
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Public notice of Hearing

Carbon Treatment Plant built in wet lands

Pacific County ...



  1. Hearings Examiner
  2. January 9, 2019, 1:00 p.m., 7013 Sandridge Rd, Long Beach
  3. Surfside Homeowner's Assoc., CARL Variance, Carbon Treatment Facility


  1. Clancy can attend and blame north beach water and Bill Neal for everything.

  2. good, looks like we finally get our protection shed

  3. I wonder if they stated on the CARL application form that they built it without a permit.

    When will Pacific County force Surfside to mitigate all the wetlands they have compromised?

  4. This relates to the County's process of holding Surfside accountable for failing to properly permit the property where the Carbon Filter Plant was built. We will be required to purchase land from a State land bank, at $90,000/acre. At least that was the original figure.

    Surfside hired an attorney out of South Bay who specializes in Wetland Mitigation, giving the HOA a chance of working out a better deal than was originally mentioned. So the estimates have run from $30,000 to $270,000. Settling this issue with the County will enable Surfside to leave the Plant at its' current location, and will properly permit use of part of the land where the well field is. Part of the warehouse is also in the Wetland.

    This area sometimes develops standing water, which flooded the new warehouse initially. Word was, Mr. Clancy made a unilateral decision to reduce the gravel compacted for the foundation, leaving the cement floor 8 inches lower than architects designed it. A large sum of money was then spent to dig a trench around the structure for a drain field at member expense. There were fines for the errors, I believe it was $12,000. This occurred in late summer of 2018, so I don't remember the exact figure.

    But it has been pointed out that the Plant is constructed on a slab of material that is a composite, though it appears to be concrete. The material would potentially float if enough water was to accumulate during Winter flooding, possibly causing the structure to move or collapse.

    It was also discovered that the enclosure building designed for the plant would have prevented removal of the Carbon Filters, and required disassembly of the roof in order to service the Plant. We were in a way lucky that the construction was halted by Court order allowing for the discovery of the inadequate design.

    It would seem that this public hearing MAY be occasion for a final settlement, so there could be interesting developments at this Jan 8 hearing.

  5. I was told that there has been no complaint filed against the new warehouse. If there is one now, it would open up the whole issue again, but in another location. The 12,000 dollar that Steve mentioned, was actually 10,000 The association hid it from the members as listing it as fee's that included 2,000 for building permits.

    There is nothing in the 2020 budget for what may come out of this hearing. Expect another raid on our reserves. No problem, Clancy says we have lot's of money.

  6. Then we have money too upgrade our third world cabanas. We should make them card reader access and not close them during the Winter.

  7. I hope Surfside gets hammered at this hearing. I wish I could be there.

  8. Why is Bil Neal representing Surfside. Thought he was gone. Are we paying him for this? Thought this was a Clancy deal, or is the County still pissed about him missing the previous meeting?

  9. 10:40

    You have a very good idea! I don’t like it that they close up “our” cabanas in the winter. With our dues paid each year we should have full use of them year around. I mean really how expensive can it be? A few rolls of toilet paper, a light bulb, a sweep out and garage removal monthly. I’m sure there is other minor maintenance needed but to close up completely is not necessary IMO.

  10. Did Clancy modify the design drawings? Did Clancy instruct the contractor to not follow the design drawings?
    This alleged conduct sounds highly unethical and possibly more.
    Please provide more information to substantiate this alleged conduct.

  11. 3:01 -Since the Board has covered-up ALL of this stuff you probably aren't going to get any straight answers. I've heard this from several sources, initially I think it may have been from Bill Neal. I was given a tour of the facility by Tom Rogers, and Bill showed us around on the Water Dept. grounds. He was always friendly and open with me I felt. The floor of the warehouse had been poured a week or so prior, so it hadn't been flooded yet.

  12. Thank you again George for trying to keep the membership informed of important issues. I just looked at the “official” website for Surfside HOA to look at the calendar. Surprise, surprise! November and December are posted , but not January 2020! Guess it’s just no ones business as to in particular the two hearings scheduled this month!
    If not for your blog we’d all just be mushrooms as the old saying goes!

  13. Don't understand the "no ones business" comment concerning the hearings. Assuming you're talking about the lighting covenant hearing the notice for it has been on the "official" website main page under hot topics since December fourth. There has been a notice about it in the Weekender. There was a notice sent out with the dues. Other than doing a robocall or having someone come knock on your door, how much more notice do you need?

    To the Pacific County hearing, let's be real here. People don't bother to attend meetings that are located in our neighborhood. Do you really think anyone is going to bother to drive 15 miles down Sandridge to attend? I don't think so.

  14. What an arrogant, rude response from “anonymous “ in the know! Of course, as the trustees are in complete control of adopting this new lighting covenant, all they are required to do is post the notice, which they did after suggestions to put in the weekender. The December notice on the website is hardly noticeable as it is posted among all the completely out of date information! How about a paragraph from the president or the trustees informing the members about the hearing? Oh and also how about actually printing the complete new proposed covenant and attaching to the notices in the Surfside office and also a complete copy in the weekender?
    How much more notice do we need? Plenty more than has been supplied in recent history. Remember that we the members are the “customers” and should be treated with respect and supplied with relevant information.
    As I’ve stated ad nauseam, the only reason I am aware of all this and so involved is because of the lighting complaint we received in July which is still not resolved by the board! If complaints and appeals can’t be resolved under the existing lighting covenant, how on earth will the new proposed covenant be administered? Oh, that’s right with the hiring of more compliance officers!

  15. So, I see just like your pal Cox you now are allowing JoAnne to insult people but not letting those insulted to respond. For all you accuse the board of doing, how are you any different? I would say you have no shame but you lost that a long time ago.

    Continue to enjoy living in your negative world that you control. I'm done coming on here because it is an exercise in futility since you don't give a damn about truth, honesty or honor. I now understand that other persons comment that you turned into an attack.

    1. 858 - back again with your pure crap!
      Stand by your word this time, leave, and don't let the doorknob hit you in the a** on the way out!

  16. Was this posted on he official surfside website? I don’t remember seeing it, but may have missed it there, thanks!
