
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Two Compliant Inspectors?

When we can't even keep one.

Now the General Manager want's two (2) proactive Compliance Inspectors> He is making a recommendation to be proactive?  He may be a hero of the Miss Peggy "hang um" bunch, but he sure is not of the members.  Years ago, the Board, when they had some common sense,  made complaints to be written only and proactive was out.  The thinking was that to be member friendly, only the violations that were serious enough for a written complaint, would be investigated.  They wanted to avoid the very thing we are seeing today....Harassment for personal agendas.

A note to the newbie General Manager. The members and the Board will decide on compliance, not you and your favorite committee. Rather than one full time inspector, you want two part time. One part time for written complaints and title clearings, is all that is needed, if that.  Here is a suggestion: Cut the GM pay to pay for the Inspector work that the GM should be doing.  The time you waste at a tree meeting could be better spent.

What this organization really needs, is a bunch of resignations, including Reber and the Olds and some competent people working for and with the members, rather than against. There just might be less for sale signs.

Click on each page to enlarge:



  1. Reasons for increased complaints given is an outright lie.

  2. Hey GM Reber:
    I say you take on the part time position along with NEW sap. Wouldn’t hurt for you to help the poor soul out dealing with the Kill Tree Committee broads.

    With the salary you are making, step up to the plate and help your fellow worker. Your pathetic suggestion for two WATCHDOGS is outrageous. Time to rein you in buddy with the open checkbook.

    At least all Laura wanted was a fortress to guard the office.

  3. They need a moat with gaiters and snakes around the office. If it's good enough for the US Prez, it should be fer us also. Cop guy can shoot any member in the leg who tries to cross.

  4. I don't understand. People come on here and complain about the HOA being member complaint driven. Now people are complaining because the HOA wants to end it by having a compliance person making sure people are following the covenants instead, something other HOA's do, thereby doing away with members complaints.

    So, it appears that people here want 2 things. To complain and live in a HOA without following the rules they agreed to when they bought here.

  5. That's correct 1004. a handful of complainers at best. Nobody is listening to them or even wants to.

  6. Prob is idiot, complaints are being written by the same person. He is part of the power structure, remove him n tree committee. N there would be no complaints

  7. Really 11:19?

    Newsflash. There are many complaints made that don't concern trees. If you would have attended the last board meeting you would have been aware of this instead of making a false statement that only shows it is you who is the idiot.

    1. Newsflash to you, 1132 - its still your crooked buddies on the same old Board trying to intrude into our lives even more.

      Anybody else tired of this crap? And before the inevitable 'then leave' statement, I am more inclined to sue. Good money to be made by those who move to end this foolishness.

  8. bet you won't sure 1236? all talk you are. Go take another bong hit.

  9. 104 - from your post, it looks like the bong is in other hands. Sober up.

  10. Newsflash 11: 32, more comprehension problems? Apparently you missed the first part of my statement. Trees only fill a part of his notebook.

  11. Want to end the complaints, it's easy. Trim your trees and follow the rules. If you don't like rules then you shouldn't buy into any HOA.

  12. If rules were followed by the bot, we wouldnt be in the trouble with wetlands, asbestos, etc. lead by example? I bought into what was supposed to be a well run organization. We don't always get what we were promised. I want a rebate,lol

  13. watch out 10:00 your post will be deleted soon

  14. We could save a lot of money by hiring a full time lawyer. He could fine and sue all the members. He could defend this POS and the crooks who run it. This is not an organization, it's a syndicate. We have a crooked water system that will end up being a part of North Beach. The supposedly GM needs to crawl back under the rock he came from. It has only got worse with his employment. You can than the Olds and daLeast for their great choice.

  15. Hey Fed Up, You are a SEXIST PIG. I'm assuming you are a man and I assume you are married. If so I pity the poor (probably cowering) brow beaten woman who married you.

  16. cool, new low blows, keep them coming.

  17. Hey, 1154, you are an insulting troll, regardless of gender.
