
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Office & Board Meeting Closed

"Official Notice"

From: Tom Reber, Gen. Mgr. 

1.Employees will practice social distancing from everyone. That means two people are never within 6 feet of each other (3 feet outside). This applies to the water treatment plant, field crew (installing pipe) and the office.

2.All meetings including committees, social activities-example yoga, will not occur at the Surfside Homeowners Association office until further notice.+

3.The office will be closed to all members, however we will go out of our way to take care of member business – payments, compactor passes, RV permits, and other information or services. Members can call or email and we will arrange for pickup.

4.The Board of Trustees meeting will not be open to members. Kimber and I will be here in the office on Saturday to assure a recording of the meeting. Trustees may physically attend or call in.


  1. Why in heavens name not cancel the meeting? If a meeting of the BOT cannot be open to the members, it should be canceled. This is like an executitive board meeting behind closed doors!

  2. Under the circumstances, I don't have a problem with what they have arranged. The entire approach to an issue of national concern is a desperate attempt to keep it in check somewhat, and is unprecedented.

    It is interesting that these measures are being taken even though there have not been any documented cases of the virus in Pacific County. But in the short-term, it may make sense to just make practices consistent across the Board (so to speak).

    The meeting agenda should be published, and hopefully Trustees will have the integrity to not take any action on anything controversial. The BOT surely recognizes that the hiring of an officer is an issue that merits broad participation by the membership, and has increasing opposition, since the absurd details have become public. Thank you Chinook Observer.

    Just because there is support on "Facebook" doesn't mean it makes any sense to most members. The deal as presented by Sheriff Souvenir, is NOT acceptable by any means. Souvenir has put it to the community as a "take it or leave it" deal, and without any contribution monetarily from the County, is a rip-off and a scam. We should refuse such a deal.

    The board will still be meeting, so minutes could be shared before they are formally adopted next month, as has been done before on a couple of occasions. That would show the Board's good intentions. I don't think this will be misused, and remain hopeful in that respect.
