
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Getting Ugly

Personal insults and threats against the blog host...

I have had to monitor the comments before they are posted.  They have reached a low that I have never seen before.  The worst are directed at me and have taken an ugly turn for the worse.  This also includes veiled threats for my safety, legal action and now personal insults.

What makes this particularly ugly is that it comes on my 60th wedding anniversary. My soulmate passed away 25 years ago after a battle with cancer.  I find myself in that same situation.  I just can't find any reason for a person to be so filled with rage and hate. Certainly not over Surfside. 
I am not going to defend all the false allegations this sick individual has said.  And I am not looking for sympathy. Sympathy and a dollar will only buy you a cup of coffee.  

I am only posting this because I want you to be aware of the hate that exists with only a few.  99.9% of the members are really good people. It is the few, that for selfish reasons, do not want the truth exposed.  I will continue to provide a venue where the truth can be seen, talked about and shared, as long as I can. 

The comment in part....



  1. Sorry you have to be faced with this George. My comments are obviously contributing to this frustration in people that they can't prevent criticism or the truth being told.

    Most who object to the comments I make expect the Board to be beyond criticism, and can't handle the truth. The fact remains, that the BOT is an elected body of volunteers, who are not chosen as experts in anything in particular. They are bound by State law to conduct all community business transparently, which in this HOA, does not occur.

    There has been an improvement in that respect with Winegar as president, but the same practices of hiding information continue at their convenience. As with the resignation of Chris Chandler, I found out that he had submitted his resignation prior to the October meeting, but it was not announced at the meeting. We all know by now, that I was the candidate who received the most votes but was not elected, and so, was the obvious next appointment to the Board.

    Apparently the BOT discussed the vacancy in closed session and decided not to appoint me. This was never openly discussed by the BOT or any explanation offered. The covenants REQUIRE that the post be filled, but the Board chose not to follow the covenants. They didn't want to explain their obvious bias for controlling the community dialogue, beyond protecting their own fragile egos. 92 members voted for me out of about 277 voters who participated, and to ignore their wishes is obviously wrong.

    So long as there is disregard for proper procedures, criticism will be aimed at the Board, and the unwillingness to be honest and transparent verifies their preference for secrecy and disrespect for State mandated practices, which is in it's own way lawless behavior.

    When people behave badly in the public service they have been elected to, they deserve to be criticized and held accountable. In Surfside, the only way that can be done is through George's Blog. It can be heartless and inappropriate, unfortunately, but it is still the only place the truth will reliably be told. Sometimes it's hard to sort the complete crap from the statements of value, but this Blog serves an important niche so long as we have a rogue HOA that knows no bounds nor is willing to be accountable on all matters.

    But the fact remains, honest people will still dissent unfair governance, and threats or acts of violence won't prevent that happening.

  2. This is for sure the only medium for members to talk. In the words of my husbands dear sweet grandma. “ if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything”. This doesn’t mean science , but a courteous, informative dialogue! We have problems here and we need to work together to correct them. Thank you George for being here! Please excuse the hate that some have to spew, it’s not the majority!

  3. Wow, no wonder the coward was anonymous.

  4. obviously somebody who knows George and his history. That was a low blow. Karma will be looking for that person very soon, and it will sting him/her.

  5. I have held back from commenting lately as I knew folks didn't want to hear me rant about lights and butchered trees, but enough is enough! These vile comments against the blog host must stop. Members are entitled to their opinions and the American Way is freedom of speech. This right does not give permission to any person to make inflammatory and evil remarks to another person because you don't agree with their choice of candidate or view on a subject. This is the Christmas season and I'm praying that these comments will be taken back and an apology made to the host. Our situation in this HOA(bad as it is) doesn't entitle ANY MEMBER to speak poorly about a family member's passing because you don't like someone. I am urging this person to refrain from commenting on this blog and look deep in your soul if this is really how you wish to act. Lastly, I am sorry for the harassment you have suffered by a few members, George. Your intention from the beginning has been to inform the members of the business in SHOA. There are many that appreciate your work.

  6. Please know that we value and respect you, George. This person will get theirs, eventually. Karma will have the last word.

  7. Personally, any "ANONYMOUS" posters hostile comments get the same treatment from me as waste. I flush it or toss it in the trash. Just shows the COWARDICE of the person hiding behind the keyboard. In the end you Cowards will lose.

  8. The letter to George has Fred D. written all over it. He will deny, but his anger has been evident to many for some time.

  9. People who don't have their wits about them talk like that. If a person can't process information very well, their frustration jumps over to aggression. The capacity for civil discourse is not present. There are lots of reasons for this change in people we know. It could be chemical, mental, or just ignorance.

  10. Unfortunately Gary, many are fearful fo post their name because retaliation is a pattern with the GANG and surely you will be issued a covenant violation or drones flying over your property spying on you. These monsters have a way of getting even with anyone who crosses them. This is a fact! I agree that it is the cowards way not to sign your comment, but I also fear the GANG. FYI; Definition of gang: members of a group that claim control over community in illegal and possible violent behavior. JUST LOOK AT HOW BLOG HOST HAS BEEN TREATED. THEY HAVENT ASSAULTED HIM PHYSICALLY "YET".

  11. You deleted my post inquiring about why it was okay to accuse Fred deLeest of posting evil posts. Why is that? While some will take advantage of anonymous posting (like me)you need to face the fact that your policies contribute to the venom and unsubstantiated claims made here. You can't expect to have it both ways and if that seems like an attack on you accept the fact that you started the blog. You've stated many times that if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Sticks and stones George. And please stop with the nonsense about fearing for your personal safety. Hogwash. Who would risk jail or prison time for a physical attack on you? Your message is not worth it. In reality nothing is.

  12. Fed up is hilarious. Also troubling. Also paranoid. This is a fact.

  13. 2:12
    For Gods sake man, can't you give it a rest for a couple of days. It's Christmas.
