
Monday, September 23, 2019

We Can Do It

We must do it!.....

This blog will be working with the Arbor Day Foundation in providing information for a "Green Community" It is time for our Surfside HOA to become a part of the solution, rather than a part of the problem.

Our tree topping policy covenant is destroying our community and making us weaker, rather than stronger.  Read below what the Arbor Day Foundation has to say.

Building Stronger Communities

Community trees are a critical element of urban life. In addition to providing natural beauty, these trees reduce air pollution, lower urban temperatures, help to manage stormwater runoff, improve the health and well-being of residents, reduce crime, and bolster community pride.
But between urbanization and increasingly destructive natural disasters, many cities and towns no longer have the trees they need. We must act to green communities worldwide and ensure that everyone has access to the benefits trees provide.