
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What are they hiding? updated 10/19/2019

Member request to the Board .

I received a reply to my request for information on 10/18/2019..I now have the list of committees, chairs and members. It contains their names, Email address and phone numbers. It took over three weeks and many back and forth Emails to get the information. 

 My simple request for information has been met with silence. In my 14 years here, on and off the Board, I have always been provided requested information. It has been done quickly and respectfully, UNTIL NOW.  Mr. Reber has been here long enough that he should be familiar with policy concerning correspondence.  Also of the right for members to have information.

I have sent all the members of the Board, the information below. I have to question if and why my request has been ignored.  The information requested should be available for all members on the "official Surfside web site.

Below are my two (2) requests for information. Below those is my member request to the entire Board that they instruct the General Manager to answer and provide the information.

Click on each of the 3 pages below for a larger read:

Date of Request: __10/09/2019_______________________________________________________________
Member’s Name: ____George Miller_____________________________________________________________
Surfside Address: _1302 324th Place_______________________________________________________________
Details of Request: _______________________________________________________________
____I request that the General Manager, Tom Reber, reply to my two (2) requests for information.  He has violated the Board policy for a reply within ten (10) business days. Attached are the two (2) requests I have made by Email.  Please advise him of the need to reply and furnish the requested information.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Member’s signature: ___George Miller___________________________________________________________
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
For office use only
Date received: __________________________________________________________________
Committee involved: _____________________________________________________________
Referral date: ___________________________________________________________________

By: ____________________________________________________________________________


  1. These people think they are a law unto themselves. There is no communication, as is required for all not for profits.

    How long will this blatant disregard for State law and RFC's be allowed to continue?

  2. The way I look at it, it's a waste of the GM's time to respond to malcontents.

  3. In response to 10:32: if you have nothing more productive to say on this blog, please refrain from your ASININE comments. The request from Mr Miller is very legitimate and within a member’s rights to appeal this information in a timely manner. To date, it appears this comedy act(BOD) has refused to indulge this information. All of these transactions are being dated and recorded for legal repercussions when the time comes.


  4. Good to hear! Clowns need to be held accountable!

  5. If it is so legitimate, why then did he not state the purpose for the request? Why does he need to know?

    Given the known fact that he likes to drive around to peoples properties unwanted I wouldn't give him any information either.

  6. If I were considering to be a volunteer on a committee, I would want to know who is on the committee and who is in charge. I would know who to talk with about being on that committee. Why would they not want us to know who is on a committee? Really makes me suspects that they are up to no good. A secrete committee makes no sense. If this is the way a committee works, it is easy to see why no one wants to be on one. We don't even know how many people are on a committee.

  7. What a load of bull. There are no "secret committees".

    I have a feeling you don't even want to be on a committee, but if it is true here's a suggestion. It is well published when committees meet. They are all open to all members to attend, so why not attend one and see who is there, talk with them and then decide if you want to be on it? Pretty simple.

    That is what a reasonable person would do.

  8. The only "load of bull", is yours. Well published? I don't think so. You can't even find up to date minutes and if you do, they are skimpy on facts. They are used more for biased personal agendas. The board gets a vague agenda out a day before their board meeting. Why are all the committee meetings held during the week. They should be held on Saturdays when the majority of members can be here to participate. They could all be done on a Saturday, one day a month. It's all about control, nothing else. Am I supposed to miss days of work to drive down there to see about a committee. I suppose "that is wahat a reasonable person would do"? I don't think so. A reasonable person would find the information on the web. A reasonable organization would provide that information.

  9. Good question 6:00. More than likely he wants a tally of how many people are J placers so he can do a whole topic on it.

    1. When so few people cause so much controversy, they are fair game.

  10. which few people of controversy are you speaking of, the ones on this blog who constantly post about trees, sheds, and so on? If so, I agree

  11. When so few people cause so much controversy ? The total blog post population? Not the readership as they make be substantial including me. You have to pay three or four bucks a pop for a supermarket rag to get as much entertainment (notice I DID NO SAY information) as you do here for free !!

  12. Way way more off than on.

  13. Well, considering the LACK of any info ANYWHERE else. I can see why it bothers you so much. So, YES, it serves a purpose.

  14. If you're going to attack me 6:22, at least get your facts straight. I said that committee meetings are well published, which they are. There is a calendar in every weekender with them on it.

    So my advice isn't for you since it is obvious that you are not a reasonable person and only want to complain and hate. So sit back with your tin foil hat on and continue to be you.

    1. No, we simply cannot support the unscrupulous actions of a highly questionable organization.

    2. 6:08 is James Clancy.
      Hey Clancy, you're not welcome on this blog. Take your BOT garbage off this blog.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
