
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Help Wanted

Covenant Compliance Inspector/Administrator ...

Here we go again, and each time some thing is added to the title  Started out as Compliance Officer.  What's next?  Office Administrator and General Manager?...

The job description left out several factors..
Tree complaints will be priority number 1...
Everyone will be your boss, especially the obnoxious Tree Committee.
Priority number one is to fine them quickly.
Tree complaints are priority number 1.
Fairness is not a requirement.  If you state fairness on your application it will be a minus 10 points.
Learn to say.."YES Miss Peggy"  10 point plus score...
You will be trained by an untrained Compliance whatever.
You must accept the blame for everything.
You will be expected to be pro active even though it was never made official.
Tree complaints are priority number 1.
You need to be able to jump high on command. When ordered to jump, you must respond.."how high?"
Good luck, you are going to need it.

Oh yes, almost forgot, tree complaints are the number one priority followed by sheds and RV violators. Harass those low life violators. Your motto is..."Us against them".

Click on the plea for help below, as posted in the current Chinook Observer, once or twice for a larger read:


  1. Who in their right mind would want this job? Oh.Miss Peggy.

  2. Why not cut the cra- and just turn the compliance over to the tree committee.

  3. Why not pressure all members towards complying with the covenants? Those who persist in ignoring or flagrantly violating the covenants are not the type of members or residents that we want in Surfside. We want a peaceful, attractive, inviting, friendly and fair community with members who will cooperate with the rules of the community.

  4. Sounds good to me, I'm going to apply,the extra money will work out fine. There's plenty of violators to keep me busy.

    I'll be good at it, I don't live on J, I promise to be fair. I can take Ms. Piggy's crap.

  5. opps, I meant Ms. Peggy, sorry

  6. Is it required to be able to apply lipstick? How about kissing? Big kisses.

  7. That Ad sure leaves a bad impression of Surfside, prospective buyers would have second thoughts.

  8. No surprise that the NEW Compliance person is already gone! No question George, that he crossed someone who is running the show in SHOA. I met this guy in August and he told me first hand how thankful he was for the STUMP COMMITTEE. They made his job much easier and really helped him out! Gag me!!! Be prepared for his replacement. Pathetic state of affairs in Surfside. It only gets worse! Dissolution is the only remedy at this point.

  9. Nowhere in our covenants does it say that the HOA has the right to demand owners allow the inspection of their property. Part of the BOT's recent approval of the Transfer Fees, is that anyone intending to sell their Surfside property must submit to an HOA inspection of their property before the HOA will sign-off on the sale.

    First, they want to charge a fee of $200 for the inspection/Transfer of title, which should be seen as one of the primary HOA office functions we as members ALREADY pay for.

    Second, they want to demand owners allow a closing inspection, when our dues and assessments also pay for community enforcement efforts - 24/7. The purpose of allowing the HOA to sign-off on the title change is merely to establish that the owner has NO outstanding compliance matters previously issued and pending resolution, and is in no way indebted to the HOA. It is a simple matter of checking the HOA records.

    The HOA has no valid excuse for insisting on an inspection on a property that has no pending compliance issues. Many properties NEVER receive ANY compliance notices, so there isn't any basis for stalling an owner's sale for a bogus inspection, done in HOPES of finding something to take issue with.

    Owners need to refuse to allow this intrusive crap that is a money grab and a power trip. Our documents do not provide for HOA demands to SEARCH our property for marginal stuff to take issue with, or to allow HOA interference with our purchase or sale of Surfside realty. A $50 charge for title transfer is more than adequate. They even want to charge a fee of $100 to change the title to a family member. This needs owner resistance and action at the Annual Meeting.

    1. Wow! I’m so glad we closed on the sale of our property yesterday without any intrusive inspections or fees. Good riddance to the SHOA!!

  10. They want a compliance person with qualifications and responsibilities that require a higher education degree. This at a minimum wage?

    Many of these duties should be done by the General Manager. What are we paying him for at a salary of 85,000.00 a year? He, like the former Business Manager, does not work over 40 hours a week. You expect people on a salary to work over 40 hours.

    We need to return the GM position to an Office manager position and be paid hourly. He should punch in and out on a time clock. Bet he also got a 3% raise or more, and for what? More wasted member money.

  11. I wish you the best in your new adventures, Deb. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your retirement at your new place.

    1. Thank you for that. We found the right place for us with a community that is welcoming and friendly. Yes, we have an HOA, but the Board listens, is fair has the best interests of all members at heart. We have a beautiful resort with a gorgeous 7 acre lake with a dock & boats, tall pine trees, a swimming pool & gym, pickleball courts, mini golf, a laundry room, clubhouse, arts & crafts center, game room, clean water, a community septic system, garbage and cable TV all included in our HOA dues. We have electricity, propane and community internet at a small charge. The community is diverse and neighborly. We have great workampers who keep the grounds looking beautiful with colorful flowers & landscaping. We look out for each other instead of fighting against one another. We are grateful for such a nice PNW home base. On our property we have two sheds (one with a washer/dryer & fridge) and are having a 20’x40’ RV cover built this winter. We have our own website and bulletin board, a buddy club, monthly social activities and our annual meeting & HOA meetings always have a huge turnout. Instead of forcing trees to be cut down, we have to get permission to remove healthy trees!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. 814 - you are truly the type of jerk that makes this backwater association the dysfunctional POS it is.

  14. The only person who's a POS and a jerk is YOU 8:59.

  15. No surprise and no question that you're full of hate 10:01.

    From what I heard the guy stepped down for personal reasons, not for what all the conspiracy folks are saying. If people did know I would hope they would realize how insensitive their remarks are. But that would require empathy, something most on here are lacking.

  16. 814 & 950 - regressing to childhood insults is a definite symptom. Please contact your closest mental health professional, before the guys with the butterfly nets come.

  17. Glad you've found your happy place Deb. Best wishes.

  18. Another great example of a Functional HOA. Thank you for illustrating so well what we do not have!

  19. I honestly think that dysfunction is a predominant aspect of most HOAs. Many people are attracted to the often poorly defined authority wielded by HOA Boards, wanting to take undue advantage of the typically disengaged membership.

    A trapping is in establishing enforcement guidelines. Are the rules and restrictions well grounded in matters that can have a seriously negative impact on the entire community, or do they represent a special interest wish list ?

    Creating obscure restrictions and special interest rules such as Surfside's Tree Policy, is assurance that there will be conflict over enforcement, and that translates to a lack of overall happiness for the members. The fewer rules and restrictions the better, yet a basic core of values can still be promoted. But less conflict translates to a more engaged community, and more overall happiness.

    Surfside is in a pickle right now, faced with very expensive and complicated resolution of the Water Dept. permitting, and a BOT that has shown great disrespect for State requirements that mandate HOA transparency of their actions and expenditures. There is an element on the Board that wants to create more restrictive standards, harsher enforcement, mandatory fines, and the pursuit of Superior Court lawsuits over trifles.

    After years passing without significant covenant changes, (yet constant conflict and opposition to the Tree restrictions), the BOT decided to add a covenant restriction on SHED EAVES !! This is so ridiculous it is as if it were pulled out of a Trustee's backside. Now the BOT has approved a $200 Transfer fee and mandatory inspection, in place of a 10 minute review of an owner's records.

    These foolish adversarial restrictions do not arise out of an obvious need or "problem" in the community at large, and are power-driven meant to intimidate the membership, and satisfy the "law and order" righteous who claim to know better than ourselves, what we NEED. This is a common downfall of HOAs, flourishing in Surfside.

  20. I agree Steve. You clearly point out the problem, which most of us already know. The question is, what is the solution? The blog has done the same thing, pointing out the problems.

    Will getting more truthful information to the members help? We have a board that appears to not want full and transparent information available to the members. They do not want their incompetence and special interest exposed. They have been successful at that. We need someone, such as yourself, who will lead a public in your face movement.

    A Save Surfside movement is needed to counter the Protect surfside status quo J Place gang. They need to be exposed in public, not just on a blog that only reaches a few. Enough talk, it is time for action.

    Thanks for your exposing the truth. It just not reach enough members.

  21. I agree that the Blog doesn't reach enough members - yet it is easily accessed. Because George has a lot of friends and contacts in Surfside, he is often privy to information about the HOA that is not common knowledge. But it is apparent that most owners never visit the site.

    1:12 - You say that "most of us already know what the problems are ". Who is the "us" you speak of ? I'm not convinced that most of the members ARE aware of Surfside's problems, or care. Members don't vote, and are afraid to visit the Blog for fear of hearing the truth, which is consistently not as rosey as the picture offered by the HOA. My candidate's statement in the June "Surf-In-Sider" told owners about the Asbestos Debacle and Water Dept. permitting issues (instead of personal stuff), as well as huge fines and a Federal Investigation.

    The "Surf-In-Sider" is sent to the entire membership. You would figure that owners who read my statement would have been compelled to vote, wouldn't you ? Or attend the Annual Meeting with questions about this stuff ? There were fewer ballots cast in this election than in 2018 by about 50 votes or more. Attendance at the meeting was the usual 100 or so.

    I think we have to assume that owners don't even READ the bi-annual newsletter. When people are willing to WORK at ignoring the serious issues facing this community, and choose ignorance and apathy over engagement and action - or at least curiosity - there's nothing short of a complete community meltdown is going to get these member's attention.

    I just turned 68 years old. I don't see it as my duty to try and create a resistance movement out of this lifeless membership. Such profound apathy puts us all in a very vulnerable position, and that's right what the majority on the BOT prefer. It's working out great for the crazed Tree-toppers, and the Trustees in love with creating lawsuits and ridiculous restrictions.

    The community has a lot going for it, if you get rid of the useless adversarial policies, focus on sound principles that benefit the entire community, avoid legal conflict wherever possible, and elect Trustees who do not require their egos be constantly stroked. Power trips knowingly create victims.

    I admit to finding writing on the Blog to be therapeutic, where I don't think I can do much to actually change anything. The Solution to bad governance is electing unselfish and capable Trustees. There are a few who should speak up right now, but don't. You can't build a movement for positive change with apathy.

  22. Thanks, even tho you paint a sad picture. Maybe we should just continue to be whistle blowers to the state and feds. Maybe they will do the work for us of ending this illegal farce of an HOA. It might nor take a vote of the membership at all.

  23. One good lawsuit by those exposed to asbestos will shut this place down, just a matter of time.

  24. Anyone who comes on here for "therapy" needs some of the professional variety.

    Living here, walking the beach and enjoying the view is all the therapy I need.

  25. forgot to mention smoking a big fat doobie while walking on the beach!

  26. Didn't think I had to 12:42. It's a given.
