
Friday, March 27, 2020

Remain In Place?

Get out, you fools...

New Business:
Board of Trustees Application. MP to accept the Board Trustee Application as amended, adding a cut off date of 7 days to withdraw after the application deadline.
Defer Annual Meeting. MP to defer the Annual Meeting until after the State lifts the ban on public meetings. The Trustees whose terms are expiring will remain in place until such time as we can re-schedule the Annual Meeting and the election.

The term of office is for three (3) years, period. Not extended.
If we can operate with only eight (8).
We can operate with five (5).

Our governing documents state that we will have no less than three(3) or more than nine (9).
If this bunch can change it to eight, they can change it to five.  
The less to screw it up the better.  We also have the authority to hire a treasurer. If that should happen, maybe we would have a reserve/audit committee.  This might stop the drain of our reserves by Clancy.  Professional management is so badly needed.

1 comment:

  1. You make a valid point George. But we should be used to having the Board do what they want, particularly in regards to the bylaws. They didn't appoint a replacement for Mr. Chandler, nor did they ever offer any explanation why I was not appointed to the vacancy, as had been done in the previous half dozen cases or so. The Bylaws REQUIRE that the vacancy be filled.

    As I like to point out, Mr. Winegar was appointed in a May meeting, which was intended to make him a sure thing when he ran for the position, which of course was "enabled", and came to pass.

    Fear of diverse opinions was enough to prevent the seated Board from appointing me. They obviously did not have a better option.

    The situation we are in is unprecedented, with the necessary restrictions on citizens movements and open meetings. Where meetings are likely to need to be by conference call for most Trustees and committee members for an unknown period of time, there is merit to keeping the present Board intact, as the things that do need to be accomplished will be a bit more complicated. Trustees can continue their committee involvement in the short term, as we wait to see how things proceed Statewide.

    Thurston County has only 27 known cases, so with more testing going on, that is encouraging that the spread may already be hindered. The inability to test for exposure greatly contributed to the spread of the virus at the Kirkland Care Center and beyond. But it appears to have stayed somewhat localized due to the timely lock-down by Insley.

    I see that Pacific County still has no documented cases of the virus, so that's awesome. Obviously the actions by the HOA are a bit premature, but lack of preparedness has had serious consequences in many places, and most who own in Surfside have homes elsewhere. We all depend on the care and discretion of one another, to prevent possible exposure.

    The Board claims to be getting a system set-up for broadcasting the b. meetings. That will need to happen, and B. minutes should be published as unapproved, soon after the meetings are held. I see that the "Weekender" did that and we appreciate it !
