Detailed meeting minutes...Jan. 9, 2020
Sorry for some of the scattering of words in the report below. Blame my computer for its copy and paste. The original report is much more neat.
January 9, 2020
Memo for Record; Report to Board Trustees
RE: Lands and Buildings Committee Meeting---January 9, 2020
The Committee met to consider past and future actions needed to support maintenance and operation of association facilities. This memo records the status of all actions considered. Note that some actions are closed and completed.
Members present on the date of the current meeting included:
M. Smith [ X ]
G. Gonzalez [ ]
J. Clancy, Trustee [ ]
L. Raymer, [ X ]
S. Winegar, [ ]
K. Smith [ X ]
J. Purdin [ ]
T. Newman [ ]
T. Reber [ X ]
R. Minich, Chairman [ X ]
R. Turner, Treasurer [ X ]
A. deLeest, Trustee [X ]
K Olds, Trustee [ X ]
Opened Meeting at 9:03 AM
The group considered the following:
1. RV/Compactor Site Rehabilitation Ad Hoc Committee (OPEN).
(Nov. 5th,, 2019) Explained current status of design consultant. Skillings & Connolly has backed out of the contract that was never signed. Joe Plahuta of Gray& Osborne and Bob Connolly of SCJ Alliance are currently working on proposals for the design. Both feel that this still can be done in order to get bids
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out for construction beginning June of 2020. Proposals are expected mid next
week, before BOT meeting.
(Jan. 9th) The two proposals have been review, the choice is SCJ Alliance. Their
contract has been in the hands of the Surfside attorney for nearly two months for
review. This time frame is ridiculous and unacceptable.
2. Skating Lake Flooding, Larry Raymer will continue to represent SHOA at County
meetings (ON HOLD)
(August 8th, 2019) County has changed outlet south of Skating Lake to 300th
under road under new land usage. There will be the Annual Meeting 20th of
August at 5:00PM open to the public for discussion. Conversation morphed to
Twin Lakes fish stocking. The screen and type of screen for the outflow pipe. V
mesh shape was used and approved by WA Fish and Wildlife. Gil Gonzales will
be part of any decision. Larry will attend next Skating Lake County meeting late
(Sept 12th, 2019) In engineering phase, construction likely will not start until
(Jan 9th) Larry Raymer reported that this project is on Pacific County’s 5 year
plan. It was confirmed with Larry that Trustee Mark Scott will join him
representing Surfside HOA at future meetings.
3. Repair of Fire Place at Pavilions at Sea Breeze and Skating Lake ( OPEN )
(Nov. 5th,2019) Not complete but on Toby’s schedule.
(Jan. 9th) With absence of Gil Gonzales, these fire places are still not complete
but on the schedule.
4. Trees along Sea Breeze Lake are out of compliance. Under brush is also an issue.
Peggy Olds, Chairman of the Tree, Brush, & Vegetation Committee, will join us to
discuss a joint effort to solve this problem as well as answering and/or acting upon a
resident complaint from May 2018 regarding this matter. (OPEN)
(Nov 5th, 2019) In the next phase, 350th corridor, letters have been sent out to 10
land owners with 4 positive responses. Annette deLeest to call the remaining
owners to allow the arborist to complete the second phase by the end of 2019. A
request has been sent to S & F Land Services to survey at least the north end of
Seabreeze Lake. No response as of this date.
(Jan. 9th) Arbor Care will be done this week. Chips from the cutting will be
hauled off by Surfside in house crew. Gray & Osborne may be doing some
surveying of the lake but this likely not necessary. According to Annette all the
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landowners are happy and very cooperative with the process. Larry Raymer stated
he feels CARL regulations have been violated. He claims trees have been cut
totally down. Kurt Olds stated that Surfside has exceptions written into CARL.
Later, Peg Olds has reported that all CARL standards have been met as she and
Arbor Care have completed the vegetation control. Arbor Care has satisfactorily
completed all work contracted at in the riparian at Seabreeze Lake.
5. A report from Gil Gonzales regarding the status of the abandoned water storage
building at 315th and G St. (OPEN)
(Nov 5th, 2019) The building is scheduled to burn Saturday, Nov. 7th at
approximately 11:00 AM. Gil Gonzales will be on site with crew. To knock down
the cinder block remains and haul of the debris, that day. It is a bit of an event,
coffee and hot chocolate will be offered, spectators welcome. There will be an
article in the Surfside Weekender announcing the “burn”.
(Jan. 9th) All debris from the burn has been hauled away. All that remains is the
concrete floor. The question is will this be broken up and hauled away or will
floor remain to be used as a flat surface for storing material or equipment.
6. Discussion of Waterway’s Committee watershed report (ON HOLD)
(August 8th) [partial discussion in item #3] The hydro geologist company who did
the original survey is still in business. The name of the company is on file and
will be considered for the next survey. The information from the original survey
need to be digitalized.
(Jan. 9th) Ongoing with nothing to report.
7. Proposed donation of property at 30900 M Place (Pacific Co. Parcel # 77007007033)
to SHOA by the current trustee of the property. A request for recommendation has been
sent to Rudd Turner, James Clancy, and Larry Raymer for review and comment. (OPEN)
(April 11th, 2019) The Land & Buildings Committee is recommending that
Surfside not accept the donation of this property. The committee has studied it for
the value potentially as utility trailer storage. However, this lot is in a residential
area which restricts winter parking of trailers. It cannot be used for that purpose or
any other useful purpose by Surfside Land & Buildings. T. Reber suggested that
any property in Surfside should have some value. This brought the following
debate within the committee. SURFSIDE HOA, BOARD of TRUSTEES MUST
ESTABLISHED. The L & B Committee is closing this matter and giving it back
to administration to accept or reject as a Board of Trustees action item.
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(May 9th, 2019) In a 5 to 4 vote of the Surfside B of T, the donated property was accepted. Raises the question regarding need for a real estate donation/purchase Surfside policy for consistency. This matter was discussed, the majority of the L & B members, including the Treasurer believe the current Surfside “no policy” is harmful and potentially liable. The result was L & B will initiate a policy, a rough draft (if not an outline of issues) will be started by James Clancy for discussion and editing at the June meeting.
(Nov 5th,2019) The initial L & B rough draft is not ready for publication at this time.
(Jan 9th) The initial L&B rough draft is not ready. Expect for next month.
8. Annual Maintenance Plan 2020 (ON HOLD)
(Jan 9th) Traditionally a maintenance inspection is done by Gil Gonzalez and Larry Raymer after the winter season. Expect inspection of Surfside facilities to take place the end of March and the list to be reviewed at the L&B April meeting.
9. Five Year Plan update for 2020 (OPEN)
(Nov 5th) Kimber gave Ric Minich the last 5 Year Plan (2018-2023). With 2019 nearing completion, the 5 Year Plan (2020-2025) will be prepared and published for the January BOT meeting.
(Jan. 9th) Expect completion by March meeting.
10. Gray & Osborne to resubmit the application for the request of a federal/state funded tsunami shelter at appropriate time..(ON HOLD)
(Nov 5th) As of this date FEMA has not announced those who are considered for the second application process. Perhaps by the November BOT meeting, we will have an answer.
(Jan. 9th) On hold until Spring when application will be made again. Pacific County Commissioners will be contacted for political support.
11. Potential immediate solutions and relief at the compactor and derelict vehicle disposal at the RV yard. (OPEN)
(Nov 5th) Do to urgency of other matters, nothing more has been done regarding establishing new temporary guide lines. One of the two remaining derelict vehicles is in the process of being removed.
(Jan. 9th) Attempt to work with compliance officer and write articles to educate the Surfside members of proper use.
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12. Tom Reber stated that he has been contacted by County Commissioner Frank Wolf stating that Pacific County wants to schedule a flood control work shop specifically for Surfside, which would include discussion of the North & South outflows. Attempted perfect schedule would be the Friday before a monthly business meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM
The committee would be scheduled to meet again on February 6th, 2020 in the conference room at 9AM. All members will be contacted. The RV ad hoc committee will remain active during the month.
Regarding the minutes, Annett Deleest is wrong, all land owners are not happy with the results
ReplyDeleteof Arbor Cares work, I wish she would look at the results of our shore line on Seabreeze Lake.
Large limbs are still overhanging the lake and looks like a butcher job. To bad it isn't in her back yard. Just another case of false information coming from SHOA.
This is not a matter of needing to "force" members to do anything, this is a Board issue and their decisions have stymied the County. The County has given Surfside a big break by setting the mitigation cost to buy in to the Land Bank at the lower end. Surfside should be more accommodating to the County on flood control issues.
ReplyDeleteI am not really in favor of a new outfall installed near my house, but improvements need to be made to our existing outfalls, and drainage issues managed more efficiently. The BOT has failed on more than one occasion to respond to County proposals on this. Apparently a new outfall at 315th is in the works, and extending the existing ones.
You don't recognize that I am in agreement with you, that the current situation is not working, and is a waste of money. Originally, the HOA was responsible for removing the sand from the outfalls, but Surfside had some kind of accident while doing this at some point, and the County took it over. That's what I have heard.
ReplyDeleteBut the HOA manages the community, and the BOT makes decisions on these matters. Apparently the County is interested in moving ahead on extending the current outfalls and putting in a third. While they are a bit unsightly, they are necessary to avoid community flooding. The Board doesn't need member approval to do these projects, so there is no need for them to "force" owners to allow these projects to move forward.
Apparently Mr. Flood who was president of the BOT for a number of years, opposed extending the outfalls and has a home near the northern one. At any rate, the HOA put the County off when they wanted to address this a few years ago, and they just dropped it, I think for lack of interest and funds. The County must have the money and will to address this, and the BOT should take advantage of the opportunity.
Actually Mr. Flood has a home right next to the Southern outfall. The Northern outfall is on 350th and G just south of my former home on 357th and G.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info. I've only seen the one I made reference to.