
Monday, December 16, 2019

Surfside Christmas Greetings

Dues and assessments for 2020

Many of us received our bill on Saturday for the 2020 dues and assessments.  Many more will receive them today.  It is my understanding that with a mass mailing, the post office does not mail them all out the same day.  This may explain the delay for some members.  Also the distance they go may also be a contributing factor.  By mine being local, could be an explanation for getting it sooner.

For many members, the bill they receive will be the first attention they have paid to the association. It is probably the first time they have even thought about Surfside.  The first thing they will note is that the dues and assessments are more than last year.

There seems to be a deliberate unwritten policy to keep information from the members. If you don't think so, just visit the website and review the Board and committee minutes.  Most are months and months behind.  The Board minutes contain little information.   The bill did include a "notice of Hearing" on the proposed lighting covenant.  That should alarm most members if they take the time to read it, and most probably won't.

And so it goes...the same old, same old.


  1. I will be paying my bill immediately, if not sooner.

  2. Or maybe most members do read it and it still doesn't alarm them in the way it does others. It has been pretty obvious over the years that the majority don't care enough to vote and don't have the level of dissatisfaction that some others would want them to.

    But if it's true that most won't bother reading it and just don't care then they shouldn't be complaining afterwards.

  3. You are fortunate 1:53, to be able to pay your bill immediately, if not sooner. When I inquired from Laura Frazier, past Business manager, about how many members were making payments, she said over 600 That did surprise me, as that is a significant number.

    The cost for dues and assessments is important for many members, especially those on fixed incomes.

    Most people today, pay their bills on line. Many bills are paid with automatic deductions from their bank accounts. At Surfside you pay by check or cash, or with a credit card if you go to the office, and there is a 3% charge for that.

    This organization needs to move into the 20th century. The members should be able to pay on line and also receive a compactor pass in return with their receipt. There should also be a plan where you would pay over 12 months with automatic withdrawal from a banking account or credit card.

    RV storage should also be handled on line. Not to mention electronic voting on directors, budget and covenant changes.

    It is disappointing that we have not seen a promotion of these up to date catch ups, so badly needed. I expected that the hiring of a General Manager, would see improvement. It obviously has not.

  4. When a member tries to get those changes going, other members attack them, ridicule them, and call them names.
    Some of those same people say we must be respectful and polite to the Trustees.
    Oh yes, and if you're angry you're obviously the problem.

  5. I will no longer try to make any changes.

  6. Anonymous 2:31. The point is the members will not be able to vote on this covenant. This is strictly in the hands of the BOT. And maybe some won’t bother to read it as you should be able to have trust that nothing this tilted in favor of one area should ever have been written into a covenant. It’s better to complain about what a member sees as a problem than have to live with the consequences and have no voice!
    I know if we hadn’t been involved with the lighting issue this summer and lived elsewhere primarily, I would most likely not even bothered to go to the website. When you receive that yearly notice for payment that is what is on a persons radar! Going to a website is not the easiest or most convenient process for some people.

  7. Seems rather smart, or sneaky of the bot, that lighting, tree, n other covenants only apply to a portion of shoa. Def not complaining, but eventually they will come for me too. Sound familiar?

  8. Yes it does. And when that time comes, it will be to late.

  9. to Gorge from immediate if not sooner. I agree with you all the way, I assume you know I was being a bit snarky. I have to put away $50 A month for this assessment and it is getting more expensive each year for various reasons mostly because of mismanagement on the BOT's part. We should be able to do all of this and more from the web.

  10. Thanks for your clarification 8:36. I did take it the wrong way, and am sorry for that. Being on a low fixed income, I tend to be sensitive to wasted spending by this organization. I thought someone would jump all over me for my reference to the wrong century. Thanks for your comment and the clarification.

  11. For 8:36 fifty bucks a month is not enough and it will only get higher, and for what?

  12. One thing will be more compliance officers

  13. It's not an assessment it's dues. Totally different fees. Lets use the correct terminology when ranting.

  14. Sorry 8:53, $100 are dues, the rest is assessment.

  15. Dues assessment, whatever? Just like the dang Gov't, thinking that if you call it something different it costs less. Well its Still more $ out if our pockets. By the way whats with all these Anonymous folks?
    Anyhow the HOA BILL in its entirety still works out to about to about 50 - 70 per month. Which is a Bargain for full timers. Be thankful that the RV people help your bill stay lower, since most of us only use 1/4 1/3 of the services yet pay full price. ;)
