I see in the weekender, the BOT drafted and forwarded a replacement contract for Travis.
    Do the members get a say so in how much this is possibly costing us? It was costing us around 72,000 a year. The Sheriff had come back with a proposal nearly double that, wanting us members to pay for new car, computers, gas, benefits, uniforms, yet he would still be patrolling the entire Pacific County on our dollar.

  2. No, the members do not get a say. If you did, where would you say it? There are so many legal issues of the County entering into a private contract, it will never happen. It was probably illegal when we had Travis, and when he left, it opened the County eyes. For us, it was just a big waste of money, and at least now, that waste has ended.

    In the original Articles of Incorporation, there was a provision for "security". That was because we were going to be a gated community with ownership of the streets. When that didn't happen, the security was provided by the Sheriff Department, the same as the rest of the County.

    Most gated HOA's have their own security. They mainly check property and watch for unauthorized occupancy. That is really what we need here. We could hire our own "Watchman" on a part time basis. Let the County do their primary job, and we should do ours.

    This Board can write all the proposals they want, but it is never going to happen. The County will stall around on this and just hope it goes away. And it probably will. Sometimes nothing is better than something.

  3. Wouldn’t you love to actually see the committee reports as approved by the board? Of course we aren’t privy as to what happens in these meetings. And please don’t just say they didn’t meet, because you know they’ve had discussions!
    As far as the sheriff contract, how do they know how everyone feels about this? It was just assumed we all wanted the contract to continue. I for one feel our budget doesn’t need this line item plus us it even legal?

  4. We have 66,000.00 remaining in the Patrol budget. Why not work with the County to get some of those electronic speed signs installed, using the patrol funds? You know, like the ones on Sandridge. The County can't afford to do it. I, M and G Streets could benefit. I know that working with the County is a novel idea with this Board. What we don't need, is money spent on another Clancy study.

  5. That’s a great idea! I talked to the county a few years ago about those signs! I was told they received a grant, but I was hoping the HOA would work with the county to obtain them. We need one desperately on the Oysterville road approach. This is the only approach north of bay avenue that I’m aware of. The speed limit signs for 25 mph and having a patrol person has done nothing to slow speeders. Clam digs are terrible! Not once since we’ve lived here (2008) have I ever seen a ticket given on this road! These flashing signs would really be great!

  6. Personally, I feel those signs do nothing except tell you how fast you are going. Will it make people slow down, nope, nada, not at all. Why, because there is no penalty for speeding now days. It is a good suggestion though.
    How much do traffic cameras cost? The Kind that monitor the speed.
    George, I do hope you are right, in the fact this just goes away. I do not want to fully fund an officer at 150,000 and he is still helping out the entire Pacific County on our dollar. It would have been nice to see what they proposed, but like most things, its secret. Maybe by the next BOT meeting, members can join in and that question can be asked.

  7. Ronda I do feel those signs help. I know personally it does anyway as it just makes you aware to look at your speedometer. And yes there are tickets given out just have to at the wrong place, wrong time,! My husband got one last year just out of Chinook heading north. Going 60 mph! Anyone knows people speed and pass on that stretch all the time! It was actually funny to us as I am usually teasing him about driving too slow!
    Totally agree we do not need to spend this kind of money out of our budget. In my view we’re already paying with our tax dollars which keep going up. As I’ve stated previously, how does the board know how the majority of the members really feel about this issue? No asking for input, only avenue to submit wanting this position continued.

  8. Photo radar for I street! Its gotten worse since everybody knows that Surfside doesn't have a cop now. read the Dispatch Reports in the Observer. It also appears the crime rate here has risen as has the level of the crime.

  9. What about using that money for private security? It would be more efficient than signs that no one pays attention to.

  10. When I was on the board I requested Travis to put us on the sheriffs list to use the electronic speed sign. We used in on I St 1st and then G St. per Travis suggestion. It did not help the speeders. They knew they were going over the speed limit already. The ones that usually drove the speed limit but might have gained their speed over by a few miles an hour were the only ones to drop their speed when they saw the sign. Have to say been there, tried that, didn't work.

  11. It is, however, a great way to see if one's speedometer is correctly calibrated.
