
Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Committee minutes Oct. 4, 2019

Click on the 2 page report once or twice to enlarge:


  1. I had a tree fall down in my house in strong winds so you all have to change for me and cut down or top your trees!!!
    Bow down before me and worship me insufferable jerks!!!

  2. I fully agree with Cox. Riley is a crazed weasel and he couldn't organize his sock drawer. I don't want anything to do with him.

  3. 4:21
    A Christmas tree blowing down inside your house does not count. It is only limited by the height of your ceiling. Your comment does not make much sense. As for Riley, he is of no significance to anyone or anything.

  4. 5:59 - I haven't called Riley a "crazed weasel". I have tried to be supportive of him, and then had him take offense at obscure things. I think he wants to connect to others and do positive things but tends to blow the connections he makes by misunderstanding people's comments and talking behind people's backs. He has some challenges that are unique to him and his life experience, and I wish him well. But he has made me angry at times, so I understand other's reactions.

    It doesn't accomplish anything worthwhile to belittle others, and I can stand to remind myself at times. But he hasn't been able to accept my having different opinions than his, and I don't consider that MY problem.

  5. You've been trolled you stupid fool 6:29!!!
    Merry Christmas lol.

  6. 10:12 - And the point is ? You are the fool for wasting space and people's time.

  7. From the looks of thsese minutes, it would appear Miss Peggy is running the HOA. Who is going to tell Tom he has been replaced? Well she should have a good view from her office, provided we build a very high altar.

  8. Looks like Tom has been replaced by Ms Olds and her gang. Who is going to tell Tom he is no longer needed. I hope she has a good view from the office!

  9. They appear they will stop at nothing. The whole expense of the survey to get at the over height trees on the south end of Sea breeze lake is because the committee chairwoman lives on 345th and J which directly overlooks South Sea Breeze lake. Good job Peggy you have benefited yourself at everyone else expense.

  10. Why does the phrase 'proactive compliance' bring a chill to the back of my neck?

    Yet another power grab by the J placers and special interest groups? Otherwise known as the board?

    At what point will this organization dissolve under the weight of its own stupidity? Can't wait.

  11. How much money was spent to survey the South part of Sea Breeze lake. It seems to me it only benefited Peggy Olds the Chairwomen. Her house sits at 345 & J Place directly overlooking the South of Sea Breeze Lake. Good job Chairwomen you cost all of us a lot of money for your own personal benefit. What a sham

  12. Isn’t it a conflict of interest as Ms Olds and her group come up with changes to covenants and policies and then have her husband pass them through the Board as a member of said Board?

  13. Just wondering? There is now a vacancy on the Board, will the Board follow past precedence and appoint the next highest vote getter to the position? I know they postponed it the last time to try and give it an air of legitimasy, but still appointed Mr. Olds before the next election. Much of case law is built on precedence,, it behooves the Board to follow their own precedence, and swiftly as there are many difficult issues currently facing the Board and a balanced cross section of the community must be represented, unlike the current situation.

  14. I am not aware of a vacancy on the Board. I have been told there is, but can't confirm it. I sent an Email to Mr. Reber asking if there was a vacancy well over a week ago, with no response. So much for openness and transparency.

  15. What is the status of Mr. Chandler?

  16. mr chandler resigned a week or so ago. There is a vacancy on the board. They are going to have just eight trustees until the next election. Mr Cox has made his bed with many derogatory words and name calling of a few board members so he will never get on the board this year,

  17. So let me get this straight-the Board thought it was OK to put Mr Olds on the Board because he was, at that particular time, the last highest vote getter, even though his connection with his wife’s Committee should have given cause to ponder his appointment. Yet this same group now refuses to carry out this same policy because Mr Cox exercises his First Amendment right to free speech? This is not a dictatorship, we live in a Democracy. You high and mighty Board members are not above the Constitution, you ARE guilty of blatant, now provable, discrimination. The law tells us that your action represents a prosecutable offense and I would strongly encourage Mr. Cox to take each of you to court and solicit funds tin order to sue not the HOA, but each individual Board member. He has an iron clad case of discrimination and you each are liable. There are many folks in our Country that I take umbrage with, but they have the Constitutional right to freedom of speech if not criminal, and Mr Cox’s are not in any way criminal, because this is a free country, not a totalitarian body. This is a basic tenet of our country, the one you choose to live in and abide by the laws. You are and all others are not above the law!

  18. 5:00.... The Board knows that I am unwilling to buy into their platform of "law and order", as their contention that the community is rife with non-compliance is a bunch of contrived nonsense. It's all about more control through intimidation. They also want to create a distraction for the members, to scare them away from asking too many questions.

    They are pissing away vast sums of money on frivolous legal spending as part of their contrived "pro-active enforcement" plan, concentrating on increasing enforcement pressure primarily in their ridiculous Tree Height enforcement, stepping-up pressure by increasing fines and making threats of further legal actions over trivial "issues".

    Meanwhile, Board mismanagement led to legal entanglements with the County, State and Federal regulatory agencies, huge fines on Asbestos mishandling, improper permitting on the Water Dept. CTP and Warehouse, and more fines and mandatory mitigation for building without permits in a wetland. It is thought that the HOA will have to agree to buy offsite land to be turned into wetlands, as a State required mitigation plan, at a cost of $90,000/acre, probably requiring 3 acres. So the membership is likely to have to finance the mitigation at a cost of $270,000.

    All information indicates that Trustee Clancy is solely responsible for taking independent action in the permitting, resulting in over a year of limbo at the Water Dept., and an uncertain future.

    The Board has never openly admitted to these very serious matters that developed a year ago last June/July, and the most recent conflict with the County/State was the result of a rogue action by Clancy to set up a meeting with the State without BOT approval. He failed to make the meeting, and a fine was levied on Surfside of $1000/day, intended to begin Oct. 1st. Bill Neil and Larry Raymer were able to delay the fines by meeting with the officials on Oct. 1st.. Further negotiations have been in the works.

    The Board doesn't want to share this information with the members, though they are required to make it public, and they don't want to have the membership think they have any right to know what they're spending all of this member money on. State RCWs make it law that these matters are public domain, and that owners deserve to know what their money is being spent on.

    That's why they don't want to let me on the BOT. They know I won't stand for their secretive operations, lack of honesty, or ongoing stonewalling. The matters that are not to be member knowledge are limited to private member or employee issues. It's quite simple really.

    Fear of transparency and honesty is why they are keeping Mr. Chandler's resignation under wraps. It seems in these Trumpian days, anything goes, but the way they're supposed to as set by precedent.

  19. By the way, Mr Cox was duly elected to the position due to the fact that the membership gave him enough votes that he was indeed the next in line. I believe there was another fairly recent time when the Board executed their “next in line” policy, but did so rapidly rather than waiting a year s they did with Mr. Olds. That yearlong wait was a sham as Mr. Olds was already an ex post facto a member of the Board , just not sitting at the table during meetings. I may be inaccurate but I believe that earlier “next I; line” appointed person is the current President of the Board. I

  20. I think prior to Olds, it was Deb Blagg. I may be wrong.

  21. Please refer any more comments on this Board Vacancy issue to the current where is the truth? posting. The last several comments have been re-posted there. Thank you.
