
Thursday, March 19, 2020

If only we had...

We wouldn't be in the fix we are today...

Just because we members like the slower pace of 50 years ago, that exists today, doesn't mean the association should operate that way. Now they are crying "woe is me", because they are in "uncharted waters" for live streaming of a Board meeting.  The same cast of characters today, are mostly the same ones who shut down the Policy & procedure committee.  If that committee had been allowed to continue, you would be seeing Board meetings "live", or at least recorded. 

As with many issues, the solutions are right in front of their faces, and they fail to look at it, if they even know where to find it. The "Operations Manual" has evolved from practical experience. They have to keep learning the same old lessons, over and over again. 

Click on each page of this "inactive" Committee to see what should have been done and how it would solve many problems we have today, especially related to public Board meetings. 

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